1. Good morning.

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Chapter 1


"Hello?!" I opened my eyes quickly and looked around me.
"You damn sleepyhead. Get up. We have about an hour."

I was tired because last night. I drank a bit too much. Had a light headache, but what I once had, was worse. I ran over my face and watched my friend opening the curtains. The sun was burning into my eyes. I covered my head with my blanket.
"Nope. Not today madame. Come on." She told me and pulled my blankets down from the bed.
"Sometimes I could just kill you Ray." I sat up and waited a second.
"You look like a drug addicted slut. Take a quick shower." Ray laughed at me and I finally stood up.

While I took a shower, I planned my day. Because today was the day.
The day, where I will be on a movie set the first time. Ray is a very good stylist and because I always wanted to see what a movie set looks like, she took me with her. But there was actually not that much to plan except that I am in a very big hurry, because I shut off my seven AM alarm.

"We will just grab something to eat on the way. It's not that far. About thirty minutes." Ray told me as I put on my shoes. I chose just a basic outfit. White blouse, blue jeans and sneakers. I put my dark brown hair up in a bun and pulled a few stranes out. Just that it looks a bit more messy. As I finished my makeup I looked at myself and I was proud that I went from a drug addicted slut, to a normal looking human.

Ray and I got some sandwiches at a gas station, and from there she called a cab. I need to say that she looks beautiful today. Her ginger hair was in a low ponytail. And she just looked beautiful. She would probably turn me gay if I continue staring at her.

"Are you going to tell me now what movie it is?" I asked her with a grin. She just smiled at me.
"It's a action, thriller, crime movie. Something mixed. And I think it will be amazing. Should be in the cinemas in two years as I was told." She told me and I nodded.
"And what is it called?" I continued asking.
"The Execution. But. Shut yourself. Because it's announced literally nowhere. And there are amazing actors. So. Shut. Up." She said.
"What actors?" I nearly whispered.
"There is Bryan Halls, Victoria Park, Johnny Depp, Chloe Taylor. People like that." Ray told me and I was amazed.
"Bryan Halls?" I asked with a grin.
"Yes. I know he looks good. But I'm not his Stylist. So. Your bad luck." I needed to laugh.
Bryan Halls was really handsome. Blue eyes. Blonde hair. Just hot.

"Daydreaming about Halls?" I looked at Ray and needed to laugh.
"Just a bit. No. But really. I am so proud of you that you got that job. It will be amazing." Ray smiled at me and gave me a quick hug. I looked outside of the car window and watched the houses and humans passing by. I always wondered what they were doing now. Where they're going, what they think.

We arrived at the set and Ray greeted another Stylist.
"Hey, I'm Phoebe. Nice to meet you." She introduced herself with a hug.
"I'm Sadie. Nice to meet you too." I told her and then a staff member gave us cards. Just that they know we are part of this set.

"Alright. Sadie? I need to prepare stuff now before Johnny arrives. You can do whatever you want. But please don't kill anyone." She told me and I just smiled at her. It was a big white tent, where the actors will get their costumes and makeup done. I went outside to have a cigarette.

"Wait. Ray?" I asked her and just realized what she said.
"You have Johnny Depp?" She started to laugh.
"I do."
"I'll be back when you start." I told her and finally went outside. I looked around and watched the crew members walking around.

"Here is noone smoking alone." I heard from my right side and looked over. Two men were standing there. One more handsome than the other one. I must be in paradise. I smiled at them and walked over.
"How are you?" The man asked me.
"I am very good thank you. Just a but tired." I chuckled.
"I'm Norman by the way."
"Sadie nice to meet you." The smile Norman gave me was cute.
"I'm Lado. Co Directing here." The other one said.
"But I don't know you. You're a stylist?" Lado asked. He was cute. He was about my height. And I was not that tall with my 5'3 ft. Lado was just a bit taller.
"Actually not. I am a friend of Ray. She is a stylist. She just took me with her. So I am basically her assistant." I told them.
After a short conversation, I went into the tent again. Ray was sitting at the table and eating her sandwich.

"You are styling Johnny Depp and didn't told me?" I asked her quiet.
"Yeah. I am not allowed to day anything,  so I'll keep myself shut." She was still chewing but, I saw worse. It was fine.
"Good morning." I heard. I turned and saw, Johnny Depp.

"Hey Johnny. How are you?" Ray asked and put her sandwich away to go to him.
"I'm okay. Still tired. But it'll be alright. What about you? You look good." He said as he hugged her.
"I'm doing very well thank you. Okay. Let me introduce you to Sadie. She's my friend and always wanted to see a movie set. She's super cute." Ray said and I also stood up.
"Alright. Hi Sadie. I'm Johnny." He said and also hugged me.
"Nice to meet you." I smiled at him and we walked over to the desk where Ray prepared everything.
I sat down so that I could see everything Ray was doing to him.

"Johnny?" She asked him and he started to laugh quietly.
"Yeah. I know." He laughed.
"Put it down." She said and he put his hat down.
"It's still wet." He mentioned.
"That's perfect. Alright. Lado told me you're getting bald." Ray told him. The look he gave her was just amazing.
"Bald?" He asked her.
"Never ever am I going bald." Johnny added and Ray started to laugh.
"That was a joke. We are just shortening it a bit so that you're the perfect Boss huh?" She said and Johnny let out a relieving sigh.
"I sometimes hate you for joking." Johnny told her while she was brushing through his hair.

"What are you doing for living Sadie?" He asked me.
"I am a Photographer. Mainly for Animals actually but I also do human Portraits." I told him.
"I like photographing things too. And painting." He told me.
"What are you painting?"
"Well. Not that much at the moment. But. I love to draw elephants." He told me.
"That's beautiful. How long does it take you for one painting?"
"If I start at four in the noon. I'm finished at seven. So not that long."

Ray started to cut his hair. He looked actually a bit sad about his long hair falling down.
"It's not that much Johnny. It will grow back. Don't be a baby." Ray laughed.
"I'm not." He said quiet and cleared his throat. It seemed as he just had a personality change. He was so serious.
"You good?" Ray asked him.
"Yeah.- Yeah. I'm good. Everything fine." Johnny let out a sigh and pulled a cigarette out of his jacket.
"Sadie can you open up that window while I'm smoking?" Johnny asked me and pointed to the window. I didn't even recognized it till now. A tent with windows. I must've been in the Hollywood VIP club right now. As I opened it up I also lit one up.
"Thanks." He said and lifted a side of his mouth up. I quickly looked away and focused myself on his hair. Johnny was watching himself in the mirror. I literally just knew his name but I already could see that something was off.

Hey! Thanks for reading.

English is not my native language so, don't be mean with me :)

First Chapter \(^^)/

Oh by the way, the actors, Ray listed, do not exist. Just imagine them as very good, famous and beautiful actors. XD

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