The Fall

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Hi guys! It's me the author. Just so you know, Frisk, Chara, Asriel and Y/N are 13 years of age in the first part. I will add # Years later when there is a change in the timeline. And Y/N is you. It stands for "Your Name." And this takes place after the routes. Don't ask why the barrier is still there.  Okay, now go enjoy the story.


You are running from the orphanage keepers. It was the middle of the night. You had just got caught with your best friend smuggling a few extra loaves of bread to share with your friends, and you had seen your best friend take a huge beating that accidentally killed him. Then they tried to do the same to you and you luckily ran away. Tears start to form around your eyes as you think of that heartbreaking moment. You stop and take a break at the foot of Mount Ebbot. You look around you. There's no one there. You take a breather. 

"Hey! Get back here you lousy little brat!" Yelled a voice behind you.

You jinxed it. Seeing that you had no other way to go, you start to climb the mountain. You are filled with Determination.

"He's up there! He's up there!" 

You hear the keepers climbing up after you. You reached the top of the mountain and take a look below you. They are almost at you. You run into the cave, attempting to find another exit. You hear the keepers chasing you. You skid to a stop in front of a deep dark hole. 

"No wonder people never come back." You think. You hear the footsteps getting closer. Either you go with the orphanage keepers and get beaten to death, or jump down the hole and have the most slimmest chance of survival.

"Well, here goes nothing." You think

 You jump head first.












"Hey! Wake up!" 

You hear a voice. 

"Wha?" You groan and open your eyes. You see a girl wearing a purple striped sweater standing over you. You attempt to get up and fall back down, feeling light headed.. 

"Are you alright?" She asks. 

"Do I look like I'm alright?" You say. You gently feel the side of your head. It's...wet? You look at your hands. You are bleeding.

"Well no. Look, I'm going to have to help you up. It might hurt a bit, but I'm sure you can take it. Right?" She says. 

You nod in reply. 

"I'm Frisk by the way." The girl says.

"I'm Y/N." You whisper. 

"Nice name." She says as she puts a arm around your shoulder and picks you up. The two of you keep walking until you reach a large house.

"Frisk, you were supposed to return thirty minutes ago." Said a worried voice. "Wait, another human fell from the surface?" 

You feel frisk nod in reply. You look up at the direction of the voice. Once you do that, you see a humanoid goat person thing.

"Greetings child. I am Toriel." She says.

Your eyes widen in shock. The rumors were true after all. There were monsters living under the mountain. You black out once again from the shock of seeing a myth come true.

Frisk POV

Y/N fainted again, nearly bringing me down with him. I guess he's really weak. Mom helped me carry Y/N to a spare bedroom and gently put him down on the bed. 

"What was his name?" Mom asks.

"He said it was Y/N, I think." I reply, as mom put a had on his head, healing him slowly. Suddenly Chara and Asriel rush into the room. Dad steps in a bit later.

"WHO'S THE HUMAN?" Chara yells. 

"Chara, be quiet!" Scolds Asriel.

"Too late." I say as Y/N wakes up. He groaned. 

"What's going on?" He says, one eye open. 

I quickly cover his eyes.

"Before I uncover your eyes, just, try not to freak out again, okay?" I say trying to sound calm.

"Okay... but what could possibly freak me out?" He said as he pushed my hand off his face. And the expression he had on his face was really cute! I blush for a second as I mentally slap myself for thinking that.

"Greetings, child. I am Toriel." Mom starts. "I am afraid we did not have a proper introduction a while ago. You already know Frisk," Mom points to me. "This is Chara," She gestures to my hot headed sister. "Asriel," She gestures to my very timid brother. "Hi!" He said with a wave. "And Asgore." She finished pointing at Dad.

"Uh, Hi I guess? I'm Y/N." He says. 

"Weirdo." Muttered Chara. Asriel elbowed her in the ribs.

"You are welcome to stay with us as long as you want, Y/N." Says Mom.

"Really? I don't have to go to the orphanage again?" Y/N replies, as his face lights up, obviously delighted.

Everyone's faces fell. Even Chara's eyebrows raised. 

"You live in a orphanage?" I asked quietly. 

"Yeah, that was before I ...left." Y/N said, suddenly deep in thought. I think I saw a tear form in the corner of his eye.

"In that case, you are more than welcome to stay with us." Dad says, speaking for the first time.

"Thanks so much!" Y/N said, his face brightening again. I have a feeling we're going to have a good time together.

A Soul For A Life (Female Frisk x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now