chp 6

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Hii guys
Happy reading
Rishabh:- may I have your attention please
I have a gift for my sister I want everyone to see the whole video and then react
Ramu kaka lights off please and then plays the video it was the video in which mannat pushed rishabh and then blamed it on nandu
Everyone could see that it was mannat due to her body type
And then a Buttler video was played where he confessed about mannat pushing rishabh and how bua and mannat emotionaly black mailed him to delete this footage
Hearing this everyone was shocked
Nan:- rishabh what the hell is this didn't I say you not to tell anyone about this you know right what I am trying to say
Raman:- is this true mannat just answer it god dam it
Mannat :- yes from childhood you all used to loved rishabh alot and Nan was happy in her own world she didn't need your support but I did people used to call me fat ,ugly while to Nan they used to call her beautiful, Gorgeous
You guys used to praise her in each and everything she is good in each and everything
Beautiful check
Topper check
Not at all demanding check
Sports check
She is fabulous in each and everything
In the boards exam she scored 98.99
And me 68 % she was never interested in studying but always she used to get such marks while me I used to study all the time possible still I used to just pass in the examination
Nan:- in all this why you pushed rishabh where was he at fault
Mannat:- he used to love you more than me
Nan:- have you gone nuts
Mannat Kaur murty
Just because he loves me more you pushed him
Hearing this Raman was about to slap mannat but Nan stopped him
Nan:- you have lost your one daughter please don't loose your other daughter too
Raman was silent hearing this
Ishita:- beta I thought you are the most sensible one in all but I was so wrong
Nan:- you know what he still does if you had inferiority complex you could have talked to Mr and Mrs Murty
They would have helped you
And about not asking something from them is because I ask something from those who I know not to strangers
I was a topper but still each and every year mr and mrs murty used to take you on a vacation to boost your confidence tell me a single year till now when they were with me on my result day
When we were small on the parents teachers meeting everytime mrs murty used to go to meet your and rishabh's class teacher or to collect their report card any year have you saw her going towards my classroom
I also had alot of expectations from them too .
But I have always stayed quiet because I knew you used to hate your body and rishabh was small
You know why I didn't said a word when they were sending me to hostel
Because I was sure that if I won't be there they could give you both more time
Raman:- how could you stoop so low mannat
Nan:- I have made alot of sacrifice for both of you which you both don't even have a idea of
We are twins right each year there would be a grand celebration for your birthday but there wasn't even a call from any of my family member wishing me happy birthday
Infact till today I don't even remember my birthday it was always the next when I use to get to know that yesterday was my birthday
Leave about birthday then never in 12 years came to meet me even when I literally begged them to come and meet me you know why I asked them because I was having very high fever 108 fever
You know what they answered they said they are busy planning their daughter's birthday which was a month away
After that day I didn't call you guys anymore I used to be so disturbed all silent no one knew what I was going through neither anyone of you care right now nor you will care in future
That's it for today
Your writer

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