Chapter 3

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A/N: Remember, it's Crystal here.
- Chris


Ginevra Weasley knew very well that Slytherins are untrustworthy, cruel, cold-hearted bastards. So what she didn't understand was what in the name of Merlin were she and Mione doing sitting across from 4 snobbish Slytherins as the train took off with a final warning for everyone to be seated.


"I still can't believe mum made me come back here to finish my study's." Ronald Weasley grumbles, seated in a compartment nearest to front of the train.

"Don't worry mate, at least we are all here together." Harry Potter says, laughing at his friends childish attitude.

"Yeah and we can all sign up for Quidditch again this year!" Ginny says excitedly.

Hermione clears her throat. "You all can but my main priority is to get O's in every subject instead of wasting my valuable time on an unnecessary activity that can harm all of us severely."

Ginny rolls her eyes. "What's wrong with you two?" She asks when she sees her brother and ex boyfriend frowning at her.

"Well, it's just that, ummm, listen Gin-" Harry stutters.

"-We don't want you on the team this year! Your just too competitive and harsh!" Ron blurts out.

End Of Flashback

And that's when Ginny stormed out of the compartment (not after giving them a piece of her mind) dragging Hermione with her.

"Why are you two here again?" Blaise Zabini asks, breaking the awkward silence.

"You don't have to ask so harshly, mate!" Theodore Nott scolds with a disapproving frown.

"Why are you guys even talking to them!?" Draco Malfoy adds with a glare.

"Shut up all of you! This is finally my chance to get some girlfriends so you guys can't ruin this for me!" Pansy Parkinson warns, moving to sit in between Ginny and Hermione.

She continues. "Ignore them! There just shy." She winks.

Ginny holds in a laugh as Hermione moves to the edge of her seat, clearly uncomfortable. She catches Ginny's eye and merely rolls her eyes before looking out the window.

Ginny looks around and sighs;

This is gonna be a long ride...


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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