I love you more than anything

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Mike POV

As soon as we exited Suzy's house, I ran to the van, Argyle was waiting for us and when everyone was in the car we left to try and find the location of my wonderful girlfriend.

The drive was long but eventually we found out destination. All there was in the barren desert was a strange thing that looked like one of those temporary bathrooms that you find on a construction site.

I ran towards it and pressed the buzzer that was on the side. I heard a sharp voice in the speaker and it said "Who are you, how did you find us and what do you want?"

I said clearly into the speaker "My name is Mike Wheeler I am here with my friends, and I must speak to Eleven as soon as possible."

The other end of the speaker went silent until I heard a very quiet whispered discussion between 2 people.

"You may speak with Eleven however you only have 3 minutes, and only you Mr Wheeler." The voice said after about 5 minutes.

"Ok" I replied. The door opened and I stepped in.

I was met by an elevator that took me down underground. When I got out of the elevator I was met by the sight of a laboratory.

A familiar man walked out of the room and I gasped angrily- it was Dr Brenner.

"Hello Mr Wheeler, I know you must be shocked to see me but I promise you that eleven is quite safe." Dr Brenner said with a smile.

"I don't trust you, but if you swear on your life I might believe you, please just keep her safe" I replied coolly.

Dr Brenner nodded and opened a door to a small room that just contained a bed and a table.

"You have 5 minutes Mr Wheeler." Dr Brenner said and closed the door.

"Mike?" Elle whispered "What are you doing here, how did you find me"

"Elle, I'm so sorry"I started to cry "I came because I needed to see you, to tell you how much I love you"

Elle looked at me and she smiled slightly "It's alright, just please say it more."

I stared at her then kissed her gently on her lips.

"I love you more than anything in the entire world" I whispered and she giggled.

"I want you to promise me something Elle" I said

"Yes mike, what" she replied

"Never doubt how much I love you, stay strong and never doubt how amazing you are" I told her seriously.

"I promise Mike, thank you" She replied.

We grinned at each other, I pulled her into a strong embrace and kissed her briefly. We stood with our arms around each other until Dr Brenner told me that it was time to leave.

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