This is purly a side story. This is not in the actual storyline

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I picked at the sides of my nails, I was so nervous. "You'll be fine V! I have been on this ride hundreds of times! Even Nolan isn't scared!" Oli chuckled as he walked up next to me. I held his hand, "I have never been on this one before, I have roller coasters! How did you even convince me to do this!" I got a nervous feeling in my stomach. Oli kissed the top of my head and put his hand on my shoulder. "It's ok V, I'll make sure nothing happens, they have safety straps to lock us in." Oli tried to make me feel better but it just made me more nervous. Millie came up next to me, "At least you can ride it! I can't with my legs!" She huffed and crossed her arms. "I should just stay here with Millie, ya know, so she doesn't get lost?" I tried to make up an excuse, but it didn't sound very good. Millie pushed me into the line, "Come on! The line is short right now and I wanna walk around!" She smiled as V and the other kids got in line behind me. There were five seats in the car so we fit perfectly. Oli and I got in the two front seats with Levi, Zeke, and Nolan behind us. The operator sent us off and we made our seemingly long ride up the hill. We reached the top and I looked down. I couldn't see the rest of the ride. I screamed as the coaster went down, bending and looping,  I held on for dear life as we sped around. The ride finally ended but I was still hyped up on adrenaline. My legs felt shaky when I tried to walk. We met up with Millie at the exit and we found the photo booth. (These were one of the rides with a camera at the end of the big hill) We looked at our photos and I burst out laughing. My face looked terrified and I was holding on to Oli's arm. We got a hard copy and continued on our way. We arrived at an arcade, we gave all of our children coins and they ran off to play all of the games. Oli and I looked at each other and nodded, and we practically ran to the shooting game. It was a game where you shot zombies for points, and it was two players. I beat Oli by about a hundred points. By the time we were done it was already dark out. "Dang, we have been playing for a long time." I looked out the window. "We already used up all of our coins on this game, let's go find the kids and see how they are." Oli suggested, holding my hand. We found our children pretty quickly, there was a group of kids surrounding Millie while she played pac-man. She was going for a new high score on the game. The kids cheered as Millie beat the score and continued to the next level. We spotted Zeke, Levi, and Nolan in the back, "How come you guys aren't up there?" I asked them. "We got pushed to the back when the group filled in." Levi explained. Suddenly the kids booed and dispersed. We made our way to the front to see Millie typing her name into the new score thing. "Yea, I died right before the next level, but at least I got a new high score!" Millie smiled as she got off the seat. "Millie was it? How are you?" A boy with black hair, a grey shirt, and red shorts came up to us. "Good, how are you?" She asked. "Good, can I have your number?" The boy pulled out his phone and Millie pulled out hers. I stared in awe as they exchanged numbers. "Good job Millie! Way to get the kids number!" I patted her on the back. She smiled as we headed out to the van. The kids piled in and I got in the front, Oli drove. We stopped and got dinner at a fast food place before heading back home. We hung the picture on the fridge and ate some dessert. It was summer after all. We left the kids to watch tv and told them to go to bed at 10, then we headed upstairs. "Wanna shower? Together?" Oli asked with a smile on his face. "We shower together all the time, let's take a bath today. I'll get one of the fancy bath bombs." I took off my shirt and went into my closet across the hall. I picked out one of Oli's shirts and headed into the bathroom. Oli already had the bath going, and greeted me with a smile. I set the shirt on the counter and kissed him. "It's nice to see you smiling again." Oli said, he looked at me with so much love. I couldn't handle it. I hugged him and relaxed as he held me back. "Oh shit." Oli bent down and shut the water off, it was about to overflow, but Oli turned it off just in time. Oli got into the bathtub first and gestured for me to come in after him. I climbed in and sat in between his legs. He wrapped his arms around my stomach and held me close. I felt so loved, I closed my eyes and put my head on Oli's shoulder, enjoying it. Oli had a lot of body hair, he had some on his stomach, arms and legs. He had grown stubble on the bottom of his face. It was cute and fun to play with.
I kissed him, our tongues fighting to get into each other's mouths. After a while we finally pulled apart for air, "Wanna do it?" Oli asked, grabbed my face. "Only if you're up for it." I smiled and kissed him again. His hands drifted from my stomach to my dick. He started rubbing it, making me get a boner. I arched my back and rubbed my ass close to him, I could feel his cock get hard against me. Oli's blood must have pulled the plug of the bathtub because the water started draining. The way he touched me made my body excited, I loved every second of it. He pulled his legs under me so I was sitting on his lap while he jacked me off. Right before I would finish he stopped and grabbed my stomach. He put himself inside of me and started thrusting. I grabbed my side of the tub and stifled a moan. It felt so good, he always knew the right spots. The water was drained by now. I stopped him and turned around to face him, leaning down and kissing him, while I touched myself. Oli grabbed my hand and helped me in my masterbation while I moved my hips up and down on top of Oli, riding him. I felt like I was going to burst, I covered my mouth with both of my hands and stopped moving while Oli started going faster on my dick. I moaned as I came, all over Oli's stomach. "Mm, sorry, I didn't mean to-" I couldn't finish. The look in Oli's eyes already gave me all I needed to know. "I want to be inside of you. I love you so much. Don't stop moving." Oli grabbed me in a bear hug, so his head was on my chest, and started thrusting even harder and faster. He started biting my chest and nipples. I held the hair on the back of his head and tucked my head next to his, draped over him like a blanket. I moaned in his ear, I could feel it turn red as Oli slowed down. I knew what was coming, Oli. Oli came inside of me, the warmth as he drenched the inside of my asshole was amazing. I grabbed the hair on the back of Oli's head and pulled it back so Oli looked up at me. I kissed him as I moved my hips again. He placed his hands onto my waist and tapped me twice, it was time to be done. I climbed off of him, turned on the shower and closed the curtain.
We got cleaned up and headed to bed. Oli cuddled me from behind and held my hand. I hugged the stuffed animal Oli got at the arcade, today was amazing. I loved being around the people I loved. I drifted off to sleep to the sound of Oli's soft snores.
