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I know Hogwarts very well, like the back of my hand, and can navigate the grounds with ease.
My favourite part of Hogwarts is _______.
I can always find the Room of Requirement whenever it's needed.
I am friendly with all the paintings and ghosts at Hogwarts.
I have permission to go to Hogsmeade and my favourite thing to do there is _______.
I get mail during the semester from ________.
I get gifts sent in the mail from ___________.
They send me _________.
My professors at Hogwarts like me and I get great grades without having to study very hard.
My favourite professor is ____.
My favourite class is _____.
Of my friends, __________ are also in the same class.
My desired reality will follow the plot of the Harry Potter books, in adherence with the au that I have
Everyone in my desired reality looks and behaves in a way that is natural to them.
My favourite foods at Hogwarts are ______. They serve them every ______ (insert occasion or day of the
In my free time at Hogwarts, I like to ______ (insert hobbies/extracurriculars, e.g. Quidditch)
In my DR, I spend my summers with _______.
During the summer, I ___________ (insert activities).
In my DR, I spend Christmas with ______.
At Christmas, I get gifts from ______.
The gifts I get are _____ (insert gifts you receive, or simply adjectives like thoughtful, sweet, personal, etc.)
My uniform fits me well.
I know how to tie a tie.
I take all core classes (which are: Flying (1st year only), Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic,
Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy and Herbology.)
Additionally to that I take ____ and ____. (Only 3rd year or above, Two or more.)
I have memorised my class schedule.
I am generally an exceptionally talented witch.
I struggle in ____(insert class or classes).
I am healthy. I cannot get sick.
I cannot die or incur any major harm. I feel minimal pain.
Nothing I encounter will traumatise me.
Nobody asks me questions about my backstory or question why I'm there.
No one suspects that I have shifted.
I do not know the future of my desired reality when in my desired reality.
When I have successfully shifted, I will know because _____ (insert a sign of some kind like what you're
wearing, what you can smell, what you see, etc.)
My Desired Reality will pause when I leave it.
When I am in my Desired Reality, 1 hour of my Current Reality is equal to ______ in my Desired Reality.
I cannot get stuck in my Desired Reality.
Being in my desired reality feels natural.
I easily shift to my desired reality whenever I want.
I feel only calmness and confidence as I enter my desired reality.
My waiting room looks like _________.
Life in my Desired Reality will follow the plot of the Harry Potter movies except ________ (insert changes
you would make, e.g. Voldemort doesn't exist, Ron and Hermione don't get together, etc.)
My clone will act as I normally do while I am in my Desired Reality.
My clone will not tell anyone that I have shifted.
To return to my Current Reality, I will _______ (e.g. clap 3 times, tap my feet together 3 times, etc.)
I have a safe word to return to my Current Reality. It is _____. When I say this word I will immediately
return to my current reality. I will always remember this word.
I always remember my desired reality when I return to my current reality.
I always remember my current reality when I am in my desired reality.
I remember everything that has happened in my desired reality from before I shifted.
I have my laptop with me.
My phone and laptop battery are always on 100%.
My phone and laptop are unbreakable.
There is fast wireless internet everywhere.
My phone and laptop always work quickly and well.
I wear a watch that tells me the time and date in my desired reality.
I am the only one who notices my watch">

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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