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"I... I'm tired..."

Gaster collapses. The job was done. Bete Noire was no more. Where the abomination was meant to be, there was now only a husk. A husk of a sadistic murderer.

Papyrus hurries over to Gaster's side. He glances over to the remains of Bete Noire. Although, obviously conflicted by killing, he wasn't disappointed with his father. If it was for him, he wouldn't have stopped Gaster when he was finishing Bete. The sole reason why he stopped him, was his soul. Papyrus could feel cracks slowly spreading over his father's soul. Papyrus, although a pacifist, knew that death of this maniac was the only way of stopping this crisis.

Papyrus took his father in his arms, and walked away. And yet, there still was something unnerving inside his soul.

Was it actually over?..

A few more steps were taken. Until, a powerful gust of wing blew over the two skeletons. Papyrus turned back. There, some distance away from him, was a beautiful explosion of dark pink and black, towering in front of him, seemingly even penetrating the sky.

When the explosion died out, out of the crater, climbed up a siluette. A siluette, mainly black in color, with some parts of shifting dark pink.

Papyrus was terrified. And yet, he wouldn't leave his unconscious father in danger. His right eye had a quick red flame appearing, right before dying out and showing his red eye.

The monster stared at Papyrus. And, for a split second, its pink eyes shone even brighter, before going back to its original brightness.

Papyrus' eyes shifted in color to pink, mirroring his enemy's eye color. His right arm got engulfed in red flames. As he was about to commence, something looking like a snowflake floated up in front of his face. He quickly looked down, and his eyes widened. His flame was hurting his father he held. He panicked and quickly put his father down. He moved his hands to the wound as fast as he could. Both his hands got engulfed green flames as he brought them towards Gaster's wound. Slowly, it did get healed, Papyrus letting out a sigh of relief as it was done.

But. The monster's eyes shone again. This time, the pink color disappearing from Papyrus' eyes. What replaced his father was now a pile of dust, with a soul floating above it. As it had cracks over it, it shattered even faster than a normal boss monster soul.

His son was miserable. He looked at his hands and felt his wounds heal up. Tears started flowing from his eyes, dripping into the dust, making weird, almost dough-like matter where it landed.

The monster approached, unnoticed by the lone skeleton, and raised its arm, which then took a the shape of a long, sharp blade.


Meanwhile, The Royal Scientist opened his eyes. To his surprise, the only thing his eyes saw was pitch darkness. The realization hit the scientist.

He quickly stood up, his fears being proven. What replaced his torso and entire lower body was a blob of blackness.


Gaster quickly looked at a certain direction spotting something that almost looked like numerous floating screens and instantly made his way towards there.

"Where, where, wherewherewhere?!"

He started looking through all of them until finding one he was looking for. The one screen, showed Papyrus, weeping next to a pile of dust.

"Papyrus, no..."

Something appeared in the corner of Gaster's eye. He turned his head and noticed a message.

Papyrus has leveled up. Current LOVE: 9.

He didn't care. He looked back at the main screen and saw a shape, pure black in color, somewhat resembling a leg. Soon after, some pink light shone on Papyrus. Gaster knew that was a bad sign.

Gaster started beating on the screen.


The screen had cracks spreading on it, giving Gaster some "hope". He continued, until the screen gave out, and he saw a window, that lead to where Papyrus was.

But, Gaster didn't manage to get in there. His last hit was so strong that he didn't manage to slow himself down, and instead, fell into the white abyss between the screen and the window.

He brought his arm forward, in desperate attempt to get a hold of the window, which obviously didn't work out.

What eased his guilt was another leg he saw in the screen, which he instantly recognized as Chara's.

"I'm sorry, son... I don't think you will be able to bring me back this time... Goodbye."

Gaster closed his eyes, embracing his fate.

And, after a couple more seconds of falling, Gaster disappeared completely.

Which he didn't expect was landing on something hard.

Gaster opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a forest.

𝑨𝒃𝒚𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒍 𝑺𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕 (HCSTS)Where stories live. Discover now