I woke up a couple hours later to my alarm, I needed to go to work. I packed my duffel bag and woke Oli up. "Oli, we need to go to work. Wake up and get dressed." I shook him awake. "Huh? Already? But babe I just got to sleep!" He wrestled me into bed again and snuggled me. "Oli, I'm serious, we're going to be late soon at the pace we're going!" I wined and wiggled out of his grip. "Fine, fine, I'm up." He yawned and started getting dressed. I put on my outfit and put all of my essentials in my bag. "Come on, let's sneak out. Be quiet!" I whispered to him as we walked down the steps. He started the car as I grabbed us breakfast from the fridge. (Yogurt and apple juice) I handed Oli his bag, reclined the seat, and went to sleep. We only live about twenty minutes from home but that is sleep I cherish. I felt Oli slowly lace his hand into mine, quietly holding it, smiling, I drifted into sleep again. Oli woke me up by shaking me awake, I was so glad it was summer so I didn't have to wear stupid sweatpants over my outfit, now I only had to wear shorts and a T-Shirt. We walked into the back, we saw the others changing and getting ready for their shift. I smiled and got ready. Oli arrived behind me while I was doing my makeup in the mirror, "You look so handsome." He said as he kissed the top of my head. I tried to look up to see him but whacked him in the face with my horns. "Ow!" He rubbed his cheek where I hit him. I jumped up and made sure he wasn't bleeding then kissed his cheek where I hit him. "There, better?" I asked, holding his face with my hands. He smiled and kissed me again. "HEY! PDA is gross!" Shaggy yelled from across the room. "Well look who decided to show up late!" I joked. He had shaggy blond hair and a lot of body hair. But I guess some people are into that. We got up on stage and started dancing. It was fun and I had a hard workout. Some of the people even bought me drinks. I was chosen to dance in a private room and called Oli to guard me. I was dancing on him when he tried to touch me, which is not prohibited. I told him to stop but he wouldn't, so Oli kicked him out. After my shift we headed home to make breakfast for the kids. It was the weekend so we made pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast. You would be surprised about how much food teenagers can eat. Nolan is 13 now, Millie is 14, Levi is 17, and Zeke is 18, but he is still in high school. I ate my eggs and savored their taste. Oli could make such good eggs. "Uh, V?" I looked up to see Oli clutching his phone, he looked like he had just seen a ghost. "What's wrong Oli? Are you ok?" I asked between bites. "Yea, we have to see my parents. They want to meet us for lunch at the new burger place." He sighed and rubbed his temple. I nearly choked on my eggs when he said it,  "We haven't seen them since you moved in with my parents! That was ten years ago!" My throat felt dry, why would they want to talk to us? And why right now? So many questions but no answer. "What time do they want to meet?" I sighed and cleaned off the table. "In about two hours." He cringed at the thought. "Kids, go get dressed and get ready for the day, remember to brush your teeth. I'll be upstairs getting ready." I grabbed Oli's hand and led him upstairs. "Why do they want to meet us? We haven't seen them since they kicked you out! I thought we cut contact with them?" I whispered. "They said they wanted to meet their grandkids. I guess they want to get to know me after all of these years." Oli looked hopeful, I didn't want to step all over his happiness. "If they make any snide comments I won't hesitate to comment on it. I won't deal with it this time." I said sternly. Oli agreed as he joined me in our closet. I put on a crop top and shorts, Oli had on a sleeveless band shirt and shorts. I wrapped my arms around Oli and kissed him. "You look so hot right now." I laid my head on his chest. He hugged me back, I felt warm inside. I love my husband. Before we knew it we piled into the car and headed to the restaurant. We were greeted in the front of the restaurant by Oli's parents. Jesse and Tom. You could feel the tension in the air, like two cowboys having a standoff. "It's nice to see you again." Oli squeaked out. "Yea yea sure. Let me see the grandkids." Jesse shoved past us to see Oli and me's children. She wore a black dress that hugged her body. It was visibly dirty with her fake gold jewelry to match. Tom had on a button down over his big belly, he looked like he hadn't shaved in a month. "Oliver, these kids look older than you! What do you feed them! They look nothing like you!" Jesse brushed her black hair out of her face. She had black hair with white bangs, I guess that's where Oli gets his little white tuft of hair. "We adopted them about a year ago." Oli stuttered. "This is Zeke, Levi, Millie, and Nolan." I pointed to my children as I introduced them. "Fun! No wonder they look so scruffy. Well, let's go inside and eat!" Jesse strutted horribly into the restaurant. Oli kept apologizing for his mothers behavior, I felt bad that he had to go through this. We ordered our drinks and made small talk. "Millie? Right? What's wrong with your leg? How come you're just showing off like it's a trophy?" Tom laughed. I tried to say something but Millie stopped me. "It's none of your business what happened to my leg. You also do not get to talk to me that way. I don't know if you know this but it's hot outside. That's why I'm wearing shorts. But I think your little black dress already told me that. Who are you trying to impress anyway?" Millie was so blunt that they didn't know what to say. I elbowed her and smiled, "Good job!" I whispered. Oli put his hand on my leg and I noticed Tom and Jesse staring at me. "What?" I asked them, looking around. "Are you paying for your portion this time? Or are you going to make mommy and daddy pay for it?" Jesse sneared, smiling like she had won the best reward in history. "I actually have had a job since Oli and I moved out from MY parents house, right after high school graduation. Oh wait, did you miss that? Sorry, I couldn't remember if you were there or not. I will be paying for our portions." I responded as the waiter came back up to us. We ordered our food and continued talking. Their rude comments were met with backlash from my kids and I have never felt so proud. I held Oli's hand under the table and smiled at him. I could feel him ease into the chair. "Have you lost weight or gained some? You look like you gained a couple of pounds." Jesse acted like she cared. Oli's face went red with embarrassment as he laid his other hand on his stomach. "Do not talk to him that way." I yelled at her. I could feel The Who restaurant staring at us. "Or what?" Tom asked, with an evil smile on his face. "Or I'm going to punch you in your ever so smart mouths. And when I start insulting and beating you for everything you said or did to Oli or my family I will make sure your sorry. Is that clear? Do not comment on my family or their lifestyle because frankly it's none of your business. Or do you suddenly want to change after you kicked Oli out of your house when he came out, after ten years you want to meet up again? That's bullshit and you know it." I glared at her, squeezing Oli's hand. Thankfully Oli's Parents didn't comment on anything else for the rest of the lunch. It was nice, until the waiter asked for the check. "Do you guys want separate checks? Or all together?" He asked. Before I could say anything Jesse blurted out "One!". The waiter nodded and walked away. "Are you paying? Our check must be expensive." I asked her, but she didn't respond. "Here you are. Have a nice day!" The waiter said as he handed Jesse the check with some mints for the kids. She slid the check over to Oli with a smug look on her face. Oli's jaw hit the floor, "You were the ones who asked for one check! Why are you handing it to me! I assumed you would pay because you asked!" Oli sighed and his body went tense. I grabbed the check and put in my card, returning it to the end of the table. "It's alright Oli, I got it." I linked our arms together. He smiled and relaxed again. "How do you have the money for it? Still working as an escort?" Tom sneared, laughing. "I'm a stripper, do not confuse me with an escort. Unless you wanna pay for yourself I would keep my comments to myself!" I shot back and stood up to prove my