You think i'm a mess?

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You think i'm a Mess? U think I'm a mess because I'm not normal than the other kids?
Maybe I AM not like other girls, not loving boys and wearing a dress and some pink lipstick, I'm that girl who is what she always want to be!

You think I'm a mess because I like boys and girls? Nahh I'm not, I just say what I like, I'm confidence and I really don't care what ya'll think that's all

But you know what? I AM a mess
I'm also the girl who sat in the psychiatry for moths and tried to kill herself, did drugs and gotten drunk every day .
I sat on the floor like a normal girl, looked like a normal girl, but there was a bottle, a bottle full of sleeping pills, maybe if I go to another universe there isn't this fucking rule to be normal!

yes I am, I fucking didn't know what to do, I looked at this bottle, I looked at my body, who is full of scars and that's not that what I wanted, so I fucking grab the bottle and took them
I took more and more..
My mum found me, I got into an ambulance and in the psychiatry.
You think I'm a mess?
Yes, I am
Yes, I am not normal
And yea I like this feeling

But also not.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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