Chapter 1

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A/N: I am not including Phili going geocaching because I am a lazy writer. Also please feel free to correct any mistakes that I make :)

Olivia's POV

As we got out the car at E's Papa's house, Leilani was on the phone to someone and Phili was looking of into the distance whilst E was unloading the suitcases from the trunk of the car and I was taking in the beautiful sights around me. It truly was beautiful here and I couldn't wait to spend my summer here.

As E was going to get the last case out the trunk I noticed Phili sneak up behind him and attempt to take his phone which made me giggle slightly. Sadly, however he noticed. "Hey!" E exclaimed. "I just need it for two minutes" she tried to convince her brother. "get a job and buy her own" E resorted. I mean he made a fair point. "it's important, Yoli said she'd tell me all about the geo camp I'm missing"Phili tried to reason. E complained to his mother "Mum". "Phili relax, you can check your email when you get in the house" Leilani told her daughter. "What if Papa doesn't have internet!" I mean Phili has a good point there. "Don't worry Phili. I'm sure it will be ok" I tried to reassure her.

Once we walked into the house Leilani called out to her dad whilst the rest of us carried our cases to our room.

When we walked back into the kitchen Leilani was trying to tidy some of the dirty dishes away into the sink. Phili then started to commented "It smells like..." "...old people and disappointment " E then trailed off walking into the lounge area.

Leilani then walked up to what I assumed to be the dining table which was covered in bills an final notices. "Final notice!" She exclaimed as she picked one of them up.

Phili, E and I then walked around the room looking at all the things that kimo had collected over the years.
"What's that?" Phili questioned pointed at the old style and very out of date tv stood on the cabinaet. "It's a TV hun" I explained to her. E then complained saying "huh, the second sign we're in hell. The first being no WI-FI". I pulled out my phone to check and sure enough there was no Wi-Fi available. "He's right" I confirmed. "Mum! How am I gonna know what I'm missing at camp now!" She complained to her mother who was till focused on the bill in her hands.

Suddenly I hear E exclaim "hey!". He then proceed to push phili onto a chair and sitting on her whilst playfully punching her side lightly. "Ioane" their mother warned making him look over to her whilst still punching his sister "please don't kill your sister". Phili then reached her hands up his chest and pinched his nipples. "Owwwww!" He exclaimed getting off her and turning to face her " you just nearly tore off my nips!". "That's what you get for being a salty bum hole" phili then spoke to him as if he were a child.

Leilani then felt the need to step in " ok that's enough you two, e hooponopono" they then started trying to defend themselves which frustrated their mother even more than she clearly was already. "e hooponopono! Ioane you first", "I'm sorry that your just so annoying" he 'apologised' to his sister, "I'm sorry your boy udders are just so massive" she then said back to him, "forgive me for your geocrap stick mirror on purpose", "forgive me for rubbing my but on your pillow and giving you pink eye". "Hey! He then gave that to me!" I exclaimed towards phili who turned to me and gave me a sheepish smile to say that she was sorry. "Thank you for giving me a great reason to burn all of your sh-" E then started to threaten before his mother cut him off by shouting his name.

Leilani then walked off shouting for her dad whilst both of the sibings stood in front of me looked at each other and exclaimed "I hate you!" , before E grabbed phili's hat and though it towards me in the kitchen then ran to me before turning back towards his sister making wired hand movements and noises. I think he was trying to imitate her but in all honesty it just looked weird. He than grabbed my hand and proceeded to drag me outside, following his mother with me letting out a squeak of surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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