The Leap Of A Lifetime

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This is pasted the way I wrote it years ago I didn't change anything.

Warning! horrible writing  and an overpowered person for no reason

Years ago I was on a Marvel fanfic kick.  I decided to write my own(this is literally the only one I have written and probably will ever write). This is the garbage that I came up with. It is so bad that it is funny and I need to let other people read it.

This doesn't represent me now(and I mean that) this is garbage.

P.S. I don't write like this anymore(I am glad) and what I do write makes sense. Oh, I don't own any of the characters other than Snow and bla bla bla. 

enjoy :)


I should have known it was a bad idea, but that didn't stop me. I was as cold as an icebox, but I couldn't tell her I was in love with a villain.

I don't know what is wrong because I am being called into S.H.I.E.L.D. on my day off. Being the second-best assassin in the world is worse than watching your family die. Director Fury has Black Widow, the best assassin in the world, but he needs me to come in. "You asked for me, Sir?"

"Yes, Agent Snow. I need you to help the Avengers and use your powers this time," Director Fury stated.

"Yes, Sir." Did I mention that I have powers? No, okay. I can control water and animals, shapeshift, have ice powers, magic, and telepathy, and I can remove senses, superspeed, and super-healing. I consider my intelligence a superpower because I am brighter than Tony Stark. When I left the conference room I ran to the Quinjets and found the Avengers in all of their superhero glory."Wassup Avenging idiots!!"

"Hello, Frosty the Snowoman!! Did you come to make us snow cones?" Stark sarcastically said. He is still salty because I fixed his suit and made it better than he could ever make it.

"Well no, so you are out of luck. Let's go Shellhead." It turns out that we were going to New York to capture "Loki, God of Mischief and Lies". Apparently, he is Thor's brother. When we landed the Avengers started to fight these weird alien things, so naturally I left them and helped civilians get to safety.

"We could use some help, Agent Snow!!" Steve Rogers(aka Captain America) yelled into the communicator.

"Fine!!" With that, I shifted into a dragon and killed all of the aliens that were overpowering the Avengers. Then, I proceeded to use my telepathy to destroy every creature that was an alien that we are fighting. I could have won the battle by myself. "Happy now!!"

"You could have gotten rid of all of them?" Tony yelled.

"Yes!! I thought that was evident since I just did that!!" When I went to the Stark Tower the Hulk was smashing something into the floor, but I knew it wasn't human so I didn't really care. "Hulk!! What do I say; Don't smash things without MEEEE!!!" The Hulk stopped smashing and Loki made a dying whale noise. Even though he is evil he is a handsome devil. He looks better than Thor in my baby blue eyes(A/N ewwwww at least I didn't say oRbS ). I noticed that his eyes went from blue to green and I couldn't enter his mind when his eyes were blue. Then, it hit me he was being controlled by the tesseract. BOOM BANG AHHHH!!!!! I heard loud noises and screaming, and saw that the wormhole in the sky was becoming unstable. Tony was flying into the wormhole and I knew if I didn't help he wouldn't make it back, so I shifted into a dragon and went into the wormhole with him. When he fell I caught him and used magic to make a force field around us. He was unconscious and on the verge of slipping into the other side so I used my telepathy to do the thing I would never do again; I commanded his brain and body to wake up. It hurts more than burning in a thousand Suns, so I don't use it a lot, and after I was out cold. When I regained conscience it was a day later and I read Loki's mind and he was planning on releasing the Hulk. I ran to Bruce(the Hulk) and used my powers to tell the Hulk not to come out, then ran to Fury and told him. Thanks to me nobody got hurt and Loki was sent to Asgard wondering how a mere mortal had read his mind. Two months after Loki left I became an Avenging Idiot. Thor came back and said that Loki had to stay with the Avengers as a punishment by King Odin. Of course, he was on my floor and was being cold when all I did was be nice. After months of living with Loki, I formed a crush on him and thought I was hiding it well. When Black Widow approached me and asked,

"Snow, do you like Loki?"

"No!!" I replied too fast and she thought I was lying, which I was, but I didn't want to lose my title as an Avenger. "How could I like a monster like Loki. He is a murderer that deserves to die for everything that he did, and he killed so many innocent people that have families. Kids lost their parents and vice versa. But you have the audacity to think that I like that monster. Widow, you must be crazy." She believed me, but it was too late when I noticed that Loki was eavesdropping. Loki disappeared and I left Widow, when I was out of her view I ran to his room and found him blue. "Loki!!"

"What are you mortal staring at a monster like me!!!" Loki yelled.

"You're blue." When I said that he just got angrier. "Loki I didn't mean what I said, but I had to so I wouldn't go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. Have you ever wondered how I got my powers, S.H.I.E.L.D. did this to me. I never want to go back. I know I am probably too late, but I love you Loki. I love you." When he didn't respond I went to my room and packed up all of my stuff. When I finished I wrote a note to the Avengers that I was okay and would miss all of them. Then, I went to the roof of the Tower with my stuff and sadly Jarvis alerted the Avengers where I was.

"Snow, what are you doing?" Bruce asked me because Hulk loves me and he is my best friend.

"I'm leaving and you can't stop me. I will miss you." With that, I fell back over the edge and shifted into a dragon, and went to the sky. The Avengers never found me and they were left with a depressed Loki because he did love me and was too late. To everybody else, Loki had just lost his only friend, but Loki knew that he loved me too. To this day I am hiding and S.H.I.E.L.D. will never find me because of my powers and I am the 2nd best assassin in the world. From time to time I watch the Avengers and every once in a while I let Loki know that I am alive.

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