Chapter 1

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"Hi im Jake and this is a story of my life." Jake wrote in his Newly bought journal. "When I was 8 my dad left us, my mom and I, for some whore. My mom got really depressed and started drinking and doing drugs. I got made fun of for being poor.

Skip to 7 years later and it's the exact same except I'm a sophomore and 15. Im pretty anti-social and don't go anywhere much. I make B's and cs mostly. I guess I'm an average teenage kid. One day I was sitting at my desk and the teacher stood up and said we had a new student."

'' Class this is Stephanie say hello " Mrs. Beck said, turning the attention of the class to the girl standing in the door frame. Stephanie said nothing, just sat down in the seat next to Jake. "She had long black hair and wore wearing a black MCR t-shirt, black converse, and black jeans. For some reason I feel like I need to talk to her." Jake thought when he saw her.

"Hey the name's Jake. "

" Hi" she said as she put away her notebook.

" were you drawing"

" yes..."

"can I see?"

" sure.." she said pulling out the notebook. The picture was a demon with bat wings. 'it reminded me of a show, super... whatever anyway it was really good.'

" that's a good drawing"

" Thanks... "

" where did you come from?"

"New Jersey "

" Cool"

" ehh to much crime"

" well it's not much better here"

"Could you imagination life without crime? Everybody loves everybody, there's no wars. Wouldn't it be great?" she said, hoping for a good answer.

Jake contemplated what she had mentioned.

"That would be fantastic. Hard to imagine it seems, though."

Stephanie took her notebook back and began drawing again. Her fingers moved the pencil lightly, so there would be no indented marks. She was an amazing artist.

"So what made your family move?" I asked.

"Uh...I'm a...a foster kid. My other family had a baby recently and decided they couldn't care for me any more." She went back to drawing.

"I'm- I'm so sorry. Are you ok?"

" Yea I'm fine it's just..."

" Just What..."

" Nothing " she said as the bell rang and she was on her way to the next class.

It turns out I didn't have anymore classes with her. I dreamed all night about her. It was just her personallity that made her so unique. The next day I was determined to get to know her.

" Hey Stephanie." I said walking into the class room.

" Hey."

" I was wondering if..."

"If What?"

" Well since you're new, I figured you would like a tour around town?"

" Sounds nice. What time?"

" Probably after school, is that Okay?"

"Yeah that sounds good..."

"Okay see ya then." I said walking to my desk.I was suprised that i actually got her to say yes. She seemed very antisocial, but hey, I have no room to talk.

I couldnt wait for school to let out. It was final bell and 5 minutes left. This is really the only time ive been happy to get out of school, because of my mom.

The bell rang and I was on my way. I saw her with her black hood up.

" Hey" I said pushing people aside to catch up to her.

" Hey"

" Where do you want to go first?" I asked

" I dont care, to the park maybe?"

" Ok thats not far from here." we walked out the school doors and headed for the park.

" I hope you dont mind me asking, but how was life as a foster kid?"

"Its okay I mean getting passed around to each family year after year is okay." I could hear the sarcasm in her voice.

"Im sorry Stephanie I didnt know....."

"Its ok and you can call me Steph"

"Steph, I like it."

We walked a little further in dead silence.

" Do you like the school so far?" I said hoping for an anwser.

" Its ok, I guess."

" Yea" I replied " I basically try to make it my home."


" I hate going home just to see my mom high or drunk, plus the house is a mess..."

" Oh ..." she repled lowering her head.

" Yea."

We arrived at the park and sat on the swings.

"Its funny." she said " We both come from fucked places and then try to isolate ourselves."

"How did...."

" Your just like me." She said before I could complete my question, "You're trying to slide by in the shadows to hide from this messed up place we call home."

I didnt know what to say but she was right. I was slipping through life trying to be unoticed.

"You know what I think" she said


"Fuck society. We should just do whatever we want."

I sat there and listened to her. She was great she knew exatly how everything was and wasnt afraid to say it.

It started to get dark.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" I asked

" No im fine." she replied walking away. "Thanks for the tour thought"

"Ok bye."

When I got home I layed down and thought " This was the best night ever."

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