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Porchay stared at the numbers in the elevator that was still headed for the top, his hands wrapped tightly around the rather large box that almost covered his chin. Fear of falling.

He had just graduated from high school and was about to grow up to go to college, the box containing the rest of the things from his school locker he hugged tightly.

He exhaled slowly, because it felt like the elevator in his apartment today was very slow.


The elevator stopped indicating that it had reached one floor and opened slowly because someone was about to enter.


Macau exhaled harshly, his heart couldn't stop cursing his friend, Pol, who had ruined things now.

The elevator door opened and his eyes stared directly at the man who was smaller than him with innocent bea-eyed eyes embracing the box that kept his body closed.

Funny, he said quietly.

But his thoughts were cut short when the heat wave hit him again.

"Damn," he sighed. Slowly but Porchay who heard it was stunned. They just meet, where is porchay do wrong?

But he didn't dare because the man in the black shirt with slanted eyes seemed to be able to instantly flatten Porchay.

Well he is indeed slender but it's not funny that Porchay is getting slender more.

With heavy steps, the legs wrapped in jeans and shoes entered the elevator. Couldn't open his mouth to just explain that he wasn't cursing at the man in the elevator but at his friend whom he had called his handler to teach him a lesson.

His lips are pressed tightly together, it's hard really hard!

He wanted to avoid anyone, because now he could just lose control. But it can't be helped, this is the only fastest way to get to his room.

"Haaahhh," Macau leaned against the corner of the elevator to Porchay's left, trying to move his body away when he was sure that the floor Porchay had chosen was the same one he was going to.

"You are okay?" Porchay looked at Macau with a worried look, the person looked pale but sweat kept falling from his head. Like someone who has run a marathon.

With a shirt that is open two buttons from the top, Macau looks very masculine in Porchay's eyes. His chest thumped violently as Macau's eyes stared at him directly and accurately.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just ignore me," the voice sounded hoarse, like someone was thirsty.

"Okay," Porchay turned his gaze back to the elevator doors. It was really quiet in the elevator.


The lights in the elevator went out and the shock caused Porchay to drop books and pillow inside the box. His body almost hit the elevator wall.


If only Macau had not caught him from behind. On reflex, Porchay gripped the hard arm tightly.

The shaking stopped as the elevator stopped.

The movement of the two humans who were hugging also stopped.

Macau, who realized that he had hugged the man in front of him, was silent, "fck" he said to himself.

While Porchay widened his eyes.


It wasn't because of his arms that were trapped in the arms of the man behind him. Not because the elevator suddenly died for some reason. His shocked heart started to slow down but then started to beat fast because of something stabbing.

To D World - Macau PorchayWhere stories live. Discover now