You keep getting hurt | Drunz fluff

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"You've got to stop getting hurt, Dream." Punz said as he bandaged the taller male's stomach after a particularly bad fight, it had pretty much always been this way, Dream got in a fight and hurt and came home to Punz, refusing to take care of himself so Punz had to.

"I knowww" Dream whined, he actually quite liked these moments- he made himself get into more fights just so he could feel Punz's arms around him bandaging him up

Punz just sighed, finishing the last of the bandaging and pulling Dream into a hug from behind, causing the males tail to wag

[Dreams pov]

/god i love him so much-\ i think to myself, hugging Punz back and burying my face into his chest, a grin forming on my face before i kinda tackle him onto the bed, hissing in pain slightly from how it tugged on my wound, though ignoring the pain as i bury my face back into his chest, really just glad to be with him

[Punz pov]
"You idiot-" i laugh out, knowing Dream only realized how it'd pull on his wound until it was to late for him to stop, starting to gently play with his hair as we just lay here
/god i hate this silence-\ i think to myself before grabbing the remote to the tv, turning it onto some random video in the recommended, watching it as i play with Dream's hair, eventually getting too focused on the video and letting my arm fall to be around Dream, absentmindedly staring at the tv

[Dreams pov]

⟟ look up at Punz, wanting him to pay attention to me, trying to get his attention but failing as he stays focused on the video, eventually giving up and just carefully slipping out of his grip- it not being hard to do, getting up and going to the kitchen even though i know i probably shouldn't

I just look around for something to eat, not finding anything i want, though eventually settling on ice cream, grabbing it from the freezer and putting it into a bowl with a spoon then putting the box back into the freezer and going to the living room, turning on that tv and then a crime documentary, getting zoned into the documentary and the documentary only.

[Punz pov]

As the video finishes i finally snap back to reality, going to kiss Dream before realizing he isn't there, looking around the room as i start to grow worried about him
I call out only to get no response, leaving to see if he's in the bathroom but seeing that the door is open, next going onto checking my little brother Purpled's room for whenever he'd stop by to see if Dream wandered in there, finding that he didn't and going out to the kitchen, hearing something from the living room
I call out again, heading to the living room and seeing him on the couch, letting out a small sigh of relief before walking over, sitting down next to him, trying to say something to get his attention only to fail

I say, waving my hand infront of his face

[Dreams pov]
I see something infront of my face, not thinking and just- biting it, coming back to reality a bit later and realizing Punz is here.. and his hand is in my mouth- quickly letting go
I say, putting the bowl down on the table infront of the couch and turning to face Punz, leaning over and hugging him

[Punz pov]

I sigh slightly getting bit by Dream again
"It's ok-"
I say, hugging him back and putting my head down ontop of his, watching as his tail starts to wag behind him, honestly finding it quite adorable

(change your clothes just started playing-)

I let my guard back down since it had risen a bit while i looked for Dream, using one of my hands to make him look up at me before starting to plant gentle kisses all over his face

[Dreams pov]
Small but happy giggles start to come from me as Punz starts to leave kisses all over my face, a large and lopsided smile (cough cough I'm projecting the lopsided part) forming on my face as my tail starts to wag even more rapidly, moving my arms up to be around Punz's neck, him just continuing to leave the kisses all over my face

[3rd person]

After a bit Punz finally stopped with all the gentle kisses, moving back a bit and just smiling at Dream for a few moments before a loud sound from the tv startled the both of them, a part of some poor girls last moment being played on the screen, it having ended with a scream, Dream starting to laugh at how it startled both of them

Punz just paused the video and turned the tv off with a sigh before picking Dream up, carrying him to the bedroom and laying down on bed with him, playing another video in the background but not loosing all attention to Dream this time

[Punz Pov]
I look down at Dream while smiling, playing with his hair until he just out of nowhere joins me with being in my hoodie, his head resting on my stomach-

My face goes red feeling Dream right there, sighing slightly and just wrapping my arms around him, paying more attention to the video now

[Dreams pov]
I just giggle slightly for seemingly mo reason, a smile staying on my face as i nuzzle it into Punz's stomach
"You're warm"
I say, my words being muffled by his stomach
"I- I'm glad you think so i guess?-" Punz says in return to me before ⟟ move my arms around him up a bit, slowly falling to sleep with a small purr

[Punz's pov]
I eventually look down a bit as this video ends, able to hear small snores come from Dream (mii snores 😭🤚)
A small smile forming on my face hearing them, not bothering to move Dream from where he is since I've already gotten comfortable with him there, letting another video start up with auto play before i start to fall asleep

{next morning}
[3rd person]

There was a loud laugh coming from someone with the sound of several pictures being taken

[Punz pov]
"Who the- SAPNAP-"
I end up accidentally shouting the last part, seeing the blaze hybrid taking pictures of me and Dream, going red with embarrassment as i try and hide my face from the pictures even though i know he has plenty with my face, hardly able to think of what would happen if word got out about me and Dream being a couple

[Dream pov]
I wake up hearing Punz shouting at Sapnap, yawning against his stomach before carefully getting out from under his hoodie, looking over to Sapnap and seeing him taking all the pictures, going red with embarrassment like Punz did, though rather than hiding my face i lunge at Sapnap for his phone, wrestling him on the floor as i try and get his phone to delete the pictures, forgetting about my wound for the moment

[Punz pov]
⟟ quickly get up seeing Dream wrestling Sapnap for his phone, going over and carefully pulling Dream off before he can make his wound worse
"Dream you're gonna tear your wound open wider-"
Sapnap shouted at Dream

[Dreams pov]
I shout back in response, trying to get out of Punz grip before eventually tiring myself out, resorting to pouting like a small child, crossing my arms as Punz has to hold me up

[Sapnap pov]
I get up and take a picture of Dream pouting before pretty much running out the house
I shout, running off to Kinoko

[Dream pov]
".. i want cuddles."
I say, Punz picking me up with a sigh, carrying me back to the bed and laying down with me before i cuddle up to him, him not hesitating to hug me back
"I love youuu"
"I love you too Dream"

1370 words. Man i love the dyslexic font- it helps me read these but I'm not dyslexic 🧍‍♂️ anyways- ⟟ should sleep
Started - Saturday, June 18th 12:29 AM
Finished - Saturday, June 18th 1:11 AM

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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