?Part 32?

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"I AM SO EXITED!" Yen yelled in the car sitting on the back while vkook in front.

"Me too!" Taehyung said as he saw jungkook driving

"Only two hours more and we'll be there!" Taehyung said looking at the GPS

"Yes we'll have a lot of fun right?" The goldie asked like a curious little child
"Yes just like we did on kook's birthday!" Taehyung said as yen went into the flashback of that day

Flashback to 01/09/20xx

"Happiest birthday my happiness!" Yen hugged jungkook wishing him right exact at 12:00

"Thank you so much baby" the flirters greet eachother sweetly.

All of a sudden jungkook's phone began to ring as a lot of notifications popped up. "Kook let's go" goldie said to jungkook.

The principle arranged a huge birthday party for jungkook at the university hall like always.

They both entered the hall and the crowd began to sing happy birthday to him.

Jungkook's outfit and hairs

Jungkook's outfit and hairs

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Vmin's outfit

Vmin's outfit

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Yen's outfit

The party was going awesome and enjoy full

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The party was going awesome and enjoy full. Jungkook cut the cake and fed to the principal aka his aunt,vmin then yen

Everything was going well until Taehyung reached yenkook and said
"Ooh black and white you both look like wedding bride and groom" he laughed at his own joke

"Well,tae,you and i are also wearing black and white" goldie said as Taehyung spoke "uhh i gotta go my grate granny is calling me!"

"GIFT TIME!" Everyone came ahead and gave jungkook their presents. He thanked all of them nicely.

Now the last but not the least came ahead. "Happy birthday once again!" She,his muffin handed him a box covered with shiny colour

He took it and gave her a long sweet hug. "I love you." Only jungkook could hear his own sentence

Soon the little dance ball started and almost all the students began to dance. All the ladies were asking jungkook to dance with them even though they know they'll get rejected because jungkook will only dance with the love of his life and they were pretty sure they weren't

"Kook?" Yen called out with hope in her voice "yes muffin" he replied staring at her

"W-will you dance with me?" She asked with a huge smile on her face
"I'm sorry muffin....i-i can't"

Before yen could reply taehyung came and forcefully but friendly took yen with him for a dance.

They were dancing slowly but goldie seemed no interested. "Dummy!" Taehyung called out

"Huh?" Yen came out of her dream replying. "You said I'm a hottie right?!" Taehyung asked

"Uhh yes?" She replied
"You're getting a chance to dance with this hottie so enjoy!" He flexed the power of his visuals and made yen's mind change.

Some helpers came and took all the gifts to their dorm. "So kook how many gifts did you get?" Yen asked

"Not much only 85 i guess" he replied fixing his chain. "How are those many gifts going to fit in our dorm?!" She asked

"We'll keep it in the hall and I'll clear it before two days" he confirmed

"What?! It'll take a week to open all those gifts" yen said "I'm not gonna open them! Aunt will do" he said

The golden haired girl felt sad thinking about that.

They both reached the dorm late night all tired. Jungkook went towards the section where all the gifts were kept and started finding something.

"Kook what are you searching for?" Yen asked. "Where is your gift?!" He said sesrching hard

"But why? You said you won't open"

"I said I won't open their gift not yours muffin!" After a little searching he finally found the box wrapped shining

He quickly opened it as his eyes met with a beautiful silver bracelet. The purple haired boy took it out and wore it

"It looks grate on you kook" yen softly spoke staring at the beautiful hand

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"It looks grate on you kook" yen softly spoke staring at the beautiful hand.
"I agree,thank you,muffin. I will never remove this bracelet " He said

From that day jungkook never removed the bracelet yen gifted him.

Flashback end


End of this chapter

I'll probably update after my results come! It will come within a week,i hope!

Wish me luck 😭

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