Chapter 3

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Sharna's POV

Today we finally unpacked everything and it looked awesome! Me and Cameron were finally able to live together with no rules in our house. Tomorrow we were having a party to celebrate so I went around giving invitations around the area. When I got to the quaint town of Storybrooke, I passed a red line that's in the middle of the street and went to the first house and knocked. A young boy around my age answered and he was kind of cute.
"Um hi! I'm having a party tonight with my friend as we're new here. You can come if you like, invite anyone you want."
His eyes widened.
"Yeah sure, I'd love to! I'm Henry."
"It's nice to meet you Henry, I'm Sharna."
His mouth dropped then and I pulled a weird face.
"What's wrong?"
"N-nothing. I'll be right back!"
He ran inside, leaving me just stood there. I heard a few shouts and foot steps when he finally opened the door with a huge smile. A tall woman with blonde hair was behind him.
"Hello! I'm Emma."
"Hi, you must be Henry's mother. I'm having a party tonight and I'd love for you to come. Oh by the way I'm Sharna."
Her eyes widened and she came out of the house and next to me.
"Do you mind if I take you to go see the mayor, as you are new in town!"
"No not at all."
Lies. I did mind, I didn't really want to go see the mayor but I agreed as I didn't want to be rude.
Emma shut the door shortly after Henry walked out. Emma walked the lead and me and Henry walked behind talking.
"The mayor is also my mum, but my foster mum. She adopted me when I was younger, I then went to find Emma a few years back."
I nodded listening to every word.
"What're you doing after we see Regina?" Emma asked.
"Probably just going to hand out the rest of these."
We then walked into a large building which was obviously where the mayors office was. We walked up some steps and then came to a door. Emma knocked and entered. There was a woman with short black hair sat at the desk.
"What can I help you with Miss Swan"
"This is Sharna, she's new in town."
Regina's eyes widened "o-ohh."
"Please take a seat miss- um sorry I don't know your last name."
"Right, Miss Callaghan."
I sat down when Henry and Emma had left.
"It's nice to meet you, Henry's told me a lot about you but I never caught your name."
"Has he?" A smile crept on her face which showed me she really did care for him. "It's Regina, Regina Mills."
"Well Regina, Henry really does look up to you and loves you from what I can tell but I really must be going." I stand up.
Her smile gets bigger as I say this.
"Wait Miss Callaghan, can I ask you a few questions?"
"Sure" I say sitting back down.
"What do you know of this?" She said raising an eyebrow and shoving a big, brown leather book in front of me with the words 'Once Upon A Time' written across it.
"A fairytale book? I've never seen this one in particular but I do know a lot about fairytales. I used to love reading them as I child, I know all of them but my favourite has to be Tinkerbell and Peter Pan but I also love Ariel!"
Regina smiles.
"Do you live with anyone, perhaps around your age?"
"Yes, my best friend Cameron."
Regina nods. This conversation was getting weird.
"Okay Miss Callaghan, that's all but I hope you like it here in Storybrooke and your welcome to come anytime!"
"Thank you Miss Mills, here take this. I'm having a party tomorrow you're welcome to come if you like." I handed her an invitation and she smiled.
I headed out the door and down the steep steps, leaving the building. I carried on handing flyers to a few houses. I got to a small green one and knocked. A young boy around my age answered, he was cute. Very much Cameron's type.
"Hello! I'm Sharna, I jus-"
"Sharna Callaghan?"
"Yes, how do you know my name?"
"Oh, um everyone's heard about you moving in, carry on with what you were saying?"
"Oh okay, well I'm having a party tomorrow at my place, invite anyone you like!" I smiled handing him an invitation.
"Oh cool, thanks!"

After I finished handing out invitations I headed home.

Third Person POV

Sharna went home to Cameron telling her about the weird day she had whilst picking an outfit for tomorrow night. She lifted up a small turquoise dress that had pineapples as the pattern. "Perfect" she whispered. She placed it on the door handle of her dresser and began to change into her pyjamas.

Devin went round to Felix's house showing him the invitation.
"I know, I got one two! I've never been to a real party, I bet they're awesome!" Felix answered.
Devin nodded.
"What's that?' Pan said walking over to them.
"An invitation." Devin replied.
"To?" Pan spat.
"A party, tomorrow night at Sharna's."
Pans eyes widened.
"Sharna as in the theif?"
Felix nodded. "Would you like to come?"
"Fine. But only to speak to this Sharna, I don't want her stealing any of my belongings. Plus I could use a lost girl since Wendy left."

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