Down Bad For You

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Phoneix Thoughts: It's weird not having my bracelet on, the thought of knowing that my father might think I'm dead makes me uneasy but, in the moment, I needed to take it off as a release from being a part of the 100. I don't want to be associated with them anymore especially after everything they did to us. I will get my revenge one day but for right now I have to worry about the present. According to Clarke and alongside Bellamy we are now banished from the camp which I think is outranges, they have accused us of murder and protected the true murder and so much more. After feeling all this range this past week, it like a switch inside has flipped, I only now care to protect Murphy and to stay by his side until the day I die. 


Therefore, as Murphy and I are walking down a trail to get to a new destination I begin to look up at the sky to see a huge grey cloud coming over the mountains indicting a whole storm was rolling in, and just as I'm about to tell Murphy about the storm it begins to pour, I then look over at Murphy as he turned his head to look at me and the second our eyes contact we hear horses and grounders so we then run into the woods and hide behind trees until we know how many there are and if we are capable take them all on as we waited we then only see one grounder with a carriage of things. After seeing everything Murphy and I begin to move up further up the trail and make up a plan to retrieve some of its items. As we got further up Murphy then lays in the middle of the trail pretending to be dead as I am behind a tree getting ready to ambush the grounder. When the grounder got closer, it then got off the horse and move towards Murphy to check to see if he's alive and when I notice his full attention fell onto Murphy, I then jump behind him and place a knife to its neck, making it put it hands up. 

Phoneix- kneel!

The grounder than kneeled and listened to every direction we gave it. As I held it at point, Murphy than check the carriage to see food and armor in it. Murphy than nodded to me and I then slit the grounder's throat as Murphy watched and gives me this sexual smirk as he jumped onto the horse and held out his hand to help me up. We than rode away to find shelter until the storm as settled. As we arrived at a cave, I felt this tension between Murphy and I, It's the type of tension that could represent two things either sexual or angrier, but the second Murphy made eye contact with me I then knew what type of tension it was.

 *Smut begins*

Murphy put both his hands on my face and kissed me, the kiss wasn't soft and gentle like our first kiss. No, this kiss was filled passion and lust. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he moved his hands to my hips pulling me closer to him as his hips grinded into mine as I let out a soft whimper, as he smirks beginning to kiss down my neck before sucking, pulling on my skin. The feeling of pressure on my neck has me let out a soft gasp when he bites onto my sweet spot while grinding his hips harder into mine. The feeling of pleasure deepens inside me I grew to be impatience, I quickly moved my hands to his shirt and jacket ripping it off his delicious body making him broke the kisses on my neck.  His eyes contact to mine as I bite my lips and the next minute, I throw his shit onto the ground as he then starts removing my shirt and then slowly moves down to his knees and making his face, face my hips... slowly unbuttoning my pants and placing a kiss on my stomach through each step. I let out soft moans as he continued, the second his got to my panties and then places his teeth at the hum of them and then begins to pull them down with his teeth as they slowly gland down my legs and then off of my body, Murphy then tosses them to the side and looks me as I look down at him, he then says, "is this, okay?"

Phoenix- Yes *gasping for a full breath*, please continue...

Murphy smirked kissing my thigh as he makes his way back up standing beginning to remove his jeans and boxers leaving us both completely naked in front of each other. Murphy then checks me out and then slowly makes eyes contact with me as he places a kiss on my lips as I go back in for more hashing the kiss more deeply as my body collides with his as he moved his hands to my thighs tapping them as I took that as a signal to jump in this arms which making me wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he holds onto my ass as he makes his way to the hard wall of the cave pressed my back against it. I tugged on his hair causing a groan to fall from his lips, as he bites the bottom of my lips tugging it before releasing it as I moaned loudly into his mouth. I then felt his tip hit my entrance as we both let out a moan of pleasure as it slowly slipped in. Murphy then contacts his eyes to mine as he tightens his grip on my thighs. 

Murphy- Are you ready?

Phoneix- Yes *whispers against his lips*

Murphy then slams inside my entrance as he goes deeper inside me hitting my back wall of my pussy as we both moan and groan in deep pleasure, Murphy then started to thrust in and out of me gradually going faster as I moved my hands to his shoulders digging my nails into his skin. He slowly moved his head next to my right ear where I was able to hear all his breaths, groans... all of it, making crave for his pleasure even more. I then whisper "deeper, harder" into his ear, he then goes faster and faster by the minute making me think I can't handle it much longer.

Phoneix- murphy s-slow down *moans*

Murphy- you can take it, come on... take it like the good girl you are. 

I moaned louder at his choice of words making feel myself getting closer and closer to my release. I put my head in his neck as he grew faster and faster. I felt the knot in my stomach get tighter and tighter and the tingles begin to better as he noticed this too as my moans were getting louder and my breathing became irregular...

Murphy- release. I know you want to. show me how good of girl you can be.

Not even seconds after those words let his mouth, I released all over his cock as I moaned into his ear. He thrusted even faster starting to send me into overstimulation as he placed a kiss on my cheek 

Murphy- Only a little longer baby, hold on

He went a little faster groaning into my ear before he pulled out releasing over my leg as it dips down. We looked at each other smiling slightly before he kissed me again this time gentler than the last time. He gently placed me down telling me how good I was, how amazing I look, all of that soft shit. He then walked over to our clothes and slipped on his boxers before grabbing mine and walked back to me. As he got to me, he persisted to helped me get dressed before kissing me once more, shorter this time so that he could get dress himself. Who knew the John Murphy had a soft spot?

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