chapter 07

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Vivan was checking the security with Bhuvan. He want to make sure that Siya,Pakhi and Diya are protected from their rivals.

Siya- Vivan we are going in fair, why are you bringing this much security. Diya will not like it. You know na she want to spend time with us not with these bodyguards.

Vivan- Siya baby please, you know i cant help you in this. For me yours, Pakhi's and diya's security is priority. Besides veer bhai have also send some of his team.

Siya sighs, she knows Vivan wont listen to her in this matter. Vivan kissed Siya on her forehead and went from there.

Pakhi, siya and Diya went with their security team to the fair.

Vicky- Finally we reached. This bus journey was horrible .

Tara- Vikram, it was fun stop fussing about it and come on help me with these props.

Vicky, along with other kids helped Tara in arranging props.

Tara- Okay everyone in 10 minutes , we'll leave for fair , till then you all can go and freshen up.

Children went towards their allocated rooms. Their all were tired because of the long joruney, their reached surajgarh, now they all will be moving towards the fair.

Tara- vicky you are not performing but make sure you stay with me okay. Dont go anywhere in the fair.

Vicky- Taru, i am not a kid  i know how to take care of myself.

Tara sighs, this is what she hates about vicky although the boy is just 8 years old but he behaves like an adult. Tara glared him, making vicky shut his mouth and nodded his head. He can't deny her orders.

Vicky- fine.

Saying this he too went towards his room. Tara was standing in the hall. From the time she have came here, she was feeling odd. As if she knows this place, she have a connection with this place. The roads, the streets, all were looking very familiar to her. Tara dismissed her thoughts and focussed on the perfomance. The prize amount is huge, if the children of her orphanage won this competition, the price money will be deposited in their education fund. After 10 mins they all went towards the fair.

Diya gesture Pakhi towards the doll shop. From the time their have arrived Diya is taking her and siya to all toys shops. This is the first time Diya is visting such a place, she is seeing so many people, her excitement have no boundaries. But her excitement is becoming punishment for other two. They both are hell tired.

Siya-No diya first we'll go and find a shop where we can drink or eat something.

Pakhi- yes Diya, see our water bottle is also finished na.. we need to fill it up. We'll take a rest for a while okay.

Diya pouted and very reluctantly nodded her head.

Siya-Pakhu di , you stay with diya, I'll go and find some water.

Pakhi- but siya the place is very crowded , lets go together.

Siya-Di Diya will not like it. And only you can handle her and her tantrums. Dont worry di bodyguards are there with me.

Pakhi nodded her head and asked her to ber careful. Siya left from there. Just when siya left, Diya again looked at Pakhi showing her cute little puppy face. Pakhi laughed out loud.

Pakhi- come on, but this is the last toy shop okay, dont let you mumma know about it . This will be our top secret.
Pakhi showed Diya her small finger and Diya too hold her finger promising her.

Diya and Pakhi went to the shop. Diya saw very cute doll. She gestured the shop keeper to show her that but the shopkeeper was busy with other customer. Pakhi was busy in updating Vivan about their locations. Diya pouted.. she tried many times to gain the shop keeper attention but he was deliberately ignoring her.

Vicky- Cant you see she is asking something or you are too busy with this young lady.

Vicky shout out loud, startling Diya. Vicky was roaming around the fair. As promised he had told Tara that he'll only visit near by shops. While he was roaming, he saw a cute little girl who was trying very hard to gain the shop keeper's attention, but her small height made it difficult to see her gesture. He smiled seeing her making cute faces. The more she struggled, the more angry he become with the shop keeper. He felt this instant protectiveness towards her.

Seeing a commotion near her Pakhi turned her head. A small boy about 8 yesrs old was glaring the shop keeper. Diya was standing keeping her head down. Her lips wobble.

Pakhi- Diya baby what happened, why are you crying.

Vicky- this good for nothing shop keeper was ignoring her. Vicky spat. Pakhi was taken back by his anger. The shop keeper hurriedly picked the doll which diya wanted. Vicky snatched the doll from his hands and give it to Diya. He very gently wiped her tears.

Don't waste your tears on these stupid people princess. There are many other shops you can buy it from there.

Pakhi was smiling seeing this cute little scene. The boy might be angry young man but he was a softie..

Pakhi- what's your name beta..

Vicky- Vikram but Taru call me vicky, you can also call me Vicky. He said while looking Diya..

Diya gestured him saying thank you. Vicky couldn't understand why she was not speaking before he could asked Pakhi replied.

Pakhi- Diya can't speak Vicky. Vicky just nodded his head and Diya very shyly hide behind Pakhi. But their conversation got interrupted when their heard angry voices coming from other side of fair.

Saying this vicky ran from there, the voices was coming from the area where his Taru was with other kids.

Security- Mam i think we should go...

Pakhi- but siya.

Security- don't worry Mam, our team will bring Siya mam.

Pakhi nodded her head and pick Diya up in her arms and went behind her security. All the way diya was looking vicky who was running towards the other direction. For the very first time she wanted to speak so badly. When he told her, his name, diya too wanted to tell him her name.. she wanted to speak , to call out loud his name.

Siya went with her team in search of water. The fair was crowded , finding water itself become an impossible task for her.

Security guard- Mam, there is a competition going on that side, i guess we can find water there.

Siya nodded her head and they went towards the other side. Just when siya went towards the water cooler. She heard a voice. Voice which freezed her every movement. It was her Aaru di's voice. Siya turned around and after 3 years, she again saw that angelic face
Her Aaru di. She was standing with a group of children. A frown was itched on her forehead and she was looking for someone.
Siya stood there rooted. She couldn't belive her eyes. Her aaru di. She was standing there on the opposite side. The water bottle fell from her hand. Just when she moved towards her, out of no where a stone came flying and hit her head. She fell down. Soon a riot started in the fair. Her security team surrounded her preventing anyone to reach her..

Security guard- Mam are you all right..

Siya was too dazed to speak, her eyes were searching her Aaru di, she was sure , she saw her, but when she turned around she was gone. Before she could say anything, black dotes appeared in front of her eyes and she fainted.

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