point. "Yea right, why would you push the check on your roommates parents!" Jesse shouted as she stood up. I saw red. I took my card out of the check and threw it at them. "Come on kids, we're leaving. I'll meet you in the car in a couple of minutes." I said sternly. They all scrambled out of the restaurant and into our car parked out front. "Do not talk to my husband like that again. You know we got married." Oli yelled back. He pulled me in close and kissed me, "You're the best roommate ever." Oli said, smiling as he pulled back. He held my hand and pulled me out the door. My heart was still racing by the time we got to the car. We rolled down all of the windows as we pulled out, and we saw Oli's parents again. Jesse flipped us off and yelled something. I took one of my discs, sharpened it, and flung it towards them. It chopped off Jesse's hair and Tom's beard before returning to me on the car window. Millie had her head out the window to watch. I turned around in my seat and yelled at her to sit down. We arrived at home later than we thought, with a lot of traffic. We all collapsed on the couch and tried to recover from dinner. "Dad?" Nolan asked, "Yea? You ok?" I sat up to face him. "Why did she yell at us?" He scratched his head. "She got mad because I have more money than her haha." I laughed off the embarrassment, he seemed to accept that as a reasonable answer. "Do you guys want take out for dinner?" Oli asked. "Our school is doing a lock in today? Did you forget? It's for a fundraiser." Zeke responded. "Oh yea, you mentioned it earlier, what time do you have to be there again?" Oli asked. "We have to be at the school and ready in fifteen minutes. So, now?" Zeke laughed nervously. Oli sighed and started the car. He left with them a couple minutes later. I ordered Chinese and got it delivered to our house. When Oli got back we ate on the couch and watched a movie. By the time it was done it was dark out. We headed up to our room to sleep, we cuddled and I felt so safe. We woke up to Oli's radio. Of course it was the school again. We shot up and put on shorts, Oli flew out the window and I jumped and climbed on his back. We tried to open the front doors of the school but they were locked, Oli broke it open with his blood and we ran in. We arrived in the gym to see all of the kids huddled to one side, a couple brave ones in the front. All of our children were also in the front in defensive positions. Millie was also in a defensive position, her scars rippled and she looked anxious. "What's wrong, oh shit." Oli said, right as a splash of liquid nearly missed Oli's face. We looked straight at a girl trying to defend herself. "Don't go near her! She spits acid!" Levi yelled a warning. I created a shield and attached it to my arm. "Who is she?" Oli yelled at Levi. "She's my classmate! She needs help! She sees things that aren't there!" Levi yelled back. The girl looked around and shot acid at nothing. Suddenly she targeted Millie, charging at her and shooting her acid at her. I shot my discs at her legs, tripping her in the process. Oli tried to block Millie and her friends but it was too late. Some of the acid hit one of the girls in the front. She screamed and held her arm. This enraged Millie. Her scares opened and her face flowered with rows of teeth. Her body grew bigger and her arms and legs grew muscles bigger than mine. Her fingers grew long and lengthy, kinda creepy looking. Millie pinned the girl and closed her face. The scars on the side of her mouth remained open, the rows of teeth made Millie slur her words as she talked. "You are so lucky that I have self restraint. Otherwise I would have eaten you by now." The girl thrashed around in Millie's grip, but by this point Millie was twice her size. Millie picked her up and brought her to us. Oli tied her arms and legs with a circle of blood. The girl spat profanity and called us every name under the radar. But it was Millie I was worried about. Millie grabbed the sides of her hair and looked like she was battling someone inside of her, trying to regain control of herself. I ran up to her and hugged her, I was only tall enough to hug her stomach, but it seemed to work. She shrank into herself and collapsed in my arms, passing out in the process. I cursed under my breath and lifted her up. Oli was taking care of the girl who got hit with acid while I dragged Millie to the rest of the group. "Where are the teachers?" I asked as I came up behind Oli. "I don't know V, I'm sorry. Is Millie ok?" He asked, he sounded so tired. "Yea I think so. I think she just passed out from turning into whatever she turned into." I explained very horribly. Suddenly, the kid Oli was helping snapped. Her eyes turned a glossy white and a twisted smile spread across her face. "Oli! It's nice to see you again! How have you been?" The girl spoke in a different voice. It sounded eerily familiar. She grabbed Oli's arms and started digging her nails into him. "Hey!" Oli yelled as blood started to pour out of his arm. He controlled it to handcuff her hands together, and push her to the wall. She snapped and hissed and did everything under the sun to get out, even hurting herself. "I have a bad feeling about this." Oli looked at me with frightening eyes. I realized how dire the situation was. "What do we do?" I asked him. "I have no idea, do you have my back V?" He asked as he looked at me. I nodded and summoned discs in both my hands. I looked around for anything to help us. I put Millie in the corner, away from everyone. I saw a net, it was what they throw discus into inside so they don't hurt anyone. I thought that was convenient. I discussed my discs into the ropes that held it to the ceiling, it started to fall slowly. More and more kids started snapping. Their glossy eyes and smiles as they attacked us would haunt my dreams. Levi tried to help but failed and went to help Millie. Zeke pinned down his classmates as Oli produced cuffs for all of the kids. One after the other children started to turn. I tried to help the best I can, trying to wrestle kids into the ground, throwing soft discs at them to try and slow them down. Then the worst thing happened. I looked beside me and saw Nolan, he was charging me with everything he had, his glossy eyes and smile that grew as he approached. I just stood there in awe at Nolan. He jumped on me and started attacking. "V! I think it's wearing off! The girl is fine now! I don't think he can control many people at once!" Oli yelled. I couldn't see Zeke anymore. My only focus was to get Nolan off of me. "Nolan! Nolan, stop!" I screamed, trying to get his attention. He looked confused, just for a moment, then got back to work. Maybe I could get to him. "Nolan! It's me! It's V! Your dad! Remember? Oli saved you from being kidnapped! Your name is Nolan Banker!  You have beautiful white wings and blue eyes! You just turned thirteen and started seventh grade!" I tried to make him remember who he was. He looked confused, then passed out on top of me. I scrambled away from him and tried to approach Oli, I looked around to see most of the kids, including Zeke and Levi, on the floor, some were passed out and some were still biting and yelling. Only two kids were huddled into the corner, they looked scared out of their minds as they cried into each other. Oli had stopped producing cuffs, he stopped doing anything, just stood there. "Oli?" I asked as I slowly walked up to him. He turned around quickly and stared at me. His glossy white eyes and crude smile pierced through me like a knife. Oli looked at me like he was starving and I was his next meal. I ran at him and jumped on his torso, latching onto him for dear life. He started scratching at my back and biting my neck, desperately trying to get me off of him. "Oli! It's me! V! I'm your husband! We got married last year! Your name is Oliver Banker! We have five children together but one died last year! His name was Benedict!" I screamed and tried to get his attention. He stopped for a minute, like he was thinking of what to do. But then continued. "Our children are named Millie, Levi, Zeke, and Nolan! We have a cat named Dirt! Oli! Listen to me-" Oli threw me on the ground in front of him. I tried to crawl away, anywhere but here, but the damage on my back weakened me. I felt him on top of me. I looked to see his face inches from mine. "Oliver Banker I swear-" I started