Chapter 1.

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Agoti's POV.

I've been grounded for a whole ass week because my dad found out that I snuck out of the house again! But I'm a 20 yr old man now and I can do whatever the hell I want! Hell Aldryx gets to do whatever the hell he likes and I can't?! That's bullshit!

I flopped down on the living room couch annoyed and grabbed the remote to flip channels on the TV but that quickly ended when Aldryx took it from me, I looked up frustrated and tried reaching for the remote "Give it back Al or I swear I'll fuck you up.." I threaten as I was almost so close to grabbing the remote before it quickly being pulled away from me.

"Sorry bro but your gonna have to watch TV somewhere else because me and Tabs were gonna watch something tonight" Aldryx didn't really have an expression on his face so it was kinda hard telling about how he felt about the situation, I sit there for a moment as I stared into the TV for a little while before looking back at Aldryx "Tabs? Wait isn't he that guy that-" "That you were friends with before you got put into the void? Yeah that's him" he said and huffed before sitting beside me "You know you two were pretty close friends until you disappeared" he said as he leaned back against the couch resting his arms behind him.

I frowned and looked away from him almost guilty about it "Yeah we were pretty close..not sure what really happened.." I said a bit downed about it, I didn't really understand why I was so upset about it even though I barley remember the guy, it felt like I was in that void for years..I felt a hand on my shoulder and quickly got out of my thoughts. I knew it was Aldryx but I didn't bother looking at him "Maybe you two could fix it? Have a new start or some shit" he nudged me and I could tell he had a smirk on his face just from how my gut was feeling, I swear that bastard is something else..

Me and Aldryx sat and chatted for a little while before we heard a knock at the door, I tensed up a bit and was about to get up off the couch to my room before I was shoved back down "No your not going anywhere little bro, I think it's about time you start acting social again" Aldryx walked to the door and gave me a smile before opening the door, I looked away from the door as I felt my body stiffen. It felt weird having a stranger I barley remember coming into my home but not only that but me and this person were really close friends too..

I heard Aldryx say something but I didn't really pay much mind to it except for when the stranger spoke, his accent was thick and it sounded..Russian? No..maybe..
I was lost in the thought before someone sat down beside me making me jump a bit and make an embarrassing sound that I thought would never come out of my mouth. I turned my head to see Aldryx looking at me surprised and about to start laughing his ass off at the same damn time, I felt my face burn up in embarrassment and roughly hit his shoulder making him laugh a bit rubbing his shoulder.

I groaned in frustration and went to get up before directly making eye contact with the stranger making me freeze in place and just stare at him. God damnit say something!! "What? Your acting like you've seen a ghost Agoti.." The stranger spoke and that accent started to sound more familiar to me, it felt weird hearing my name come out of his mouth but I guess it's better then nothing right? I stayed quiet for a moment as Aldryx made that 'Are you gonna something?' look and I didn't know really what to say "Yeah I'm good! Its just uh..weird to see you again!" I said and I automatically regretted saying it because I don't remember this guy at all and here I am saying this shit!

Tabi gave me a strange look before slowly nodding his pupils shifting a bit into smaller ones "Right..well it's great to see you too" he sat down and I could tell he was as nervous as I was but he seemed rather upset too. I mean of course he always hung out with my brother at our house but I always upstairs playing Minecraft when they'd hang out so Tabi never saw me so it wasn't really that weird. Right?

I quickly sped walked out of the living and upstairs to my room before quietly shutting the door before letting out a long sigh of relief, I slid my back against the door and sat down onto the ground as I tried processing everything that happened my head hurts like a bitch and it feels like all my memories are coming back all at once and it doesn't feel good at close were we?..
Were we like best friends or more than that? I never really seen myself dating a guy, I always found women really damn attractive but I also have tons of magazines of naked girls under my bed and sometimes I do masturbate to them but only when I'm home alone and that's rare.

I took a few deep breaths before sitting up off the floor and over to my bed, I flopped down on top of it and whined a bit from how hard my face smacked up against my pillow. I sit up a bit rubbing where the pillow smacked me before hearing footsteps coming to my door. Man I'm really not in the mood to be dealing with this crap right now..
I waited to see if they'd knock and they did and off the bat I knew who it was after hearing that damn accent "Hey Agoti, hate to bother you but your brother said you had something of his in your room but he didn't specifically say what it was.." I groaned realizing what he was meaning and sighed "Come in but shut the door behind you, don't want the cold air escaping my room"

There was a pause at the door before seeing the door slowly open and yeah I was right, it was the same guy who I seen downstairs, goat skull for a head and short with bright yellow eyes that could probably stare into your soul. He shut the door behind him and stood by the door awkwardly, yeah I could tell this was probably gonna be a damn train wreck. I got up from my bed and walked over to my desk digging through my drawers to find an electric cord, I struggled for a little bit before eventually finding it and walking over to hand it to him "Here this should be what he's wanting and if not well he's just gonna have to deal with it"

Tabi nodded and went to grab the charger as I felt his hand brush up against mine, I felt my face heat up again as I started to feel my tail wag through my pants making me slightly panic, he must have noticed how my pants shifted and looked at me a bit weird. I grew embarrassed and quickly shoved him out of my room "Okie you have what you need now get out!" I yelled as I opened the door shoving him into the hallway before slamming the door. I growled in frustration and heard my tail moving in the fabric of my pants and God was it uncomfortable!

I moved my pants down enough for my tail to escape my pants and it was wagging everywhere, I was so confused on why I feeling like this and I haven't wagged my tail since I was just a little kid! Jesus fucking Christ on a stick!!
I grabbed my tail trying to make it stop but it didn't seem it'd be stopping any time soon..great..

I flopped back down on my bed and tightly hugged my pillow as I just let my tail wag hoping it'd calm down soon but why'd it feel so good when his hand touched mine? It gave me butterflies and made me feel like a teenage boy simping over a hot cheerleader or some shit but fuck did it feel nice..
I started to get lost in my thoughts again as I slowly stared to drift off a bit eventually falling asleep on my stomach, definitely gonna be bitching about that later...


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