chapter four

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"Your birthday's in two days, your birthday's in two days." Esme teasingly sang at the younger girl who laughed at her.

"But Bella's birthday is tomorrow," Storm said, leaning against the counter, watching the woman make homemade pizza while she grabbed a piece of pepperoni.

Esme lightly smacked the girl's hand, "Stop eating all the pepperoni, it's for the top of the pizza." Storm gave her a sheepish smile. "But yes, I believe Alice wanted to celebrate both of your birthdays at the same time."

"Yeah I know, Bella and I use to that every year to save money for two separate parties." Storm admitted with a soft giggle.

Esme frowned at that, "You've never celebrated your birth date, Storms?" Storm slowly nodded her head. "And your mom was okay with that?"

"I mean, I never really cared on celebrating it anyways..." Storm looked down at the floor. "My biological parents left me when I was a baby, I guess...I guess it was to painful, knowing that they left because of me..." Esme's non beating heart hurt from Storm's face, she stopped what she was doing and reached over to grab the girl's hand.

"Storm, I may not know your parents," Esme started as she lifted her hand to wipe a tear that escaped from Storm's eyes. "But I know that losing a child is the most...painful thing to experience, whether they're alive or not." Storm turned to the woman who carried a sorrowful look on her face, reminding her that Esme also lost a child that made her what she was now. "So they didn't leave because you weren't special, you are." Esme gave the girl a genuine smile. "I believe they left to protect you because they love you, never forget that."

Storm sniffled before smiling, "Thank you, Esme." Storm said, "You know, I may have had Bella and I's mother who raised me." She grabbed the vampire woman's hands and squeezed them gently, "But Esme, you're the mom I always wanted." Storm watched Esme's eyes fill with venom tears that will never fall from her eyes.

"I'm so happy to hear that," Esme said with shakiness in her voice from a choked up sob that was coming, "Stormie, you know you can always come for me for anything. I'm glad that you came into our lives and changed us for better than what we were." Storm teared up again from the woman's words. "I'm glad to have you as one of my daughters."

And that night left smiling vampires throughout the entire house as the two hugged in the kitchen.


Storm groaned when she heard her alarm clock and tried to smack it off with her eyes closed. She smiled with content when it fell silent again, the girl flipped over and started drifting off to sleep but the sound of her father's voice prevented that.

Stormie the HybridWhere stories live. Discover now