Chapter 2

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Yay, chapter 2! As I post this nobody has read chapter 1 yet but it's all good because I literally posted it yesterday. I have another account (@CoralGrimesPoppa) that I use to write Carl Grimes one shots if any of you are interested... I'm super proud of it because it BLEW UP and as of right now (6/17/2022) I have 272,000 reads!!!

ANYWAY. Enjoy chapter 2 for anyone who reads this :)

Song: "Good Day" twenty one pilots

Monday. First day. Fresh day.

I decided that I'm going to have a good day today. I mean, I keep thinking that it will be a bad one, but I'm deciding for it already. So if I can decide, I'm going to decide to have a good day. It's a brand new fresh start, after all. I have two of my classes today- both of my English ones- so I'll be able to meet new people and hopefully make some friends. And even if I don't, it's okay because it's still a good day.

I've always heard not to take the 8 am classes, but I'm glad I did. It'll be nice to be in a routine and get up earlier than I usually do. Besides, my next class is at 12 so I'm basically done by 2 on Mondays and Wednesdays.

When I step outside I'm slightly surprised by how many students are up and about, already starting their day. It made me feel better to see many students walking by themselves today. It gave me hope and I realized how much I was already overthinking my college experience.

I arrived at the classroom in Walker Building 15 minutes before class started. I wasn't the first to enter, but there were only two other people sitting at desks, one tapping his finger and the other scrolling through her phone. Neither of them made eye contact with me. I decided to choose a desk closer to the back, but not in the very back row. I pulled out my notebook, English book, and pencil and started to bounce my leg, anxiously awaiting the professor's arrival.

A couple minutes later students started to pile in but I didn't look up from my notebook. I was currently writing the date and doodling random designs to make it look aesthetic. Eventually bored, I dropped my pencil onto the paper and looked up around the room. However, I immediately regretted it when I made eye contact with the guy walking into the classroom door.

He was talking to two of his friends until he saw me, then paused and he poked his cheek with his tongue. "No fucking way," he smirked. I knew him, recognized him from when I accidentally tried breaking into his dorm room, but I didn't recognize the other two from that night. He started walking faster towards me and his friends followed, looking confused. Some other students in the class took notice and were observing the situation while others were too busy unpacking their supplies or talking with peers.

I didn't know what to respond with so I just stared at him and pursed my lips, hoping he would take the hint and go away.

He didn't.

"You really have trouble giving up, huh? First you try to sleep with me and now you're in my class?"

I raised my eyebrows in shock and the classroom quieted substantially, all focused on the scene he was making. "Sleep with you? I- what? I went to the wrong dorm! It was an accident- I don't even know why I'm trying to explain myself to you." I shook my head in disbelief, my face no doubt turning bright red again.

"It's because you suck at lying on the spot. We all know your true intention... Look, I know I'm irresistible, but this stalking shit needs to stop." I heard a few chuckles and bit the inside of my cheek.

"I literally don't even know your name," I affirmed.

"Bullshit," he spat, keeping up with his lie. "'Silas, one night! No one has to know,'" he mocked, even though I hadn't said anything even remotely similar to that. "'Please, Silas. You can do whatever you want to me.' Oh, and don't forget the, 'how much do you charge?'"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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