Saddened Confessions - 4 Helping Hands

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Life and its paths and roads are defined by how we live.

Most times people can go on in life with having to take to many paths.

Sometimes there are those that no matter what they do, they have to choose a different path or road and then everything is all tangled and it all just starts going to hell quite literally.

That's when a helping hand maybe given out, then again those helping hands may build or break someone. These hands can push someone further into the abyss.
That's why these individuals welcome oblivion, not in its literal sense but in a figure of speech as in that place they can find peace and quiet they can breathe and feel like if they are living, like they exist.

Then again these helping hands can't understand unless they experience what that person has experienced and is going through these helping hands might just be the thing to break someone completely.

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