To Clarissa. :3

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The first ones going to my best friend in the whole widest world. (Not you Tris so quit looking at me with that ass fuck stupid look) Clarissa. :3 Apparently you spell your name with an "e" not an "a" I swear I'm the biggest idiot ever. .____.

Even though I can't remember are first conversations because I lost a lot of my memory because I hit my head really hard I knew you were a good friend to me. :3 I could remember that much. When we first started talking after I came out of a coma I knew that I knew you but I just couldn't quite lay my finger on how I knew you. And guess what!!! I knew you becuase you were my bestest fwienddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!! :3

We would always talk about music. :3 Like we eventually always came down to talking to music. :3 Like you told me one time that I listened to Teenagers a whole week straight. o.o I don't see how I did that. o.o Or when you sung Roger Rabbit for Sean and I. :3 By the way your an amazing singer. :3 You would say a song and I would say it was an awesome song!!! Only because you always listened to amazing music!! And when I would say what I was listening to you would say that it was a good song. :3 Sometimes I wondered if you said that for me to shut up. o.O Huh well did ya? O.o I'm watching you. .___.

This doesn't really sound like a real goodbye. .___. It sounds like I'm just talking about memories. .___. Let's just say I'm bad at saying goodbyes. But I'm great at saying hellos!!! :3 Like I seriously hate saying goodbye to people. Like even if I know I'm going to see them tomorrow I just can't do it!!! I always ran off before the other person could say goodbye. .____. Oh my god!!! I keep putting it off!!!! You know what I'm not going to say goodbye to you. I couldn't think about doing it. But when I get buried in the ground or cremated or something you gotta' make sure to look after Tris okay? He tries to say hes fine but hes not. Make sure he doesn't get to mean to Blake. .___. He pushes people away when he's sad. .____.

I put off telling you about my brain tumour. I'm sowie. :c I never meant to. I was going to tell you about it but I honestly couldn't do it when it came down to it. Espiecally when you said your mom had cancer. I knew I couldn't tell you because you would be even more sad. I hate when your sad. :c I always cry when your upset. :c Like seriously. :c I couldn't type on my iPod one day because I was crying so bad because you were sad. :c I hate how you have mean bitches in your school that make you feel sad. It makes me want to go over there and kick their asses. ._____.

But when I go I want you to not be sad and not to cry and not to do any bad stuff okay? Make sure you take care of your little brother and sister. Make them be happy. And remember to smile. Not a fake smile. A real smile.

God I'm crying. :c I'm writing this the laptop and I'm bawling like a baby. I should probably stop. I'm such a wimp. :c I can't stop crying. :c But sweetie remember your my awkward nerdy princess. And my nerd girl. Remember nerd girl and dork boy to the rescue!!!!!!! :3 I love you so much and thank you for making me smile when I needed it. :3 You always made my day. :3 Remember to keep your head up and to stand up for yourself. I love you. :3

P.S. Oscar keeps licking the screen. o.o

P.S.S I like brown pop too. o.o

P.S.S.S I always wear mix match socks. o.o

P.S.S.S.S I'm sorry for any spelling errors. o.O

P.S.S.S.S.S I love you. :3

Love Booshizzle. :3

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