Fight For Freedom

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Y/N's POV--

"Y/N DEAR, I NEED YOU TO CHANGE AND GET READY TO GO TO YOUR UNCLES HOUSE. YOU HAVE LESS THEN 10 MUNITES!"I hear mom yell from down stares causeing them to let go of me

"YES MA'AM!" I yell back looking at them "i need to change guys... dont w-worry ill be fine" i say putting a smile on my face.

They saw right through my lie. i went to my closet ad faced away from them

"You dont have to lis-" i cut shikamaru off. "B-but i do" i pause "if i-i dont ill get kicked o-out."

 "We both know my mom doesnt like you which i dont get why..." shika said quitely looking down.

I take my dress off feeling kakashi watching me. I change into (pic below)

 I change into (pic below)

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After getting dressed i was brushing my hair untill i feel Kakashi hugging me from behind. I blushed as i felt his breath on my neck.

Befor i could speak he said in a low and quite voice.       "Why are you doing this to yourself? Let me help you... you can move in with me" he pleaded. 

"I want to i really do b-but she would end up g-getting me back some how... Every. Single. Ti-" he interups me.

 "No she wont! Never again will she or anyone else thats not me or lazy shikamaru will get close to you! I wont let you go. Not this time" His yell became a wisper.

I turn around looking at him

I noticed that shikamaru has already left and i saw some of my stuff gone. *Hes series about* "o-ok deal"

my eyes widen as i see my mom walking up the stares. I ba k up and walk to the door. 

I hear kakashi say something under his breath like "how dare she" and "whats mine"

"Oh hello mother i was just comeing down now" i say as she looks at me up and down smileing. "Thats a nice outfit." Is all she says and walks back down to the 1st floor with me and kakashi behind her. 

Kakashi's POV--

"Lets g-" "no"  y/n cuts her off, stoping Rose who was getting her bag. She turned around and looked at y/n shocked at what she said. Y/n was a few feet away from her mother and i was right beside her

*I will not let her do this* thoughts getting interutpted.

"What did you just say" Rose asked as y/n griped onto her clothes

"I. Said. NO! Im done wilh you treating me like im a fucking  sex doll that can be passed around to whoever NO! You never cared about how i felt all you ever did was fucking use me to get more money!"                                                                                                                                                      Y/n's mom snaped back getting closer.

"watch your damn mouth young lady i am your mother! i put a roof over your head feed you give you a place to sleep, and this is what i get in return." She paused  

"I hate you! I wish dad never died i wish you were never my mother!" Y/n yelled as her mom was fixing to smack her, "kakashi.." "why you UNGREATFULL LIT-" 

*i promised her* i thought quickly steping infront of my scared kitten grabbing and stoping her hand. *she was going to hit my y/n huh..*

 "Im beond pissed now" i said as i grabed her other hand she was trying hit me

I feel myself black out as my eyes went dull.

"Who the hel-" "No who the hell do you think you are to try and hit your own fucking daughter to touch  and hurt  some one i love... u stay away from her"

 I say growling at her in a low but darkening voice. I feel myself growing in even more anger.

I push her back as i pull y/n onto my back and she wraps her legs and hands around me. I walk to the front door to leave as i here her mother runing at us with a kuani. "GIVE ME MY NAMAKI SHES MINE I GAVE BIRTH TO HER!!" She yells as i block her with my arm

"Ouch.. that hurt.....


                                      .. HAHAHAHAHA! 

Do you still not get it!?  She wants to leave, and she is! You will not come anywhere near  what isent yours no more.. haha just think now i get her all to myself now no one and i mean NO ONE will ever take her away from me. 

And if they try to i'll-" I paused walking out the door to m-no our house.

"..........kill them........."

"your all safe and sound now my pretty flower" I wisper as she starys quite. I quickly made it home, locked the doors and windows and layed down with a sleeping y/n in my arms. *good night kitty.. i love you* i think while falling asleep along side her. 

Knowing thats shes safe in my arms... is enough for me.

Kakashi x Reader x ShikamaruWhere stories live. Discover now