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Chapter 39

Mo Di hung up the phone with a heavy heart.

He could not ascertain if Zhao Chun Cheng had ulterior motives but he was definitely suspicious.

Also …

If Zhao Chun Cheng wanted to harm him, what would he do to his shampoo and thermos? Poison? Or sulfuric acid?!

Mo Di pondered for two seconds before turning off the surveillance and opened a well-known online shopping site. He searched for a camera that was less inconspicuous as it could be bought easily without Mu Tian Heng’s help.

Later that night, when Mo Di was almost done with the new game’s details and script, only then did Mu Tian Heng came back.

“Sorry I came back late today.” Mu Tian Heng rubbed Mo Di’s hair gently. “Have you had dinner yet? How about I take you out for supper?”

“I’ve eaten. Brother, are you particularly busy lately?” Mo Di could clearly see that Mu Tian Heng was tired. There were even dark circles under his eyes.

“It is quite a busy time. To stabilize the company here, a little hard work is inevitable.” Mu Tian Heng took a look at the time and said: “Would you like to go out for supper with me?”

“Brother, you haven’t had dinner, right? It’s not good to always eat out. Let me make you something to eat.” Mo Di put aside his laptop, wanting to go to the kitchen but was stopped by Mu Tian Heng.

Mu Tian Heng was beaming when he looked at Mo Di, “No need. I’ll do it myself. There’s also takeout. You’re busy working on your games recently. There’s rarely a free day so you should have more rest.”

“I’m not tired, and cooking for my brother is even less tiring. This can be considered as my break.” Mo Di insisted. “Brother, you have not tasted my cooking yet. I’m a pretty good cook as well. I’ll give you a try today.”

That said, Mo Di bent down to pick up the furball that was circling around Mu Tian Heng’s feet and put it in his arms. “Brother, you keep Suan Suan accompanied. Just leave the kitchen to me. You can’t object, and you can’t help either, otherwise, Suan Suan will be unhappy.”

A storm was raging in Mu Tian Heng’s heart as he looked at Mo Di’s little domineering attitude and the decree that was for his own good. He reached to touch Mo Di’s hair and said: “Alright. When my family’s little one is this ferocious, I really dare not go against him. I’ll obey.” 

Mo Di’s face was heated, he gave a slight cough, “I’ll go to the kitchen then .”

But when he turned to leave, Mu Tian Heng was following behind him.

“Didn’t you promise not to help in the kitchen?” Mo Di frowned. “You can’t just turn back on your words.”

“I meant what I said. I’m just going to admire our little Mo Di’s valiant skills.” Mu Tian Heng looked at Mo Di fondly. “If you can’t even approve my tiny request then it’s just too pitiful for me.”

“Wh…what’s there to pity? How can that word even be used in this situation?” Mo Di’s temperature increase, he dared not look directly at Mu Tian Heng. He turned around and strode off, stuttering: “If…if you want to watch th… then go ahead.”

Mu Tian Heng witnessed Mo Di’s shyness and couldn’t help but smiled and shook his head. He then followed him at a leisure pace.

His little one was just too amusing to tease. How cute.

Mo Di only made three dishes: stir-fried lotus root, braised chicken wings, and fish-flavored tofu. Each dish was full of fragrance and mouth-watering colors. 

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