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As the host said „let's begin"
Wakasa asked the female in curiosity
"and what will we be looking at?"
The host looked at him "a little correction you'll be reacting to something, and that something is Takemitchi's life, to be spe-"
"and why should we react to his life?" Kisaki interrupted, the host was a bit annoyed by him interrupting her
"to answer your question-"
"and when are we going back?" It was Mikey this time who interrupted her, the host turned her head to Mikey and deadpanned

"as i was saying, you're reacting because-" thats the third time she was interrupted, this time it was koko who decided to interrupt

"how did we even get here? All i remember was a bright light"

Draken was also getting annoyed
"can y'all shut up? She's trying to answer and you're interrupting her, this way you won't get any answers"

the host sighed, she was thankful that draken existed and mouthed him thank you "so as i was saying, you are reacting to Takemitchi's life, to be specific you're reacting to how and why he met you all and you are reacting because i just want to see your reactions, you're going back when we're finished and about how you got here? I pulled you all out of your world." The last sentence was a bit much for them to process but the host couldn't care less "don't interrupt me next time and please look at the big ass screen" everyone turned their head to the screen and were quiet, except for one person that was trying to hold in his laughter, it was Hanma.

The screen turned on, on the screen appeared an apartment wich was full of trash bags and more, in the middle of the screen was takemitchi laying in his bed eating chips and watching the news

"Man, you really need to clean up" chifuyu muttered while looking at Takemitchi

"The dispute between the tokyo manji gang has been intensifying in the city,

"What does that mean?" Mikey asked "mikey look at the screen, your questions will be answered" the host said

"Recently uninvolved civilians fell victim to the dispute."

Draken wanted to ask what this means but was quickly shut down when he saw the glare the host gave him

"No way? For real? Scary" Takemitchi spoke while munching on the chips "Within the many victims, there were two Fatalities. Those two are 25 year old, Tachibana Naoto" "Tachibana naoto....?" "And 26 year old Tachibana Hinata" Takemitchi was shocked to hear that name and let the chip fall

Everyone was shocked (only Toman tbh), Hinata couldn't believe she and her brother died in the future while naoto remained unfazed since he already knows, shinichiro and emma couldn't belive their brother would be able to do that and toman was very shocked and angry, how could they?

"How did it come to this? Why are we criminals?" Mitsuya asked in a disappointed voice he definitely did not want to end up as a murderer "i never thought toman would turn out like this" said mikey he was angry at himself, how could he just kill someone? He can't imagine himself killing innocent people, draken was also disappointed and ashamed of himself "Naoto aren't you shoked you're gonna die?" Hina asked but before she could receive an answer, the host already clicked the play button

'It seems that the girlfriend i had during middle school, Tachibana Hinata, has died'

"Hm? Will they break up?" Asked Rinndo, that question perked Kisaki's interest 'if they break up before her death, i would try to make her my girlfriend' he thought while smirking. The host just looked at him, unimpressed.
"On with the story" said the host

*BANG BANG* an old lady was shown banging on the door, takemitchi opened the door "HOW MANY TIMES I GOTTA TELL YOU BEFORE YOU GET IT TROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL!!?? YOUR TV IS TOO FUCKING LOUD!!!"

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