Nasch x Queen Reader

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This was requested by @yugiohzexal. Hope I did alright! 


"No!" Nasch slams his fist into the mirror beside him, standing from his throne.  "I don't care what you say, I need to find her! Where is my queen?"  He booms, sending his servants scrambling. 

"Y-yes, sir!"  One of them replies, before running out the double doors. Once all of them dissipate and leave the room, Nasch sits down, sighing. 

"My queen... Where could you have gone? (Y/N)..." He mutters, placing his face in his hands. 


"Help! Nasch!" (Y/N) cried, as bandits flooded the castle. The seven emperors were all but present. And by the time they arrived, it was too late. 

Nasch and (Y/N) had woken up to a crash, before bandits flooded into their bedroom. Before he could process what was even happening, (Y/N) had been grabbed and pulled out of bed. 

"Nasch!" (Y/N) screamed again, trying her best to fight off the bandits who were gripping her arms and dragging her along. 

Tears streamed down her face as she shook and kicked, trying desperately to shake them off. Dumon rushed in, drawing his sword before trying his best to help. The grey-haired male finally got a couple of the bandits down, their grip on (Y/N) loosening. 

"Come on, your majesty." He said, before lightly taking her by the hand to lead her back to Nasch. 

Out of nowhere, a bandit charged from behind, nailing Dumon to the wall. Two other bandits grabbed the woman, wasting no time in throwing her over the back of a horse. "We have the queen!" One of them shouted, before smacking the horse, telling it to move. 

Nasch ran down the hallway, following the female cries he knew as his queen's. He watched in horror as she rode away - on the back of a bandit's horse. 

"No!" He screamed, sending a wave of agony through the knight that was left on the ground next to him. 

"I-I'm sorry, my Lord. I have failed you." Dumon sat up, grimacing in pain. 

Nasch didn't speak a word as he watched you fade into the darkness of the night. 

                                      *End Flashback* 

When Nasch came out of the horrible flashback, he wiped the tears from his eyes, determined to get (Y/N) back. He had ordered his servants to prepare his horse and a few other things - just in case the bandits asked for something. 

At first, they were all hesitant, trying to talk him out of his decision. And that was when he got angry. 

Nasch paced around the room, a sense of urgency and adrenaline flooding his body. A servant scurried past, but not before the king grabbed his arm. "Hey! Are my things ready yet?" 

The servant froze, staring into space. "I-I don't know, sir. I could go check-" 

Nasch sighed and pushed him away, shooing him. This was a disaster. He ran a hand down his face before he sped off to the royal stables. He stopped by his bedroom, grabbing a handful of the gold coins he had in a drawer. Then, he wasted no time in grabbing and saddling his horse, tying a couple sacks of apples and hay around the saddle's straps. 

As he led the horse to the doorway of the stable, he could hear voices. He sighed and rolled his blue eyes. Grabbing his cloth cloak, he mounted his horse and rode off, tying the cloak as he went into the night. 

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