A Mission In Mondstadt

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A beautiful morning in Mondstadt the city of freedom the sun rises over the horizon of the Knights of Favonius HQ with birds chirping and the people go on with their daily routines and walking through the streets is Captain Y/N of the Knights of Favonius doing his daily stroll through the city center walking past the Statue of Barbados to continue on his way meeting a certain drunkin bard on the way

Venti: Heya Y/N watcha doing up this early on this fine morning ?

Y/N: Ah! If it is my favorite bard I could say the same for you.. Venti

Venti: well I decided to go on a walk since it's such a nice morning for it

Y/N: hm.. Diluc kicked you out again didn't he?

Venti: What?! No he did not! I left on my own accords this time

Y/N: Well glad to see your doing well

Venti: And what might you be doing then?

Y/N: Well Grandmaster Jean told me that she had a few assignments for me, And so I decided to take a quick breather before I take on my assignments for the day

Venti: Ah! Well good luck on your mission I'll be taking my leave

Y/N: I'll be assuming you'll be at Angel's Share much too Diluc's sanity

Venti: aah.. well he loves me deep down

Y/N: yeah.. Deeeeep deep down, well tell him I send my regards

Venti: Cya Y/N!

Y/N leaves the bard to head up to The nights of Favonius HQ to speak with Grandmaster Jean about your next assignments and as you make your way up to the Grandmaster's office where once you open the doors you see Grandmaster Jean at her desk like normal and you make your presence known

Y/N: Fine morning wouldn't you say Grandmaster Jean and I hope you're having a lovely morning!

He said walking in surprising her

Jean: Ah! Y/N sorry I was busy writing some more documents and I assume you're here about your assignments

Y/N: That is correct Grandmaster

Jean: Good well there's another Hilichurl camp that sprung up and is attacking merchants causing many issues for the people that travel down that road

Y/N: Well doesn't seem like too bad of an assignment

Jean: Well this camp is different there seems to be a larger number of Hilichurls then normal which is why I'm having you sent there

Y/N: Alright and will I be the only one sent on this mission?

Jean: No I sent outrider Amber and Captain Eula to scout out the area beforehand so I suggest you meet up with them

Y/N: All right then I will come back later to hopefully inform you of a successful mission

Jean: Of course then good luck Captain Y/N And when you return I will have another assignment for you

Y/N: Don't worry I will return shortly and don't worry I won't need luck


About Y/N
Y/N is a very hard working Knight and a skilled fighter and vision user who is kind to everyone he meets though he can cause some unnecessary issues with his brash and head first way of dealing with problems - He never has ill intentions and always looks out for the people of Mondstadt always helping those around him with whatever they need which I find very admirable.

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