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"Hm?" (Name) hummed, she looked down to the green haired male that had just landed in her arms. He had his eyes and lips tightly closed as if he was forcing them shut. His face was wet and hot from his crying. He was a light hold, the bags in her hands may have weighed more than him. Realizing he hadn't splattered on the ground yet.

The boy's eyes snapped open. Looking up, he was met with black eyes. He stammered in her arms causing him to fall. Sanji just stood with a confused and surprised expression. He couldn't say anything. He didn't want to say anything. He didn't want the situation to get worse for him or the girl in front of him.

So, he just pushed his legs to his chest and his his face in his knees. Both embarrassed and angry at himself. Accidentally falling from the roof, he ends up falling arms in the process. What if she thought he was trying to off himself. He wanted to cry, surprisingly his eyes were already a few steps ahead. (Name) dug into one of her bags looking for something.

He had nearly forgotten about her even when she was right next to her. Damn did he feel like more of a jerk. He wipes his eyes and sighs. He looked away from her, not wanting to look his saver in the eyes. "Listen i - i'm sorry-" His words were cut off by something cold and solid tap his head. He looks up at her holding a soda can.

He looks at it for a second before narrowing his eyes and looking away. In his state he didn't need anything especially pity. It's bad enough that he ended up landing in her arms because of a mistake, but pitying him right after, was worse. "You don't have to take it, just offering."

She sat the drink next to him, then put some space between the two and sat down a foot or two away from him. He scooted away and shoved his face further into his knees. "What was that all about?" He didn't respond, didn't even make the slightest of movements. "You don't have to say anything, it's none of my business really." (Name) took out a cigarette and lighters. "Do you mind?" He shook his head no.

She lit her cigarette and let out a sigh. Sanji sat looking up at the sky, not thinking of much. The green haired just sat in his same position. Something about just sitting with someone without saying a word felt comfortable and safe. It was quiet, dark, and cold, it left the boy shivering.

He heard the sound of shuffling. He assumed she was leaving so he peaked up. But, his vision was blocked by a black double-breasted suit. She had placed her suit on top of his head. "You were shivering." She sat back where she previously sat.

"Uh, thank you." It smelt nice, sweet actually. "I-I um, I sorry for what happened. It was an accident I promise! I was wanted to get a good view of the stars, but when I got up to leave, my foot slipped and I fell." Now that he said all this out loud he realized something. "AHH?! I JUST REALIZED I HAVEN'T SAID THANK YOU YET!" He quickly grabbed her hands.

"IamtrulygratefulthatyousavemeIcantthankyouenough." He started to cry again. "AndIamsosorryforbeingsorudeearlieriwasjustembarrassed!" She was surprised for a moment but smiled and reassured him that it was okay. "It's getting late, we should probably get back to our homes." Sanji stood and then pulled him to his feet.

"Right." The green haired boy nodded. "Oh let me walk you home." He offered. (Name) waved him off. "It's okay, i'll be fine." He was persistent. "But it's the least I can do for saving me!"


"Let me walk you home." He clapped his hands together and bowed his head. "Please." "Hm." She shrugged her shoulders. "Alright, sure." The green haired boy eyes lit up then he sighed. "O-okay, give me a second, my things fell out of my bag when I fell and they're scattered all over the place." He started to pick up his things.

Sanji looked around for a bit, her eyes caught a notebook. "Hm?" She placed her bags in one hand and grabbed the notebook. "No.13 hero analysis." She mumbled. "Oi" Holding other papers and notebooks he looked up at (name). "Huh...?" Sanji held up the notebook. "This yours right?" He hummed and squirted his eyes. "Oh yea, thank you."

"It's my hero analysis book. That's where I jot down all the information I know about hero's down...." He stated talking about all types of hero in his notebook. Sanji analyzed the book. "It's burnt." "You don't mind if I read through this right?"

"Y-yeah sure...it's a little burnt though, so I'm sorry if you can't read some of it." (Name) opened the notebook and flipped through the pages. "His name is Izuku Midoriya." Page after page, it was filled with different hero and their capabilities and weaknesses. She placed her thumb and index fingers under her chin. Sanji mumbled to herself, "He knows a lot about about heros. Every page is full of information about them." She closed the book.

"This is number 13, so there must be twelve more like this." "Sorry for keeping you waiting, I'm ready." Sanji handed back his notebook and took the lead. "You must be a fanboy." She started. Izuku jumped then scratched the back of his head. "Y-yea you can tell."

"So I'm assuming you wanna be one or at least have something to do with them." Izuku nodded his head rapidly. "Mhm, my dream is to become number one and put smiles on everyone's faces." (Name) chuckles which causes Izuku to go slump. "If you wanna do that you'll at least have to train. From holding you earlier," Izuku blushed at the thought. "You lack muscle and you're light in muscle." Izuku slumped lower. "Yeah I know."

"But you can always improve."

His eye lit up. "So what do you plan on doing to achieve your dream?" She let the younger boy ramble on for the entire walk. "So you plan on becoming a
quirkless hero, I look forward to seeing that."

He paused for a second. "What?" Sanji to the cigarette from her lips. "I said I look forward to seeing you become a hero." She gave him a genuine smile. His eyes sparkled way brighter than it has in a while. "But I don't think i'll be here long enough to see it."

"W-why, do you plan on moving?" He asked a little worried. "If I told you I doubt you'd believe me. Just know I'm not suppose to be here." The younger male muttered the last five words she spoke.

The two kept talking and walking until they were in front of an apartment complex. It was quite lovely from the outside so the teen didn't have much to worry bout. Before going inside the two waved goodbye. "I guess today wasn't all that bad. She kept me from thinking of school."

"So you plan on becoming a quirkless hero, I look forward to seeing that."

His eyes softened. "I look forward to it too."


"Traffy, i'm back!" Sanji called as she entered the apartment. "What took you so long, you said you'd be here 20 minutes ago." The tall captain spoke from the couch. "Yeah I know. I gonna start on dinner give me a hand."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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