Chp.1; before

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I was woken up by Somone yelling at me.
"Get up!!!" She yelled "get up before miss.bieotch finds you."
"Wha..." I moan.
"Wake up!!! Hurry!!!!" She yelled.
My brain automatically came to life. I practically jumped out of bed.
"What time is it shay?" I asked in alarm "7:57 am"sharon said."hurry!"
"Shit!!" I said."miss rhinos not here yet?"
"Fortunetly c,mon!" She yelled.
I quickly got dressed. I only had my adoption clothes clean right now so I put them on.
When I got downstairs I almost cried at the look mrs.kent gave me. I know for sure I'll get beat.
"Today is adoption day thank you some people, even if you are late,for being ready."Ms.Kent said pointedly at me."just hope your one of the lucky few."
She dismissed us.
"Today's adoption day?" I ask shay."yeah I thought you remembered."
She looked deliberately at my clothes.
"These were the only clean stuff I had today."
"Oh" she laughed."thats ironic."
Me and shay talked most through the day there weren't many people. We mostly talked about getting jobs and living together.
"So I was thinking California or-" I was interrupted by girls screaming.
"Wtf" I said.
I turned around to see what the commotion was about.
As soon as I did my eyes locked with another pair. not just any pair but the purest blue I've ever seen.
I went to investigate. Right behind him were Cameron dallas, mattew Espinosa, Aaron carpenter, Taylor Caniff and Jack G and Jack J
Nash never looked away from me.
It got dead silent.
"I'm Cameron Dallas and these are a few of my friends."
Everyone cheered.
Nash broke eye contact when cam finished.
"ALRIGHT YO!! We came here to talk to you and bring a little cheer-"
Every one applauded.
"I got thinking we are all old enough maybe we'll adopt some of you how bout that?"
Everyone screamed.
"Ok" it was Matt this time," we're just gonna go around and talk to you that sound good ok let's do this"
"UH...hey" someone said from behind me.
it was nash. omg. too good to be true. am I. Dreaming This is not real.
"me... Uh hi" I said.
"Oh that pause though." Cam said from behind.
He swung his arm around nash.
"Ya right man" Nash said.
Omg I had to laugh.
"So what's your name?" Cam asked.
I blushed omg they're talking to ME!!!
"Aw dude she blushing," cam laughed.
Nash and I chuckled.
"It's Alex... I sorry I'm trying not to fan girl whoa."I said. I did fanning motions with my hands to calm down.
They laughed.
"So how's your day?" Cam asked.
" Terrible" I said. that made them chuckle. I smiled.
" Terrible? Why?" Nash asked. I stopped smiling.
"No reason" I said closing the subject.
"Ok-"cam started.
"No tell us." Nash pressed.
"I can't." I said.
"C,mon you can tell me anything." he said.
"Yea...but not this." I didn't mean to but I started to cry.
"You ok." cam asked.
"No"i said.
"I can't say unless I know I'll be adopted for sure." I said.
"Then we'll adopt you." Nash said matter-o-factly.
I looked up.
"Really?" I asked." your not joking?"
"God I hope not" cam chuckled.
"Oh my god" I cried out in pure joy and relief.
I basically jump on them when I give them a hug. finally outta this hell hole.
After an hour only me and Nikki yel were adopted.
In the car I sat between cam and Matt.
"So Alex can you tell us what's wrong now." Nash asked.
"You mean the reason why I needed out of that he'll hole? Sure why not." I said sarcastically."ms.kent is ligit insane. she beats us with whips and belts you name it."
I start to sob.
"Why?" Nash asked horrified.
"She's a Sadistic person. she has no reason."
They let me cry the rest of the ride.
Finally the nightmare is over. It's time to dream...

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