My OCs (original characters)

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Nova is my main OC, he is 17 years old. He has white hair, pale green eyes, light skin, and is 5'9. He often wears jeans, a black jacket with a t-shirt, and converse shoes. Nova was born from the stars (hence the title) on a rare occasion when a star dies and gives life to a person. They call them celestial children. For a while Nova found a home on a cold star, his body is made to have the ability to stand extreme temperatures therefore he could live. When Nova was around 8 years old he saw Earth and wanted to go there. The only problem was that he had no way to do that. Five months later he found a dying star and the explosion was going to be powerful, Nova stayed with the star and when it finally exploded he absorbed all the energy and used it to travel to Earth. At first he had nowhere to go, but he was happy enough because there were people. They moved along the streets, they whispered and spoke to each other, they displayed emotions. Suddenly he didn't feel so alone. All his life, he heard no sound except the voice in his head, there were only stars and planets and nothingness. It was torture and he felt like he was dying from it. On his second day on Earth a middle-aged lady found him wondering around and took him in. Nova discovered that the lady had a 20 year old daughter who travels a lot. Next door to them was a set of twins, one a girl and one a boy. They often played together since they were all 9 years old. A few months later, the twin sister had died by a gunshot wound. She happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Nova and the other boy started playing together less and less as time passed. Nova silently yearned for revenge on the person who shot the girl, but he doesn't usually acknowledge it. Sometimes Nova can be troublesome and very rebellious, but nevertheless he is quite intelligent. He often goes through struggles in life wether it be mentally, socially, or academically. When it comes to the people he cares about he can get really defensive and has a hidden temper otherwise he's a pretty nice guy.

Lilak is 16 years old, has blue eyes and dark hair, and is 5'5. She had a VERY tough childhood. Her parents would beat her nearly every night and they've murdered others. Once she was forced to help kill a man when she was 12. As she stared at him struggle against knives and restraints, Lilak knew she couldn't take it anymore, the next day she almost killed her parents but some part of her told her not to and that it was wrong, so while she had the opportunity she ran as far as she could and landed a few towns over. From there she hopped on a train and rode half way across the country. She attempted a new life on her own. Lilak usually dresses younger than she is and acts childish most the time because she did not experience childhood so she's trying to live it now. Sometimes Lilak and Nova talk because for some odd reason Nova trusts her and Nova doesn't want to see her sad and in pain so he tries to be there for her. They have a close brother sister relationship. Lilak has her utterly insane moments and that won't ever change but it doesn't have a tendency to show in public. Deep down inside she is terrified and doesn't know what to do.

Kanzi has this blue ombre type hair, it goes from purple to blue to lighter blue, he has hazel eyes, and is 6'0 at the age of 17. He's also bisexual, so he'll go either way. He'll also wear eyeliner occasionally cuz he can. End of story. His parents are rich compared to most, his mother is a lawyer and his father has a respected government job. They don't see each other often, so Kanzi has plenty of time to do whatever he wants. He likes to spend a lot of time on the Internet. He's not the nicest guy and he likes to mess with Nova's life. Kanzi's personality has a tendency to change around Nova. Kanzi, knows he'd be lonely without Nova though, so if anyone tries to seriously hurt him Kanzi will hurt them right back. Kanzi is a terrorizer half the time and he commits the occasional crimes. The city knows Kanzi wether it's because of his rich parents or his crimes. He's usually petty confident in who he is and walks around with his head held high. But of course he has his sad moments like everyone else.

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