Abandon All Hope

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Josie POV

Hope led me into another room and shut the door before locking it with a soft click. I half expected for Hope to wear her robe all the time she was at the Inner Sanctum but now she wore black jeans and a white t-shirt.

The room we were in had a bed and wardrobe with a couple of seats. There was no window which I expected since we were under ground.

Hope walked over and opened up a wardrobe and picked out a couple of outfits.

"I don't have any your size but these were a couple Lizzie left here after one night."

I startled at that and Hope must have registered what she said as she turned and chuckled.

"Don't worry not like that. Lizzie was a heavy partier and liked to drink. So a couple of nights I had to take her back here and made sure she didn't choke on her vomit. After she was gone I had them cleaned and kept them for her."

She set them out on her bed.

One was a black skirt and a white strapless top. The other was a magnificent red dress that sparkled.

Hope tugged at the red dress.

"I think you would look amazing in this but feel free to try them both on in that bathroom over there."

She pointed to the other door and then turned to go through the wardrobe for her own clothes. My face was burning at the suggestion and I tried not let it show before grabbing the outfits and swiftly going over to the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

I took a deep breathe in and out before trying on the outfits. I will give it to Hope because she was right. The red dress was perfect and I knew right away that it was the better option.

I walked out and nearly fainted at the view. Hope was still in her underwear and looking in the mirror as she fixed her hair. She turned and smiled and I swore her usual mask was gone as her eyes raked up and down my body.

"I'm sorry." I said as I quickly turned around but the mental image of an almost naked Hope was probably burned into my brain for eternity.

"Don't worry it's fine. I am well use to being underdressed around people. Hell the orgies they have here make you use to it."

When I turned around in shock Hope was already putting on a dark blue dress that fit around her curves beautifully.

"What?" I said alarmingly.

Hope was chuckling and looked up at me with a smile.

"It's a joke Josie. We aren't that kind of Order."

Hope then had a thoughtful look.

"Well at least not nowadays anyway. I heard the 80's were really crazy."

I sighed and Hope was having a little trouble zipping up her dress.

"Would you mind? I could use magic but I don't want to cut my hand for this simple task."

Hope was looking at me through the mirror and I nodded and quickly walked over.

"Yeah sure. I don't mind."

I gripped the zip with shaking fingers and had difficulty at first. But Hope never seemed to mind and didn't hurry me or anything. Eventually I stopped shaking and focused enough to zip it up to the top.

"There, that's it." I said as I stepped back.

"Thanks Josie."

I went over and sat on the bed as Hope applied some makeup. Though a tiny part of my brain was thinking she looked amazing already.

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