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Park Sunghoon, 

the one and only ice prince who skated for korea in the international ice skating competition, was on a run.

camera shuttering heard as the famous park sunghoon was running. running from paparazzi. all his life sunghoon had hated being famous, he never asked for it but instead of having a normal ice skating career, he was escaping the reporters who were bombarding him with questions.

turning a corner and then a left, sunghoon stopped for a breather thinking that he had finally lost them. but little did he know they were right on his tail. 

"there he is!"  yelled a man dressed in black holding a camera. that was all it took for sunghoon to start sprinting having absolutely no clue where he was going. oh man was he having the time of his life. 

this time sunghoon gripped onto his bag and ran as fast as he could, just as long as he could escape the undying wrath of reporters.

but it was no use. more and more people kept noticing him, running after him while screeching his name like a baby bird waiting for its mother to feed it. suddenly as sunghoon was racing past an alleyway, an arm grabbed him and pulled him into the small alley. 

soon enough sunghoon became confused and frightened and was about to open his mouth to ask a question or even scream for help. but before he could say anything, the strangers hand covered his mouth so that he wouldn't make a sound.

sunghoon began to panick but the stranger whispered into his ear,

"shut up before they hear you" 

something clicked inside sunghoons brain and he figured that the stranger was trying to help him hide from the fans and cameras. sunghoon calmed down and removed the mans hand off his mouth. he turned around to face the stranger to thank him but could only take a glance at the guys handsome but delicate face as someone had found them. 

"sung!- oh sorry, ice prince we finally found you!" a boy around sunghoons age whisper shouted at him.

"oh? whos this? dont tell me you met someone on the way of your paparazzi escape" the boy continued rolling his eyes.

"jay what the hell. one, where did you come from and two! i didnt meet him! he just saved me from the crowd thats it" sunghoon snorted back sticking up his middle finger.

" whats your name anyways" jay said not giving a shit about sunghoon as he faced the confused bambi.

"its uh heeseung, lee heeseung" heeseung said but got startled from sunghoon choking in shock.

both jay and heeseung stared at the boy for a while before heeseung pointed out that the prince of ice's ears were red. 

"haa sorry, i didnt expect your voice to be so soothing.." sunghoon apologised whispering the last part under his breath.

"whadya say?" jay said giving an unamused face.

"nOthing.. anyways! why are we still standing here in the alleyway.. lets go home?." sunghoon said trying to change the subject.

"well uh, thats what i came to tell you about sunghoon.. your parents said they dont want to see you until you win that gold medal.." jay said frowning as he broke the news.

"what..? where will I stay?" sunghoon said feeling an eternal wave of sadness and disappointment wash over him.

"i would let you stay at mine and my parents want you to stay at mine too but your parents are paying our butlers to keep an eye out for you so that you cant stay with me.." 

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