The Proposal

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please ignore the mistakes <3

cred on pic.

Thank you so much  @AYestheTiC_02


"Tae, look!" exclaimed the pink-haired male as he extended his hand. Taehyung looked at the other and gasped as he noticed the shiny ring on the other's finger. "Chim Chim, that's a ring." Jimin, the pink-haired male, flashed a bright smile, his eyes forming crescents. "I know! My Yoongi proposed to me. I was dumbstruck for a minute and tearing up the next and-"

Taehyung wasn't listening anymore. He was undoubtedly happy for his friend, but couldn't ignore the pang of jealousy that went through him. Jimin and Yoongi had been dating for three years. He couldn't help but compare it with his 6-year relationship with Jeongguk.

Taehyung felt insecure. What if Jeongguk fell out of love? He remembers the younger being quite popular in high school, his cute bunny smile made hundreds fall for him. Taehyung had been certain of his sexuality from the beginning, but it wasn't the same for the younger.

".....yung...TAEHYUNG! Are you listening to me?", Jimin asked him with a questioning look. "Sorry, chim --- I was just surprised. Well congrats, when's the wedding?" Taehyung teased.

Jimin flushed at the thought, and Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle.


Jeongguk was sipping his banana milkshake when Jin shoved the phone into his face, startling the younger. "Jk, Yoongi proposed to Jimin. Oh, I'm so proud, that shy boy finally got the guts to do it", Jin said, dramatically wiping a fake tear.

Jeongguk choked on his milkshake." Seriously!?". Jin nodded texting someone, probably Namjoon his husband.

"Speaking of which, when are you finally going to ask Taehyung to marry you ?" Jin asked the younger curiously. Jeongguk felt his pocket getting heavy, the shiny ring was placed in it carefully inside a velvet red box.

"I am going to take him on a date,hyung. And when the time comes, I'll do it ", the younger said, determined." You've been saying that for a month now. If you're being like this, Tae will surely dump your ass."

Jin knew that Jeongguk was endlessly whipped for Taehyung." You know, he might even get bored of you and leave you for someone else." Jeongguk shot a glare at the elder, who just shrugged.

The thought of Taehyung being with someone else made Jeongguk furious. He wanted Taehyung to be his and only his forever. Taehyung didn't know he was ethereal, hell, he didn't even realize people staring at him, and Jeongguk glaring them down.

"I'll do it today for sure, hyung"


To: taebaby 💜 

From: ggukie 🐰❤️

baby! let's go on a date today??

                                                                                                                                                                        sure ggukie!!

I'll see you at 6 ❤️❤️

Taehyung put on his best clothes while Jimin styled his hair. 'What if Jeongguk wants to break up with me'. He shook his head, dismissing the thought. Jeongguk would never do that. Right?

Taehyung entered the restaurant, his eyes searching for the younger. It was the same restaurant where they had first met. Taehyung being his clumsy self, bumped into the younger, causing him to spill his drink on him. He smiled reminiscing the cute memory but was interrupted by someone calling his name.

Taehyung looked up to see Jeongguk clad in full black, looking handsome as ever, his wavy raven hair falling on his forehead smoothly. Jeongguk's smile widen when he saw his love looking ethereal as always, his silver hair shining. His palms felt sweaty. To say he was nervous was an understatement.

"Hi" Taehyung smiled shyly at his boyfriend. Even though they had been dating for almost 6 years, they were still as nervous as if it were their first date. They ate in a comfortable silence until Jeongguk decided to speak. He took a deep breath.

"Taehyung, remember how we first met?"

"yeah, here?" Taehyung replied.

Jeongguk smiled softly." Do you remember how you spilled your drink on me? And how we never had the slightest clue that we go to the same university ?"

" I lied." Taehyung's smile fell, and his face showed confusion.

"I knew you back then. You were breathtaking. I was a fucking introvert. I could have never gathered the courage to talk to you. The day you spilled the drink on me could have been the best day of my life "Jeongguk chuckled as he looked at Taehyung's wide doe eyes.

"then talking to you everyday at university became so precious to me. I knew I fell in love with you not knowing what love really was. I stayed in love with you because there's no one or nothing I've ever wanted more than you." Jeongguk continued " and the day when u finally accepted to be my boyfriend, I finally understood what euphoria meant."

"So will you", Jeongguk got on one knee "let me feel euphoric once more? Will you marry me, Kim Taehyung ?"

Taehyung couldn't breathe, couldn't think of anything but only see the love of his life kneeling in front of him with a beautiful ring and hopeful eyes. What a fool he was to think that Jeongguk was going to break up with him. Tears rolled uncontrollably down his cheek.

"YES, of course! Jeongguk, I'd love to marry you." He shouted as he pulled the younger in a tight embrace.

Jeongguk felt high, relief rushing through his veins. He felt giddy from all the butteries in his stomach. He quickly put the ring on Taehyung's long fingers and kissed him passionately.

And in a few days, they would get married and live their lives as Jeon Jeongukk and Jeon Taehyung forever.


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