Chapter 5

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Wandas POV

It was Monday again and I had to get up to go to school. Though this time I really looked forward to it because it meant I would see Natasha again.
I got ready and decided to grab myself a coffee because even though I didn't stay up that late I was still very tired.

When I arrived at the school I saw that Natasha was standing in front of the school looking around.  I was really excited to see her but I still wondered why she was alone and not with her friends because I've never seen her waiting infront of the school. As I approached her, she turned to me and immediately smiled when she saw me walking up to her.

"Hey Wanda. It's great to see you again." she greeted me. "Hey Nat. It's great to see you too." I greeted her back.

She looked at the coffee in my hand and said. "I thought we were friends.  But you didn't even bring me a coffee." She said it with such seriousness that I thought she was really mad about it so I quickly apologized.

"Sorry I didn't knew you wanted one. You could've texted me then I would've bought one for you too. But if you want I can bring you one tomorrow."

"Hey calm down no need to apologize I was just teasing. I didn't expect you to bring me a coffee, I didn't even know you would get yourself one." She said when she saw how panicked I was. "Although I wouldn't say no to a coffee tomorrow." She added with a smirk.

"Oh okay. Good." I said with a small chuckle. I still had to figure out why she wasn't with her friends like she normally was so I asked her. "Look I really enjoy your company and I'm glad I met you but how come you were waiting alone in front of the school and not with your friends. Because I've never seen you standing in front of the school, you always hang out with your friends."

"Well that's exactly what I'm doing right now." She said with a smirk. "Okay yeah but why?" I asked again. "Do you not want to have me here with you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "I can go if you'd rather be alone."

"Oh god no thats not how I meant it at all. I just wondered because normally you're always with you're other friends. I didn't meant that I don't want to be here with your because like I said I really enjoy your company."

"Maybe I just wanted to spend some time with my new friend whose company I enjoy as well." She responded to my questions. A smile made itself on my face because I was so happy that she also enjoyed our time together.

We talked a bit more about our weekend while we walked to our classrooms. We would only see each other again later because we only had one class together today, so we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways to our classrooms.

While I was in class I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened in the morning. The fact the she chose to spent her time with me instead of spending it with her friend made me really happy. I really hope that our friendship will develop further because she's the only friend I've got now and I really like her.

At some point the bell rang and I didn't even realize the class had already ended because I was lost in my thoughts the whole time. I quickly packed my stuff together and shoved it into my bag, making my way out of the classroom to my next class.

I had only two other classes left and then I would see Natasha again. I couldn't wait and was lost in my thoughts again until the teacher spoke up so I tried to pay attention to the class instead of thinking about Natasha the whole time.

WandaNat Highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now