Chapter 11: Invasion🛸: Part 2

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Kansas: Gas Station

"And...there. That should take care of your little boo-boo." Alex states as he was finishing patching up his grandmother, who finally regained consciousness.

She reaches her hand up to her head and feels the bandage.

"What hit me?" Al asks.

"A piece of the wall when the robot busted in. Just a small scratch though." Alex informs.

"Will there be more of them?" She questions and Alex shrugs.

"Did you just shrug?" She says.

"Yeah. I dunno if there mare more coming towards HERE. But they seem to be only dropping in cities. Which leads me to telling you this...I'm going to leave you here." Alex states.

"Excuse me?!" Al exclaims with shock, her sudden raise in voice startling Alex.

"Whoa now. I'm not leaving you defenseless! I'm giving you one of my guns. I know you'll be fine...considering you know how to use them. Even though you won't tell me how. Or why. Matter of fact, you don't say anything about your past what's up with-?" Alex starts babbling on before being cut off with a flick to his head.

"Ow!" He says, his attention now back on his grandmother.

"Honeybun. I'm not worried about being left by myself. I'm worried about you going off to fight an invasion." She says and Alex chuckles.

"I'm not gonna fight the whole invasion by myself! I'm going to team-up with the Justice League! I just have to uh....get to them." He explains.

"Besides...I'm unkillable! You know that." Alex assures and Al sighs.

"I know. It's just...I worry." She informs and places a hand to his cheek.

"You're my only grandchild, after all." Al states and Alex smiles.

"Grams...I'll be fine. Just stay hidden. I'm going to come back, okay?" He tells her.

Al lets out a breath then nods. Alex then stands up and gives her a kiss on her forehead.

"Love ya." He says before starting to walk out of the gas station.

Alex then puts on his mask and gets on his motorcycle, starting up the engine.

"So, where we headed?"

White Box: "We're only a couple miles out from Keystone City."

Yellow Box: "Oooooh, we're hoping to meet up with Flash, right? Well, one of them at least."

Red Box: "Great. Teaming up with a guy who runs really fast. So cool."

White Box: "Actually, the Flash can time-travel, phase through objects, create cyclones, out run the literal embodiment of Death for speedsters, and-"

Red Box: "And I didn't fucking ask."

"All right, Keystone it is. Hehehehe!" Alex giggles to himself.

Red Box: "Something funny?"

"No. I'm just so excited!" He exclaims before finally driving off, going onto the road and heading towards Keystone City.

Washington D.C.

In the state of Washington multiple squads of Brainiac's robots had overrun the streets, and even more dropships clouding the skies.

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