Summary 1

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Hi hi!

Might as well sum things up!

• Prologue: Where Meaningful Efforts Become Meaningless
First of all, Yamada Matsuzaki was about to go into Hope's Peak until HEADACHE KICKS IN WOAH-

Awhile later he wakes up in a classroom! Oh shit! After some investigating there, he decided to find where the gym is so that he can attend the fucking opening ceremony. However, on his way there, he bumped into the Ultimate Celebrity, Mitsuko Minami. They decided to go to the gym together.

When they got there, they met their classmates until they find a little girl, Hikari Miyushida, lost in the school. Shortly after, a robot cat named Mononyan appears, and this is where things get shitty for them. Mononyan tells them about a killing game and the rules blah blah blah.....

And then he disappears. The students were about to leave, filled with distrust for each other and are unsure what to do, until Aiko Naomi goes over to an area of the gym because of suspicion. Everyone followed her.

And they found a mysterious person's dead body. Ouch.

However, Mononyan reappears and tells them that the person they saw the dead body of isn't a participant of the killing game, therefore this doesn't count as a death.

Yamada still feels like it's a bit too sus tho. What exactly happened????

• Chapter 1: For Attention, For Fame
Chapter one finally starts!!!!

It starts with Yamada trying to be positive and all that shit, trying to forget about the fact that he saw a random person's dead body yesterday.

Ryuki Otori makes a plan to split the participants of the killing game into groups so that they can explore and see if there's an exit or not. They ended up doing just that, but they never found an exit.

Oh, one big thing that happened while investigating tho is that Yamada's group was in the school's storage room and everyone was about to leave but then they noticed someone was missing.

That someone being best girl Aiko.

They went to find her and then they found her lying on the ground with a box on her. Ouch?

They thought she'd be dead by now but then Aiko wakes up and that's where they realize...

The box didn't have anything in it.

Therefore it's not heavy enough to crush her to death.

Very smart i know /j

Two days went by without a death and Mononyan is fucking bored, so first motive is finally revealed!

Whoever kills someone and gets away with it will become way more popular than they are now and a lot of people will love them. (TL;DR: Fame.)

Well someone was interested in that idea bc look at Himari Mayuzuki now. She's fucking dead. Ouch. She literally got drowned in a fucking toilet. Ew.

The cast did investigating and then the class trial happened and then they found out the culprit was Uzuki Himawari, the Ultimate Game Developer. Ouch.

At this point, Yamada will start losing hope.

• Chapter 2: People Have Someone They Love
Chapter two baby!!!! Time to get emotionally recked!!!!!!!!

Yamada decided it would be best to bond with his childhood friend Aiko Naomi and a new friend Kazuo Nakashima! Yay!

Gay shit happens between Yamada and Kazuo tho, and as the Ultimate 'Shipper', Aiko is 100% here for it. I guess she found her new OTP.

Three days gone by and Mononyan is back at it again with the second motive ever!!!

Danganronpa: Meaningless Efforts Stuff Cuz I'm Not Writing It Into A FicWhere stories live. Discover now