Backstage Talk

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Eunmin POV:

"Ms. Song, you're up in 8 minutes. Make sure to make your way backstage as soon as your makeup is done, alright?" Manager Kim said quickly wandering aimlessly around the room, checking one final last time that everything was all in order before he left.

"Since I have to leave urgently for personal reasons, our new assistant Jinyeol here will replace me as manager for today."

Violet slowly turned her head around to where the manager was speaking from. A unknown short brunette girl in the corner of the room beside the clothing rack caught her eye, with her radient blue cardigan and thin round glasses but mainly because she had her hand already raised above her shoulder to indicate she was the new assistant he was talking about.

"I will try my best today!"

 Violet automatically smiled back at her, showing her her famously-loved gummy smile"I know you will".

In the meantime she was getting her makeup done so she had to turn back around before her makeup artist, Mr. Lee, politely mumbled, again, about her constantly twisting her chair around.

"Done" the makeup artist declared as loud as possible while he turned her gently around "good luck!"

1..2..3..Hwaiting (Fighting)!!


To Violet, walking on the stage was the most terrifying but also the single most exciting thing in the world. Music was what she loved and had dreamed of performing on stage just like this, ever since she was a young girl. And now the time has come.

The crowd cheered when the main lights started to darken and a single stage light pointed at her to highlight her presence on the stage. An exhilarated audience chanted with maximum lung capacity "Vio-let, Vio-let...!"

Then the music played.


Congratulations, Violet! On yet another successful concert! " Mr. Lee congratulated her while she scrambled over through the waiting room door, out of breathe.

"Hey, I already asked you not to call me by my stage name, it feels...odd since we're so close." Eunmin slouched down on her empty makeup chair as Mr. Lee, the makeup artist, playful shrugs his shoulders and then turns his back to her, to touch up another idol's makeup.

 "Fine, Eunmin-ahhh~"

"So tell me, how was your first time performing in front that many people? You didn't even look one bit nervous."

"Really? I was soooo nervous, even my stomach felt like crumbling!"

He laughed and after signalling to his current idol that he was done with her touch up, he moved back to Eunmin for hers.

"You really did amazing out there, so don't worry."

She smiled at the well-deserved compliment given by one of her closest work friends.

"emm.. Ms. Violet?" Assistant Jinyeol shyly tapped her frail shoulder, in order to catch her attention but as soon as Eunmin turned around in her chair, her face was instantly glued to her phone in attempt of avoiding eye contact. 

"The director's secretary has just called. The director is requesting a meeting in his office after you finish today's photoshoot. Will that be okay?"

"Yep, thank you for telling me! By the way, you can also call me Eunmin too :)"

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