but couldn't finish, he kissed me. I looked at his eyes, they were normal. And his smile wasn't twisted. He pulled away as I gasped, shocked that he was ok again. I hugged him and cried into his shoulder "What the hell Oli! Don't do that!" "What happened? Who caused all of this?" Oli asked, pulling me off of him. I felt so naked. "I don't know. Only two kids and I were the only ones not to get controlled." I replied, as he helped me up. We looked out onto the sea of children passed out on the floor, I walked over to the two children on the floor. "Hey, I'm V! Sorry we couldn't meet earlier, are you guys ok?" I asked, holding out my hand. "W-we're ok, my name is Tristan and this is my sister, Kaylie." The boy said, looking frightened. A circle of blood surrounded us, encasing us in a bubble. I looked back at Oli, he was facing someone I couldn't see. "Oli! Oli let me out!" I banged my fists on the blood, but he ignored me. I summoned a small disc with a dull edge and hugged the wall. I discussed the disc into the blood, shattering it. The disc flew into the person and hit him in the forehead. I ran towards them and looked to see who it was. It was my former coworker, Ben. "Ben! You asshole!" I kicked him in the stomach. Ben grabbed my ankle and looked up at me. "V! I can't believe it's you! Come with me, run away with me!" He pleaded. I would soon find out what he ment. But I kicked him again, I kicked and kicked until he was bloody and passed out. "V, stop, he passed out already." Oli grabbed my shoulders from behind me, I winced in pain as he had grabbed one of the bite marks. The kids started to wake up so we made sure they were alright and tended to their wounds. The police arrested the acid girl and Ben, the ambulance took the girl with acid burns and we quickly escaped before they could take away Millie or I. We walked home and talked about what happened. Millie started to wake up too. "You ok? What happened?" Oli asked, holding her face in his hands. "I'm fine papa, I just accidentally let out the monster. I didn't mean to, I'm sorry." Millie choked back tears and her voice cracked. "Awe Millie! We're not mad at you! We just wanted to know what happened, your actions were justified!" I hugged her as she cried into my shoulder. "I didn't mean to, I'm sorry." She kept repeating herself, and we kept reassuring that it was ok. We arrived home and the kids crashed in their rooms, tired from their night. I found Oli on the floor of our room, just sitting there like he was expecting something. I sat down next to him and hugged him. I felt so loved and wanted. I wanted to stay like that forever. He pulled me into his lap and cuddled me back. We just sat there for a while, talking. It was nice.
I could feel his heartbeat on my chest. Oli looked at me like I was his most prized possession as he kissed me. We made out for a while, but it was amazing. He eventually brought me to the bed, temporarily stopping us kissing so we could strip off our clothes. He touched me like I was glass, his calloused hands felt nice on my skin. I ran my fingers through his hair and held onto him. Oli pinned me to the bed, his body weight on top of me made me feel secure and safe. I put my legs on his waist, inviting him inside of me. He reached down and started fingering me. It felt amazing, his fingers reached just enough to tease me. Finally, he put a condom on, lubed me up and stuck it inside. I moaned each time he thrusted. His dick was just long enough to reach my good spot, it felt magical. Our bodies pressed together as he bit my neck. Each time he would thrust I winced at the pain on my back, even laying down made me hurt. But I ignored it. "Do you want to make this quick? I have work tomorrow but I still want to please you." Oli asked as he bit my ear. I wrapped my arms around his neck "Yea, I want you to get enough sleep and I want some cuddle time before we go to bed." I grabbed his hair and made him listen to me. He blushed as he thrusted harder. "Holy fuck Oli." I moaned, "I'm about to cum, don't stop." I tightened my grip, feeling like I was about to burst. I finally came and he slowed down to help me recover, but then continued. He grunted as he came, the look on his face made me feel so in love. He helped me clean up and we cuddled. I felt so safe in his arms. We were so close, I laid my head on his chest and hugged his stomach as he held me. I quickly drifted off into sleep as Oli rubbed my back.
I woke up to an empty bed and an empty house. I went downstairs and checked the fridge but didn't find anything I liked. It was about ten in the morning so I decided to take dirt for a walk. I put on a tank top and shorts and grabbed the leash. We walked all around town while I listened to my favorite songs. It was nice. I checked the time and realized  I needed to work, I raced home to brush my teeth and get ready. I threw my bag in the back seat and forgot to put on my seatbelt. I raced onto the highway when another car ran into me while I was trying to enter the highway. They T-boned the front of my car and I went circling back and ran into the car behind me, which made my car stop suddenly. I got thrown a good distance from the crash into the ditch. I passed out.
I woke up to rain, it seeped into the cuts on my body and it stung.  I couldn't move, or speak. My breath was shallow and it hurt to try and take a deep breath. I looked around and saw red and white lights. Oli. I needed Oli here to save me. I tried to yell, scream, anything. But I couldn't even move my jaw. My head hurt so much my ears rang. I started to pass out again when I heard someone running towards me. I tried to stay awake, and I succeeded. One of Oli's men shook me and yelled something. Oli came running so fast he almost jumped on me. He slid and fell face first into the mud before getting up and hugging me. He kept yelling, but I still couldn't hear him. He turned me over and picked me up. I still couldn't move so I'm sure I felt heavier than normal. He ran to the ambulance and almost tripped, but successfully got me there. Oli said something to his men then entered with me. They gave me an IV and medicine, which I was grateful for. But it all suddenly hit me at once, I heard a big boom, and sirens, and then yelling. I gasped and sat up, holding my ears and bursting out crying. All of it was so suddenly overwhelming. Then my chest ached and my legs had a searing pain on my lower legs. The paramedics grabbed my arms and forced me into the bed. I tried and failed to get them to release me, even Oli held down my legs as they put restraints on my wrists and ankles, it felt like they were pouring hot iron on my ankles as they did. "It hurts! Stop! It hurts so bad!" I screamed as I tried to get out again. I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head as I passed out again. I woke up to Oli asleep on the side of my bed like in the movies. It hurt to lift my hand but I set it on his head and felt his hair. It was silky and soft, he must have used my good soap. Oli looked at me groggily "Hey V, Goodmorning, what did you dream about?" Oli asked as he closed his eyes. His whole body shook and his eyes shot open,"V! You're awake! Ohmygosh!" He yelled as he hugged me. It hurt when he pushed down on my chest but it made me feel better. "Oli, what happened?" I asked as I held his hand. "You got into a car crash, you broke some of your ribs and both of your legs. Other than a few nicks and bruises you're perfectly healthy!" He smiled and kissed me, right as the nurse walked in. He pulled away as his face turned as red as a cherry. The nurse was surprised to see me awake but continued with what she was doing. The rest of the week was a blur of tests, my family, and Oli. He took off two weeks to help me around the house when I got back. He had to carry me upstairs and help me do pretty much everything. He was so kind to help me during this time of my life. I thanked him and told him I loved him for what felt like every five minutes, but I didn't regret it. I think it's funny how Levi just got out of his cast and I just broke both of my legs. I also couldn't dance anymore, so they let me try and serve drinks. I am now a bartender on crutches. It was funny because my coworkers would have to hug the wall to get by me. I felt a little bad about it. Oli would visit me at work all the time, it was nice to finally have a friendly face.
