Sign Up

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Kindly completely fill-up the following SIGN-UP FORM. Post it in the comment box below. Please copy all text in BOLD.


A.) Username:

B.) Story Title: 

C.) Genre: 

Only the main category; ex. Teen Fiction

a. Action

b. Adventure

c. ChickLit

d. Classics

e. Fanfiction

f. Fantasy

g. General Fiction

h. Historical Fiction

i. Humor

j. Mystery/Thriller

k. Non-Fiction

l. Paranormal

m. Poetry

n. Random

o. Romance

p. Science Fiction

q. Short Story

r. Spiritual

s. Teen Fiction

t. Vampire

u. Werewolf

D.) Language Setting: 

Choose only from English or Filipino. Taglish is understood as Filipino.

E.) Preferred Genres:

Fill in two (2) of your favorite genres.

F.) Preferred Language:

Choose only from English or Filipino. If you are okay with both, write them.


Repeat fields B (Story Title), C (Genre) and D (Language) to all stories you wanted others to read. Number them 1, 2, 3... and so on.


A.) Username: @conanlle

B.) Story Titles:

1. Balam

2. Echoes

C.) Genre:

1. Horror

2. General Fiction    

D.) Language Setting:

1. Filipino

2. Filipino

E.) Preferred Genres: General Fiction, Romance

F.) Preferred Language: English and Filipino

Once posted, you're officially a member of this club! Please await for the admin to post a pair-up (most likely a week). You will know it through checking your account's notifications.

Visit or click on the Notifications command beside the News Feed command.

Another way is to visit the club thread and check for the latest discussions. Communicate with us too!

SIGN UPTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon