Chapter Nine: Flashbacks

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So the week my mother went to the hospital was probably the worst week for me. (Happy Friday)

Derek tossed on a casual t-shirt, he smoothed it out and gave himself an approving nod in the mirror. He could see Stiles behind him tying his shoes, Derek was still a tad bit upset about the girl but decided to get over it. Stiles was his mate which meant their bond was a lot more powerful than most people thought.

Stiles wiggled his feet so that he could get used to his almost new shoes. Stiles could see Derek frowning while fixing his hair in the mirror, Stiles knew he'd much rather be wearing some type of beanie.Stiles smiled at his mate, Derek looked at him from the mirror smiling back.

"I haven't been to a regular party in sooo long." Stiles spoke with exaggerated hand movements.

"Yeah? what's a regular party to you." Derek hummed finally giving up on his hair.

"A regular party to me," Stiles ran his fingers through Derek's hair."Is not having to wear a suit and tie."

"Hmmm, but I think you look pretty good all dressed up." Derek pecked Stiles' nose affectionately.

"I only look 'pretty good'."Stiles crossed his arms over his chest with a playful pout.

"You look absolutely sexy." Derek murmured into Stiles' ear. "But I honestly don't want my family hearing me sweet talk to you."

Stiles grinned and intertwined their fingers together. Derek nuzzled Stiles' neck leaving his scent on his mate. They stayed like this for what seemed hours but was only mere minutes. Non the less Derek enjoyed their quiet moments, especially after feeling so crappy earlier.

Stiles wrapped his arms around Derek's waist, and stuffed his hands inside of Derek's back pocket. This reminded Derek of their time in the janitors closet, almost like a weird flashback of some sort.

~Derek's flashback~
Stiles stood almost pressed against Derek,so this might be the smallest closet they have been in but they really needed to talk about stiles sleeping at Derek's house while his father is away.Derek looked incredibly embarrassed but stood there silently.

"What are we gonna do?"Stiles looked at Derek's hazel eyes and felt his heart beat speed up quickly.They were beautiful, a smile spread on his face when Derek gracelessly looked away.

"I don't know."Stiles replied and grabbed Derek's hand gently making the other boy blush darkly.He kissed his hand and the tips of Derek's ears turned red.Stiles smiled in satisfaction loving the reaction he got out of the teen wolf.

"Obviously continue doing what were doing now."Derek sighed at Stiles's answer that was obvious but relationship wise he needed to know.Stiles grinned like he was freakin comedy gold and Derek frowned towards him annoyed.

"Well what am I gonna say you're my friend,acquaintance...enemy."He mumbled and Stiles frowned,if that's what it had to take to insure their relationship so be it.

"Enemy it is."Stiles's usual smile wiped off his face replaced with a grimace.Neither of them liked the idea of it but they had to do it to protect their secret."Trust me on this."Stiles wrapped his arms around Derek's waist lovingly and kissed his neck."Im afraid I just might have to."Derek chuckled and wrapped his arms around Stiles neck.

Stiles hummed a smirk on his face,he could see Derek's cheeks turn red as he slowly slid his hand to Derek's behind."Mmm,I love you."Stiles squeezed Derek's butt playfully."I think you love my butt more then me to be honest."Derek chuckled his cheeks still a bright red."Maybe."Stiles kissed Derek softly and smiled.

~Derek's flashback ends~

Derek chuckled at the memory causing Stiles to raise an eyebrow. Derek's chuckle became louder his arms resting on Stiles' shoulders. Stiles watched him with curious eyes Derek's head tipped back while he continued to laugh. He didn't know why it was so funny but it was.

"What's up?"Stiles smiled warily.

"I just remembered something from when we were teenagers." Derek smiled brightly at Stiles.

"The janitors closet?" Stiles perked and Derek's smile became brighter.

"Yeah, exactly!" Derek pecked his lips softly," we thought that plan was perfect."

"We were naive." Stiles hummed.

"Were we?"Derek looked at him with a small smile.

"Yes, but now were grown." Stiles tightened his grip.

"Are we?Cause you're still pretty childish."

"Shut up." Stiles shoved him playfully, "Come on we have a party to get to."

Music blared from all corners of the house and this reminded Derek of the Halloween party they had gone to when they were teens. Stiles swayed to the beat of the song, Derek moved along with him gaining the attention of quite a few people. Derek didn't mind as long as Stiles was happy he was happy.

He could see the blonde girl from afar watching them, he had forgotten her name already. He ignored her stares and continued to dance. The music was almost deafening because of his heightened senses, but he was used to it in fact he didn't mind it.

Laura was kissing a guy Derek hadn't met yet, Derek had a feeling that he would definitely see this guy again in the future. Daniel and Dustin were playing beer pong, it took quite some convincing to make Daniel loosen up he obviously complied. Cora was also on the dance floor with a guy that Derek wasn't too fond of.

But so far this night was going to great. And Derek loved it.

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