Back on Track [ENG]

351 17 7

A mysterious melody echoied over the pillars of the destroyed Sinnoh-Temple. A melody different from the songs of Hisuis Wardens.
Its source, the azure flute, is held by a young man in a dark blue expedition garment and his signature red hat. Lost in playing Reis eyes were closed while his feet dangled from the temples fundament.

It did not take long for him to notice a graceful elegant figure approaching. Showing the little man respect the figure stopped a few feet away. A staggering aura spreading across the temple as the last sounds faded away.
No words needed to be spoken between the two. Rei lowered the flute watching over the land. From the mountain chains starting in Coronet Highlands stretching to Alabaster Icelands the mountains were covered in more and more snow. From up here the land felt silent and empty. Being so high above, that nothing but forces of nature can be seen moving.

"It is nice to see you again, Arceus" Rei said with a smile on his lips. The legendary Pokemon lowered his head to look at the tiny creature of a human.

"I wanted to thank you for letting me experience this bygone era. Back at school I was never truly able to imagine humans and Pokemon to be afraid of each other. At first it scared me. And yet I am happy to help them all out. I overcame fears and dangerous hazards. Plus I made lots of friends, Pokemon and humans alike. This land was so familiar to me. And yet it feels completely different. But in a few hundred years already it will be home to humans and Pokemon, who live in peace together, even as trusting friends. I suddenly realise how many privileges I lived with in my time. Everything felt so natural to me. The relationship between us developing feels so weird. I am now living through exact that change where the future together is just about to be determined! And I can be a part of it! I can support people to reach that great future I grew up with! For that enlightment I want to thank you, Arceus."

The god Pokemon let the words sink a few moments. It was clearly impressed with that tiny creature.
"Small human, thou surpriseth me again, especially with thou modesty. It was thou, who sparked new hope within me for a peaceful futureth. It was thou, who overcame all obstacles, who mastered all the challenges no human nor Pokemon dared. They have been hostile to each other for so long. Even the hero before thou could not taketh all their conflict and fear. They stayed mere Enemies. But now? I can see changeth. In every Pokemon and also human there is a change of perception. The world is on a good path. And all this would not have been possible without thou."

The young man looked up. Arceus words left him in awe. At the same time he was embarrassed to hear such words from the god Pokemon itself.
"But" Arceus continued, "There is another reason you have summoned me, correct?"

Rei had a little smile on his lips. "I should have known better. After all one can not simply hide something from god." He stood up and turned around to face the Pokemon. "Not only did I want to thank you. No, there is something weighing heavily on my mind. A request..."

Arceus looked down to Rei, who stood looking with a worrying face. "Are thou longing for thy home, young human?" asked the god Pokemon but Rei shook his head.

He said, "no, its not that. This is where I belong. There is still so much to do. They need me and I enjoy being here. No, it is about someone else actually. I don't know the reason you brought him here but I want Ingo to return instead of me."

Arceus looked surprised. "Ingo?"

"Yes, he came from a time similar to mine and fell through the space time distortion just like me."

"I brought Ingo here to become the warden of Sneasler. To help thou find thy way to me."

The young man nodded and said. "But he lost all his memories of his past life with that."

Pokemon Oneshot - Back on Track [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now