I hobbled into work to start my shift, I cleaned the bar and got the cups ready when our first customer walked in and approached the bar. "Hello sir! What would you like to drink?" I asked, "Could I have a dragon's tail?" He asked, "sure! Coming right up!" I said happily as I made it. We chatted and he seemed nice. Then Oli walked in and greeted me with a kiss. I gave him his usual fries and Shirley Temple while we talked. The guy asked for a refill so I made it and gave it to him, but just as I was about to walk away he grabbed me by the collar and kissed me. My eyes widened and I glanced at Oli who had a fry in his hand with his mouth open. I pushed him away and laughed it off, "You know you're not allowed to touch the people who work here right? Haha." I said very awkwardly as I struggled to walk back to Oli. "Are you ok? What the fuck?" He whispered-shouted at me. "I don't know babe! But it's not like I can kick Henry out! He's a regular!" I whispered back. I was used to this, people breaking the rules just to get a touch or grab in just for them to be kicked out. I sighed and continued with work, at least I would be home soon. I felt a slight sickness for the rest of the night, like I needed to puke but I didn't know when. Oli left soon after Henry kissed me, I didn't know if it made me feel better, or worse. Levi had to pick me up and drive me home, as I hobbled into the house a feeling of dread washed over me. Levi opened the door and I locked eyes with Oli, he looked disappointed and twinged with anger. "Does that happen all the time?" Oli asked. "Well, it's normal for the occasional grope, I'm a stripper Oli! It's prone to happen!" I wanted to cry as I pleaded my case. I expected him to scream, yell, or even hit me, but instead he ran at me and hugged me. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that happened to you." Oli whispered in my ear. I dropped my crutches and cried with relief as I hugged him back. "Why would you scare me like that! I thought you were mad at me!" I sobbed. "Why would I be mad at you? You can't control it." Oli chuckled. "I don't know Oli, I guess I just kinda expected it." I admitted. Oli looked so sad when I said that and he hugged me harder. "I made meatloaf for dinner, do you want some before bed?" Oli asked as he pulled away. "Yea, thank you, can you help me to the table?" I tried to grab my crutches before Oli stopped me. Oli helped me to the table and Levi put them next to me before heading to bed. I relaxed into the chair and finally took a breath of relief from the day. I scarfed down the meatloaf as Oli talked about his day. "How is it? I put in extra meat this time." Oli gushed. "It's amazing, it's weird how you are so good at cooking but I'm bad at it." I joked as Oli helped me stand up. "You're not bad at cooking! I love it when you make noodles!" Oli tried to defend me. "You can't really mess up noodles though." I laughed. We went upstairs, showered, and settled into bed. I played with Oli's chin hair as I laid on his chest. I thought about how it tickled against my chin when I kissed him. Oli played with my hair as we talked about our days, Oli ranting about random things is cute. After a lot of talking, Oli stopped and looked at me, "How was your day? Did you have fun at therapy this morning?" He asked. I smiled, "yea, it was really fun, I texted her earlier actually about something we talked about. She's really nice to me." I looked up at Oli and kissed him. His snakebites were cold against me. He pulled away and hugged me tightly. "I'm so glad you're alive." He whispered before going to sleep. I sat there, stunned about what he had said, I wanted to cry but I didn't want to wake him either. So I just dealt with it and fell asleep.
                         About two months later
I woke up to a note on the sink and I had a splitting headache. My whole body was in pain, from my legs, to my ribs, to my head. The note on the sink said "I took the kids out to your parents house for the weekend. I'll see you when you get back!" With a winking face. I smiled and went to the medicine cabinet, scanning it for headache medicine. I found some, but when I tried to read it I couldn't focus. I was groggy and it was too blurry to see how many I had to take. It hurt too much to wait for Oli to get home. So I took half the bottle, there was like half of it left so I figured I was fine. I ate an apple and drank some juice while I waited for Oli to get back home. I started sweating a lot. I took off my shirt but I didn't help, I continued to sweat buckets. I felt sluggish and slumped in my chair, staring at the door. Oli finally walked in and we made eye contact, suddenly, panic washed over his face. "V? You ok?" Oli asked, "Yea, I'm feeling much better since my headache went away." I smiled and laughed. "Did you take medicine for it?" Oli asked as he approached me. "Yea, why wouldn't I?" I asked Oli. "How much did you take?" Oli wiped my brow. "Enough, maybe half of what was left." I explained. Oli grabbed me and dragged me to the closest bathroom, I dropped my crutches, "hey! What are you doing?" I asked and tried to squirm out of his grip. "You took too much! You have to puke it back up!" Oli yelled back at me, looking worried. "I don't remember you having first aid training!" I yelled. "I don't, asshole! But I also don't try to kill myself with headache medicine!" Oli grabbed the back of my hair and shoved my head into the toilet. I grabbed the sides just before my head would have hit the bowl. He then pried my mouth open and shoved his fingers down my throat, quickly pulling them out as I gagged. "What the fuck are you doing Oli!" I asked as my eyes started watering. "I told you earlier! You cannot kill yourself with pain meds! Now just puke!" He said as he shoved his hand in my mouth again. I could feel my puke coming up each time he did it. He shoved my head into the bowl again as I finally puked. He continued to make me puke until I couldn't. Then Oli sat me on the couch and gave me some rice, sitting down next to me. "V, you cannot do that again, at least call me next time you decide to take a bunch of pills! I can help you take the right dose! I'm sorry, just please don't do that again." Oli sighed and looked like he was about to cry. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, I will make sure to call you next time so you can help me." I kissed him and he looked disgusted. "Did you brush your teeth after?? Did you just kiss me after you just puked?" Oli asked. "Maybe, I'll do it again." I said as I kissed him again. He calmed down and wrapped his arm around me as I continued to eat. I set the bowl in my lap when I finished. Oli continued to watch TV, I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.
