This is the story of an alternate universe where Gotham is a Supernatural city full of Vampires and Batman is a Vampire Hunter.
The story starts with Batman walking through an alleyway and narrating " Thirty years ago I along with my parents was going through this same alleyway happily until a group of Vampires attacked us and everything changed. Three shocking things happened to me that day : I lost my loving parents, they turned into Vampires after getting bitten and I also found out that Wayne family was secretly Vampire Hunter hunting family. I was also gonna get bitten,but my family's loyal friend Alfred saved me. He was also a vampire hunter. He trained me, but his training wasn't enough so I travelled around the earth, studied in best institutions and trained for ten years. Finally, I earned the title of Batman: The Greatest Vampire Hunter and now I am saving lives by curing Vampires of Gotham City."
FanfictionBatman: The Greatest Vampire Hunter faces against Morbius the living vampire in an alternate universe