Chapter 6~ In conclusion, I don't know.

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Izu Pov
I was almost asleep again, but we made it to the camp before I had the chance to. I was really comfortable and lost in thought but soon it was interru- "Nerd, you gotta get up so I can, move damnit!" Kacchan shouted, but quietly.

"I don't wanna move!" I whined, I really didn't want to move from my position. "Please?" I gave Kacchan one of those looks telling him I wasn't moving anytime soon. "Ight." 'Ight'? What did he mean by that? Before I knew it, Kacchan was standing up right with me in his arms.

He was carrying me, bridal style. "Okay! Okay! Put me down!" He but me down, aggressively. "But I thought you wanted to be carried, considering you're a nerd bastard and need to carry around that brain everywhere you go." He said, smirking over his shoulder and grabbing his bag.

"Okay whatever, at least I'm a smart nerd bastard!" I shot back at him. He turned around quickly and gave me a look. I glanced back at him, tilting my head in confusion.

"Damn Izu, didn't know you swore." He stated, a statement mixed with a question. "Shut up, Kacchan!" I said, I didn't mean to sound mad, but his crimson red eyes widened in shock. I felt bad.

"I- Kacchan I didn't mean t-to yell!" I said, reaching out for a hug. He returned the gesture. "I'm sorry!" I hugged him tighter. "Damn nerd, stop apologizing for everything!" He hugged me tighter.

"Stop giving sh**ty affection and get out of the bus!" We heard Aizawa-sensei yell at us. "Bakugou, since when do you give a f**k about Problem Child?" He shook his head in disbelief and waved his arm for us to walk out of the bus.

I walked behind Kacchan, but Aizawa-sensei gripped my shoulder, signaling for me to stop in my tracks. Something's got Sir in a good mood today..! "I-is everything okay, sensei?" I practically shook out.

"I see you're shooting your shot. Good for you." He whispered in my ear. "WHAT!" I shouted, clearly redder than a firetruck, and my eyes were so widely opened.

"Uraraka told me~" he said before walking out of the bus. I followed behind. Uraraka was the ONLY ONE who knew about my thing for Kacchan.

I took in my surroundings before anything else. The vast trees went on forever. We were on a somewhat-small looking mountain within a forest. It was calm, distant fluffy clouds were visible here and there in the forever-continuous blue sky.

Vivid flowers brushed alongside the grass in the dancing wind. The only paths were worn out walkways, the grass not daring to grow onto the dry soil.

Cabins were visible along the paths, brightly colored arrows guiding people around the place. The cabins were nothing too great, just older wooden buildings currently in the use for campers.

In the cabins. Katsuki Pov
"What took you so long, Bakubro!?" I heard, feeling a sudden weak punch against my shoulder. "Don't call me Bakubro, and punch me again I dare you." I spoke.

This must've scared the red head standing before me. Pathetic. "Leave me alone." I said, ending my sentence with a 'tch' before walking away, trying to find cabin number six.

Damn nerd, hurry up so I can lock the door so those damn extras don't come in and bother me!

On cue, Izu walked in. "Oh, Hi Kacchan!" He said, a welcoming aura following him into the room. "Hi, damn nerd." I avoided eye contact with the short greenette.

"Are you okay, Kacchan? Your hands are starting to explode a bit." He told me, pointing to my hands which were, in fact, starting to heat up. I quickly stopped my hand from letting my quirk start completely.

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