I woke up to a metal hand around my neck and being lifted off the ground. "Why hello Mr.V, how are you on this fine morning?" I opened my eyes to see a man with metal arms, short blond hair, round glasses, and pretty grey eyes. He wore a grey shirt and black shorts. The weight of my casts wore me down like weights, I choked and grasped at his hands with no luck. I looked over at Oli, his hands and feet were tied and he had a gag over his mouth. He was thrashing around while three people tackled him, trying to make Oli submit to them. I shot disks at the man in front of me, small ones, big ones, ones with dull and sharp edges, everything I could think of. But nothing worked. As I started to pass out he said "alright, we got them, let's go back" before I passed out.
I woke up next to Oli, our feet were chimed to the floor, but I was still able to reach him. "Oli! Wake up! Are you ok?" I yelled, shaking him to wake up. His eyes shot open and he punched me in the face, my head hit the wall and the world went spiraling. "Oh fuck, im so sorry V! I didn't mean to do that!" Oli pulled me into a hug as the world slowly returned. "Nice one Oliver, it's nice to meet you again." I looked over to see a man with olive skin, green eyes, and shaggy brown hair to match. He had on a black crop top and black shorts. He walked over and pecked Oli on the head. Oli, thankfully, slapped the guy and yelled at him. "Wow, is that really something to do to your ex?" A voice from the hallway echoed into the room. I looked over and saw yet another guy, he had long brown hair with dark brown eyes to match, he looked like he had just rolled out of bed, he was shirtless and had on sweatpants. The guy with blond hair helped him up, "I cannot believe you just did that to Lucas. You asshole." He spat at Oli. "Yea right Drake, we all know he deserved it after what he did to me." Oli said angrily back. "Hey, Um, what's happening? Oli, how do you know these people?" I asked him. "Oh, I guess I never told you about that. Remember the end of highschool when I ran away for a couple years? I was with these guys. We were in a polyamory relationship. But they all demanded to get married and I wasn't ready yet. So I headed back home to look for you." He looked hurt as he said it. Which made my blood boil. "So? What does that have to do with us now?" I asked, trying to scoot closer to Oli. "Well we have a deal we want to make with you. We have been watching you guys for a while now, and with Ben's help we have decided to let you guys choose between a poly relationship with all of us, or to die. Ya know V, he gave you a choice to escape with Ben at the school. But you decided to kick him in the face. So now you're involved." Lucas said, patting my cheek. "Yea right. I don't like you guys anymore! I have a family that I love now! Why is everyone trying to take that away from me!" Oli yelled, he looked like he wanted to cry. I felt so helpless, I couldn't even help Oli in my condition. "What does that mean for our kids? I would rather drown myself than have you interfere in their lives." I growled. "Well, we were planning on you leaving them, right darling?" Lucas proceeded to kiss the shirtless guy, "I love the way you kiss, Maverick." Lucas said. I looked at Oli, who was staring at the ground and looked like he was about to have a panic attack. Suddenly, a hand forced me to meet Drake's face, his hand felt cold against my skin, he then leaned in and kissed me, I felt rage. How could this random guy I just met kiss me for no reason? I bit his tongue and spit out his taste after he pulled away.  Drake then went after Oli, he held Oli's face like he did mine. I shot out a disk at his wrist and it came clean off, the scratching of the medal scraping against my disk hurt my ears. Oli cut off the rest of Drake's arms with his blood. "Do you know how long that will take to fix? Bastard." Drake screamed at Oli and walked away. I shot a disk at his back, but it was deflected by Maverick. "That was very mean of you to do V. '' Maverick said, examining my disk. I frowned, and struggled trying to stand up. Something suddenly flew past my face and into the wall behind me, I looked at Maverick who had a devilish smile on his face. "Very dynamic. I like your style. But that doesn't really work on me. If we're going to be together you need to get used to it." He frowned as he got closer to me and bent down so he was eye level with me. "That's the thing Mav, we're not going to be together. Just because you used to be with Oli does not mean you are going to be with me. I think you should remember that." I spat in his face. He frowned and walked out the door, jestering to his boyfriends to leave. "I'll see you cuties tomorrow." He winked as he closed the door, leaving us with just a candle for light and a tub of water. I looked at Oli, but he didn't meet my eyes. I hugged Oli, trying to make him feel better, he leaned into me with his eyes wide. "I never thought I would be here again. Why do they still need me? Why here? Why now? We need to leave asap." He pulled me off of him and broke off our shackles. "Come on V, we're leaving." Oli said as he picked me up. I blushed and held onto his neck. He spread his wings and ran up that stairs and rammed into the door. He pinned all of our captors by the necks with collars of blood onto the walls. Oli ran out the door and flew into the night door.
I suddenly felt a tug on my foot, I looked down to see Lucas, with a rope attached wrapped around my leg. I tried to get it off but nothing would work. "What's happening V?" Oli yelled as he continued to try and fly. "Lucas got me with a rope! I'm sorry!" I yelled back. I continued to struggle until I decided that I didn't want to anymore. I thrashed around in Oli's grip, trying to get him to let me go.
He finally dropped me, he started to go after me at first but I screamed at him "Do not come after me! Go and get the kids! I love you! Don't forget that!" Oli stopped in his tracks and left me falling. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as I looked up at the sky with Lucas slowly pulling me in. I finally hit the ground with a splat. My whole body ached. They all surrounded me, looking down at me like I was an alien. I wanted to run, kick, scream, hide, anything to get me away from them, but I couldn't. I couldn't move a muscle. They all worked together to pick me up and carry me back to their house. Drake put me on the couch with a blanket and Maverick tried to make me drink water, which I promptly spit back into the cup. "Wow, greatful one aren't you." Maverick put the cup on the table next to the couch. I started to feel like myself again. I could wiggle my fingers and slightly move my arms. "Why are you helping me?" I asked them. "Because we like you, idiot. How have you not realized that?" Lucas huffed. "But you literally had me chained to a wall not even twenty minutes ago! What changed?" I sternly asked them. They all shrugged, "We felt bad for you. We figured we would treat you fairly until Oli comes back. There's a high randsome on Oliver being dead. So we tried to kidnap him, but you decided to come along. Drake fell in love with you as soon as he saw you so we decided to let you in our relationship." Lucas explained, glaring at Drake. His whole body turned red as he tried to explain to me that he didn't and Lucas was lying. "Yea right, we all know you did." Maverick kissed him on the cheek and Drake turned red all over again. "Drake, I don't know why you're trying to prove yourself to me, I don't really have a choice in this matter, so I?" I asked. "Not really." Lucas said. "Now you're making me feel bad!" Maverick said as he kissed one of my horns. "Hey! Don't touch my horns asshat!" I yelled. Maverick backed off with his hands in the air. "Hey, I get my casts off in a week. I need to make that appointment, if I'm still here by the time that happens you guys need to take me there." I said. "Ok, we can do that." Drake smiled. I sighed and laid there, unsure of what to do. "Uhg, it's late. Let's go to bed." Lucas complained. Maverick and Drake complied and went down the hall to their room. Deciding it was useless to just sit there awake I decided to sleep.
