Chapter 2

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 An Unexpected Visit

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Y/N took a deep breath and rang the doorbell, she nervously fidget with her fingers when she heard footsteps coming towards the door.

'Kobayashi-san, did you forgot you—?' the door opened and instead of her sister, a blond girl was the one who greeted her. 

'Hello, Is someone named Kobayashi there?' Y/N asked. Getting more nervous than she already was when the blond girl look at her up and down.

'I'm sorry but Kobayashi-san is still at work, would you like to come in?' the maid girl asked with a smile despite having some dark murderous aura.

'Yes, if I may,' Y/N replied nervously as she get in the house head low.

'Sorry for the intrusion.'

'You may sit there.' the blond maid pointed at the couch which Y/N gladly sat on.

'I'm Kobayashi Tohru. I'm a maid that lives together with Kobayashi-san.' Tohru introduce herself emphasizing the word 'together'

'Kobayashi...' Y/N mumble, tilting her head to the side a bit, confusedly. She didn't know anyone named Tohru from her family. How does this girl could have the same surname as her and her sister? Or is it because of the alcohol that's messing up with her memories right now?

'Hah. Yes, you foolish inferior creature, I'm with Kobayashi. So, stay away.' is what Tohru wanted to say but she didn't.

 'Yes. Have you got problems with that?' Tohru grinned getting close to the girl. Y/N feeling unease quickly shook her head no.

'No, no, no, not at all it's just that I...we—' Y/N stutters, sweat dropping at the peculiar maid's behavior. She quickly thinks of something to say to not be rude, so she fakes a cough and introduce herself as well.

'I'm sorry. I must introduce myself as well. I'm Kobayashi Y/N.'

'' Tohru said slowly. Her murderous aura is long gone but now replace with a confused and clueless one.

'Yes, I'm your employer's sister.' Y/N smiled a bit awkwardly.

'Sister!?' Tohru exclaimed making Y/N jump a bit in surprise before they both heard someone coming through the doors.

'I'm home...' Kobayashi greeted as she hang her coat before getting in, 'What's up with the noise though?'

'Ah, well you see...' Tohru trailed off looking at the girl who's looking down at her luggage. Kobayashi followed her gaze to see her sister sitting

'Hm? Y/N what are you—eh?' Kobayashi-san was cut off by Y/N quickly hugging her.


'Hello...?' Kobayashi greeted her little sister confusingly. 'What's up with all those bag?'

'About that...' Y/N trailed off, she explained that she got kick out of he apartment and that she doesn't know where to go so she ended up here.

'I'm sorry, I swear it's just for tonight!' the younger Kobayashi stated.

'But you said your pay isn't until next two weeks. You wouldn't be able to rent a apartment by just a few bucks that isn't even enough for a whole meal,' The other Kobayashi said, 'You can stay here as long as you need, Y/N' Kobayashi pats her sisters head.

'Eh!?' The confused dragon yelled out but the two Kobayashi ignored her.

'Oneechan...thank you.' Y/N replied tearing up.

'Hey, no need to cry. I'm your elder sister after all, It's only natural for me to provide for you. Even, until we are old. Now wipe your tears, alright?' Kobayashi smiled softly. Y/N wiped her tears as told and look up at her sister.

'Ne~ oneechan.' 


'Who's she?' Y/N pointed at the maid who so not quietly watched the scene.

'That's Tohru, did she not introduce herself?' Kobayshi asked and shot the maid a questioning look.

'I've told her my name already, Kobayashi-san!' is what Tohru replied. 

'What I meant is...she introduced herself as "Kobayashi Tohru" is she a relative?' Y/N asked making Kobayashi sweat dropped, 'and what's up with the cosplay?' she quietly added. 

'Eh?! do you have a problem with my maid uniform?' yelled Tohru but she was ignored by the two. Kobayashi sighs and decided to tell her the truth.

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It was morning, Kobayashi was scrambling all over her apartment since she didn't hear her alarm. She rushes towards the door and opened it revealing a...huge green dragon?

'Good morning, Kobayashi-san.' It greeted

'Huge. Lizard. My Name. It says my name. It says hi Dream? Big eyes. It greeted me. Horns. Huge Lizard. Dream. Dream? Dream!' Kobayashi's thoughts race but she came to a conclusion that it was all a dream.

'Hello?' she greeted back, out of politeness. She offer to let the dragon in her home. The dragon's massive appearance went past her head and maybe it was because of shock.

'Oh! I can't come in this form right?' The dragon asked and suddenly a beam of light surrounded it. When light cleared Kobayashi see a pretty girl in a maid outfit standing before her.

'Maid? I'm totally dreaming am I?'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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