Round 1 Bonus: The Royal Exhibition

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A story written for "Gloves Up| A Multi-Genre Smackdown Contest", Round 1 Bonus (July 2022). Genre: Steampunk.

Story Word Count: 750 

"How 'bout this?" Elijah poked his tiny head out from the bookshelves. A heap of books towered like the Burj Khalifa in his small palms.

Irelina smiled, "Place it here." She watched him place the pile one-by-one on the floor. They sat together while she explored the various steampunk collections.

"Clockwork Fairies by Cat Rambo. Wahoo! I've read this one. It's an unsympathetic narrator about the author's fiancé. It's more like—brilliant ladies dumping dudes who aren't good enough for them. " He picked up the printed articles, passing them to her. "Wait-wait, I've got two more amazing works for you. Infernal Devices by KW Jeter and The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers. Argh! Where are those books? " He rummaged through the stacks, stopping at two massive, thick volumes.

"Here it is!" He tossed it into Irelina's hands. All she could do was gape at him, her eyes widening.

"You read it all?"

"Is that so hard to believe?" His timid response, with an etched frown, elicited a chuckle from her.

"No, not at all. A very common thing for an eleven-year-old. "

"Ah, Lina, you belong to the royal family. So, have you ever seen such steam engines or trains? "

"In pictures? Yes. But I've heard stories about the Victorian era though."

"Narrate me one, please."

Year 1851. The year of the Great Exhibition. The time of the world's first Industrial Revolution. The Whitlock's had quite a reputation in society. After all, they were royalty by blood and renowned scholars by intellect. And with a great bond with the Victorian family, they sure knew the power they had. And this is the story of one such lady who was a beauty with brains, Lady Eugenia Bennett.

June 18, 1851. Crystal Palace, Hyde Park, London.

The Crystal Palace was, as usual, crammed and bustling with scholars and royals. The demonstrations of cutting-edge technology of the day, including pedal bicycles, paddle steamships, a prototype facsimile machine, a revolving lighthouse light, and an early submarine, were displayed. Sir Albion Whitlock and his fellow scholars led the show.

He entered the VIP chamber for the steam train demonstration. The dark clouds of billowing smoke bathed the lateral section of the gigantic hall, lavishly decked with polished wood, brass filigree, leather, and stained glass, coquettishly and sensuously grazing past each and every nook and cranny, ever so coyly. The mighty iron-clad train, with leather seats and dazzling brass lamps, drenched in the hues of rain-soaked earthy fields, rumbled and rattled as it slithered across the area.

"Excuse me, Sir?" Albion halted, facing a lady dressed as a commoner.

"Yes, how can I help you, Milady?"

The lady smiled, "I wanted to see Sir George Stephenson's records on steam engines." The abrupt demand from the lady stunned Albion. He swiftly covered it up with a toe-curling laugh.

"A barmy person would only make such a demand."

Eugenia showed no sign of hurt; instead, she once again spoke up, with more authority, "I know, milord, what I'm asking for. And I intend to stick to my words. "

"You do realize that data is confidential?" Albion's eyes narrowed. "However, I'm curious to know your motive behind your demand."

She stared at the man, contemplating her words and actions, before she gave in. "These hands of mine have been working on a steam train. Trying to simplify its mechanism. However, my knowledge lacks somewhere. "

Her powerful words compelled Albion to think about the consequences of his next actions. In Victorian society, where women were supposed to learn housewife skills and then get married and take part in their husbands' interests and business, the lady in front of him was giving propositions to him. A woman in such a field was quite a rare sight. It captivated him.

"Hundreds of tourists come and go every day. They've various propositions which they wish to carry on. I suggest this feminism of yours won't get you anywhere, lady."

"Milord, you've mistaken a scholar by blood for a 'dreamy teen,' and these calloused hands for dainty ones. For my hands have been nourished by the essence of tallow and carbide. " She politely replied, her mock softly slipping past those words.

"Ah, is that so? I'd like to know what knowledge you possess about steam trains. "

"My knowledge pales in comparison to yours. However, I know enough to teach a 'barmy' its principles and structure."

"Alright Elijah, time to go."

"Hey! That's cheating! You can't leave me on a cliffhanger! "

"Even I said the same to Nana Eugenia."

"Oh! Wait-what!? Nana!?" 

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