I woke up to waffles. "Huh?" I asked Lucas, who handed me the plate. "Maverick makes good waffles, so we decided to give you some. Be grateful we're even feeding you." Lucas scolded me. I ate quickly and put the plate on my legs. Sitting up I looked around, it seemed like a nice cottage in the country, we were surrounded by a big grass yard with dogs playing out the window. Drake must have caught me staring, "The big white one is Nala, the black one is sharpie." He explained. "Sharpie?" I joked. Drake smiled and laughed. I needed to keep up my happy act. I missed my family so much, but no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't show it. I wanted to be with Oli, not these guys. I wanted to kiss him and cuddle up on his warm chest. "Whatcha blushing so much about?" Lucas snapped me out of my trance and lightly tapped my head with the spatula he was holding. Then whacked Drake on the butt. "Hey! That hurt asshole!" Drake won. "You know it didn't hurt that bad, get over it." Maverick yelled from the kitchen. Drake looked at me with puppy dog eyes and I laughed in his face. "Hey, we need to go shopping, who wants to come with me? Someone needs to come with me and someone needs to stay here. Do you want anything V?" Lucas asked as he looked at his list. "Cantaloupe? Maybe some energy drinks?" I asked. Lucas nodded and added it to the list. "I'll stay with V!" Drake raised his hand as he volunteered. "I'll go with Luke then, don't do anything weird to V before we get back ok? Just show him around. I bet he will like the chickens." Maverick pointed at Drake like he was a bad kid in trouble. "I won't! But no promises." Drake laughed as he helped me up. Maverick rolled his eyes as he and Lucas walked out the door. "Wanna meet Nala and Sharpie?" Drake asked with a smile. "Sure." I shrugged as he dragged me outside. The dogs seemed friendly as they kicked my casts and snuggled at my feet. "Nala! Sharpie! Stay off of V's feet!" Drake said as he shooed them away. He showed me the chickens. They were in a big coop and looked happy. He gathered the eggs and helped me on the porch. He put the eggs in the fridge as I sat in the rocking chair. He came back out with a grin on his face and a deck of cards. "Do you know how to play speed?" he asked as he shuffled them. "Yea, wanna play? I'm not very good at it though." I chuckled as he set up the game. We played for a while before he led me inside for some water. He sat me on the counter as he handed me a cup. We chatted as we drank. It was nice for a while.
But then he pulled me in for a kiss. I pulled back so hard I hit my head on the cabinets. "OW why in the hell do I keep hitting my god damn head." I sighed. "Wow V, that was very rude. You do want to please me, don't you?" Drake whispered. I felt disgusted, I didn't want anything to do with him, let alone kiss him. But I couldn't argue with him and get myself chained up in the basement again. I sat there awkwardly as he kissed me again. "Let's go to the bedroom, shall we?" Drake asked, blushing as he carried me. He opened the door and I was met with the largest bed I had ever seen. He sat me on the edge of the bed. Two dressers lined the walls with paintings of landscapes. "Do you like them?" Drake caught me looking. I nodded as he lit black candles on top of the bookshelves. "Lucas likes to paint in his free time. He likes to take us on road-trips or out hiking just so he could paint." He smiled like he was remembering how happy he was. Then he turned to me, he looked like he could eat me whole. "You ready to get the best fuck of your life?" He asked as he kissed me. He stripped down and struggled to take off my pants and underwear, when he succeeded he took off my shirt and grabbed the candle. It was just a black stick, but he dropped it on my chest. It burned for a minute, then subsided, turning into a waxy feeling. He had an erection. He was smaller than Oli, by an inch or two. But it still felt terrible as he stuck it inside of me. He continued to pour wax on me as he humped me. I didn't have an erection. I didn't expect this to happen this soon, let alone at all. I felt emotionless. I didn't know what to do. He finally came, I was so glad he wore a condom otherwise I would have cried. He took off his condom and set me on the floor with my back on the side of the bed. "Ready for round two?" He huffed with excitement. I just stared at him blankly as he ordered me to open my mouth. He held the candle over my head as he quickly shoved it into my mouth. I wasn't long enough to reach the back of my throat so I just took it the best I could. The wax caught in my eyebrows and eyelashes, it leaked all the way down my face and dropped on my chest. He came into my mouth and I proceeded to spit it on the floor. He huffed and cleaned himself up. He threw my underwear and a large pair of shorts at me before heading to the bathroom. I quickly put them on and crawled in the corner of the room in between the bed and wall. I started to cry and sobbed until I heard the front door open and shut. Maverick and Lucas were home. "Hey, where's V? Did you show him around?" I could faintly hear Lucas say. "Yea, he really liked Nala and Sharpie. We played cards and had some fun after." I heard Drake laugh. "Drake. Where the fuck is V?" Maverick asked sternly. "We agreed to ask him and save it for later!" Lucas yelled. I heard feet pattering around the house. I tried to make myself smaller, staring at the crack between the bed and the wall. I heard the door creak open. "V? Are you here?" Maverick walked around before our eyes met. "Lucas! I found him." He yelled before trying to approach me. "Get away from me! I should have never let Oli drop me! I wanna go home you sick fucks!" I screamed. "Drake, that bastard. Do you have wax on you?" Lucas asked, looking down at me. "I think Drake went mad when we left. He only did this when we first started dating. Remember?" Maverick asked. Lucas had a pained look on his face. "I'm so sorry V, I didn't mean for this to happen. Do you want to shower? I don't let Drake touch you. I'm sure you feel dirty." Lucas consoled me. They helped me up and led me to the bathroom. It was surprisingly big with its own bath and shower. Lucas came back with bags and wrapped them around my casts while Maverick started the bath. They helped me undress and get into the tub. They locked the door and helped me wash myself. Getting the wax off of my face and hair was hard, but we succeeded after a while. By the time we were done it was lunchtime. Maverick made Drake make me lunch. He made me a BLT and it tasted pretty good. Lucas then made him clean the house and feed all of the animals. "Look, I'm sorry ok? I didn't know it would have been this much of a big deal otherwise I wouldn't have done it!" Drake complained. "Your puppy dog eyes won't work on me. You're sleeping on the couch tonight. V is sleeping with us." Maverick scolded. "Are you ok with that?" Lucas asked me. "Yea, the couch is a little uncomfortable. I appreciate it." I smiled at them. "Wanna come outside and watch me paint?" Lucas asked. "If that's ok with you, I would love to join. I saw your paintings in the bedroom. They look amazing." I complimented him. His cheeks and ears turned red as he helped me outside with a chair, easel, a small cute table, paints, and a cup with water. He sat me in the chair and made sure I didn't need anything before he got to work. He looked totally in the zone, painting the land like it was the best day in the world.
