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"Do you like the foods?" I asked Pete

"Yes! It's really yummy. Where are we going now?hmmm" Pete asked me

When he smiles my heart melts so fast , even tho i hate him before but now I really like him . He gave me a butterfly on my stomach when he smiles and touching me .....

"Where do you want to go?"I asked me

"Ahmmm let's go to the Mall!" He said while pulling my hands . Of course I can't say no

"Sure , let's go now Honey"I said jokingly

"Fuck you Vegas! Don't call me honey in Public!"He said

"Why? are you Embarrassed? . Well you should be proud that im your Date today"

"Date my ass . We're just eating idiot!"

"Fine , let's go now"


Me and vegas is already inside the car , Im really confused why vegas hit on me . Im not that handsome but im proudly to say that im cute

"Vwegat, Can i ask you something?"

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Can you tell me why did you like me? I mean im not handsome just like your ex's"

"It's not about the face pete , i hit on you cause im really inlove with you!"

"Huh? Why me? Im not rich , not handsome , and im not good at you"

"I know. But when the day we first meet , i lost myself cause of your cuteness. I mean i like you since then and i like your smile , I like you so much"

"What if i ditch you?"

"That's bad pete , don't break my heart"

"Just kidding, but i think i will not ditch you"

well yeah as you can see/know im always not nice to Vegas , im just trying his temper. Im just afraid that one day he will lost his love for me . It's hard to move on if you really love each other .... Im just trying to be bad for vegas to test him if he will be nice at me forever...

"Why? You already fall in love with me? Say it" he said exitly

"Yeah? Shit im not sure"

"It's okay , at least you love me . Right?"

"Yeah fine , i love you"

"Pete , your the cutest! Iloveyoutoo" said while trying to kiss me , but no I don't let him to kiss me that easily . It should be a thrill before he kiss me 

"Stop! Your being clingy Vegas!"

"Sorry Honey" he said and kiss my hand

Shit I'm really embarrassed , i need to do something omygad im blushing!!

"Pete, your blushing"

"Stop vegas! Im embarrassed"

"AHAHAH , don't worry your going home now"

"By the way, are you going home? Or staying at the main family house again?" I ask vegas

"I think im sleeping at the main family house, I don't want to go home . Im sure dad will talk and ask about you"

"Okay , you can sleep at the Guest Room"

"No , I don't want!"

"Huh? Where do you want to sleep? Sofa?"

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