Chapter 3.

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Agoti's POV.

I woke up when I felt something cold and hard smack me in the face making me wake up a bit annoyed, I slightly opened my eyes seeing a pair of horns facing my direction which what I was assuming what was pressed up against my face fucking stabbing into my soul. I was confused at first until I remembered what happened last night and jolted my ass up off the couch.

I ended up landing on the ground when I fell off the couch and cried out in pain as my tail was being crushed between my fat ass and the floor, I slowly got up in pain and whimpered to himself before looking over to meet a sleeping goat passed out on the couch. I was gonna make my escape and go to my room before I heard giggling, really fucking annoying giggling..

I turned my head to see Aldryx with the biggest grin on his stupid face and dude did I want to just suffocate his ass and throw his body in a ditch just to be left there for fun "The hell are you giggling about stupid?" I said with bitterness in my voice, he continued to grin at me before his eyes went down to Tabi. Shit.

"Seems you already know" his tone was knowing and this really pissed me off because I know for a fact his ass is gonna snitch on me. I was silent as I clenched my hands into fists looking down to try to avoid any eye contact with him "It wasn't like that Aldryx, I was just helping a bro out.." "Oh so you two are friends now?" I got silent again and tried thinking of an excuse but I couldn't. The silence grew uncomfortably before shuffling was heard from the couch, I look over to seeing Tabi sitting up and groaning a bit from being disturbed.

He paused for moment before looking over at both of us confused "The hells going on?" He asked, his accent sounding deep and very fucking hot.


Now's not the time to be getting a morning boner right now..

Aldryx opened his mouth to say something but I quickly grabbed the TV remote from the coffee table and threw it at him smacking his stupid ass in the face. I let out a laugh as Aldryx rubbed his face in pain and I just folded my arms to my chest feeling damn proud of myself. Tabi didn't get an answer but took that as a sign of something probably stupid happened between the two.

Tabi fixed his position on the couch and rested his arms on his lap just sitting there silently. Almost awkwardly. I wasn't sure what to do after sleeping with the guy, even if he had remembered or not it was still weird. I decided to sit next to him but I sat on the far end of the couch keeping my distance from him, I looked over at him and he looked upset.

I was silent for a moment not knowing what to say before just deciding to say whatever came to mind "You look sad dude, everything good?" I asked trying to maybe lighten up the mood. I didn't get a response at first as he looked over at me for a second before moving his gaze back to the TV "Im fine, just tired is all" that felt like a fucking lie and nobody lies to me. Even I can't stand lying to myself!

I frowned slightly as I looked away from him not liking the answer he gave me knowing it was fake as hell. Okie so I'll admit talking to this guy isn't easy as it looks and I know for a damn fact he won't open up until you probably force it out of him but I'd rather keep my head intact. I don't have any idea how I was so close bonded with this guy but I must have worked my ass off for it because this dude is a dick and just seems to shut everybody out from what my brother told me.

Usually I wouldn't give two shits about someone's feelings but seeing Tabi upset makes me feel sick to the pit of my stomach and I don't like it. Maybe Aldryx was right about him?


Sorry this is short and late! I keep forgetting I have stories on Wattpad that aren't finished but I promise there will be more soon!

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