"Hey!" I shot out of my daydream and Lucas jumped at the noise, making him mess up. "Maverick you bastard you made me mess up!" Lucas yelled back. "Well Lucas, it's time for dinner!" Maverick shouted back while he shut the door. Lucas huffed as he set his paint down and helped me inside. Maverick made steak for dinner with salad. It was delicious. "This is so good. You should be a chef." I exclaimed while I took another bite. Maverick chuckled at my remark, looking down at his food. Lucas suddenly dropped his fork and his hand started making weird movements and clicking noises. "Lucas! Are you ok?" Drake asked. "Yea, they've been acting weird since somebody decided to rip them off." He glared at me. I wanted to sink in my chair. Lucas opened a panel on his forearm and adjusted something before he continued to eat. Every once in a while it would make another clicking sound. I helped wash the dishes and put them away before watching the sunset. "It's really pretty isn't it, very blue and purple." Maverick commented. "Just like V's eyes." Drake said, his eyes locked onto the sunset. After it got dark we all headed inside. "We're heading to bed. Drake, have fun on the couch." Maverick said, as Lucas helped me into the bedroom. I flopped onto the bed as Mav handed me a new pair of clothes. They climbed into bed after me and we all made small talk. After a while we decided to sleep, they both snuggled into each side of me. It was nice to finally feel a little loved.
I woke up to find myself face to face with Maverick. I reared my head back and hit Lucas in the nose. "Ow! What the hell?" Lucas yelled, holding his nose. "Ah, I'm so sorry. I got scared." I admitted. Drake burst into the room. "What's wrong? Hey! Is that my shirt?" He pointed at me. "Maybe, I got a bloody nose." Lucas crawled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom, Lucas and Maverick quickly following after. I crawled out of bed and slowly made my way to the bathroom. "Hey? What are you doing out of bed? You can walk?" Maverick asked. "Very slowly, is Lucas ok?" I asked. Lucas had tissues in his nostrils. "Yea I'm fine." Lucas said, sounding congested. "I'll make you an omelette for breakfast, how does that sound?" I asked him. He nodded and I slowly made my way to the kitchen. I added peppers, mushrooms, and spices. I think it turned out pretty good. I had a lot extra so I made some for the rest of us.
Drake slept in the bed that night along with the rest of us. I got my cast off the next week and everything turned out ok. The next couple of weeks turned out the same, boring, and faking being happy. I missed my family so much. I don't know how much I would give to be back into Oli's arms.
I suddenly woke up one night to thumping on the roof. I didn't think anybody else was awake, so I slowly climbed out of the bed and made my way out the door. I looked at the roof but didn't see anything. Just before I tried to go inside a hand went over my mouth and pulled me away from the house. I let them. I let the person pull me further and further from the house. I didn't want to be there any longer. I saw people surrounding the house, one man in the front held his hand up, when he quickly put it back down they charged the house. I squinted, trying to recognize anybody. But I couldn't. I had no idea who these people were. A couple minutes later Maverick, Lucas, and Drake all came out in handcuffs. "Look, I have no idea where V is! He was gone when you guys rudely woke me up!" Lucas yelled at them. The person behind me removed their hand from my mouth, and released me from their grip. I quickly turned around and summoned disks in my hands. "Joshua? What are you doing here? Where's Oli?" I asked him. Joshua was Oli's right hand man at the agency. I knew him quite well. "I don't know, I'm sorry for taking you away like that. I wanted to make sure you didn't get hurt. Oli said he would be here soon." Joshua explained. I suddenly heard a motorcycle, I quickly turned around to see a black one speeding into the driveway. They tried and failed to stop, they turned and fell sideways onto the ground. Quickly getting back up and taking off their helmet I realized it was Oli. He was frantically looking for me, yelling and asking the police. Where I was. I looked at Joshua, who gave me a nod and thumbs up. I turned and ran to Oli. I sprinted like I was running from a monster from your nightmares. Our eyes met when I was about halfway there. He started running to me too. His jacket waved behind him. We ran into each other, hugging. We both fell to the ground and cried into each other's shoulders. "You! Why did you fall? Why did you struggle? Why did you make me leave you?" He asked. "So you could get away. I don't want you to go through the trauma of getting kidnapped again! I love you! I have missed you so much Oli!" I hugged him tighter. "V! I'm so mad at you! But I'm also so relieved I'm so glad you're ok. I'm so glad they didn't hurt you!" Oli sobbed. I pulled away and kissed him. I missed his lips, his soft beard against my chin, his cold snakebites. "God, I missed you so much." I said, hugging him again. "I kinda missed having a roommate." Oli joked. "You asshole!" I said as I kissed him again.
The police made sure I was ok, asking me questions about what I went through. I had to describe what happened with Drake and I, which hurt. But Lucas and Maverick treated me kindly. Kinder than Drake ever did. They let me go home with Oli on his bike, he lent me his helmet and I rode behind him. It felt so nice to snuggle into Oli's back for the first time in a while. When we got home it was still dark out. So we decided not to wake the kids and head upstairs to sleep. Oli let me shower before changing into my own clothes to head to bed. I liked that I could shower with Oli now instead of alone. We snuggled and talked for a while before finally going to sleep.
I woke up sweaty and hot, but I was hugging Oli, so I didn't move. He woke up a while later. "Good morning, do you want me to wake the kids up?" He asked, kissing my forehead. "Yes, I missed them a lot too." I responded. Maverick and Lucas only got a 10 year sentence for kidnapping and releasing me without harm. Drake on the other hand, got a 20 year sentence, which I was relieved about. Oli and I agreed to visit Lucas and Maverick after court is over and they're in prison.

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