Free Bird

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"Don't just pretend we are not a strange family, you lot of rascals" Borgo says as he quickly runs towards them and bear hugs the two. He chuckles and pulls up to chairs for them to sit on. "So I am assuming you both aren't here to buy anything and i know you have not come to just chat." he says as he takes a seat on a stool.

"Borgo, I am leaving the sands and would like to come with you on your next trip out of Valar." Akaria says she does not break eye contact and tries to sound as serious as she could.

"I am also going with her, it is about time I took some responsibilities and came to terms with my family." Marian spoke softly and both of the others could tell something was bothering him. They would not dare push the subject, Marian barely talked to them about his past or himself honestly. Akaria and Borgo looked at each other then at Marian. "I know I'm not as open as you two but, my family is not the most well respected of the elven kind, We are sort of the outcasts and I am the outcast of my family." he paused and sighed running his fingers through his hair. "That makes me less than dirt to some," he said.

"Run away human child, an outcast elf and an old one eyed dwarf sounds like we will have no trouble at all making out the sands. Look I work well within my trade route so you can tag along but, when we make it to Almurf, you two are on your own." He said coldly. Borgo took a water skin out and took a swig out of it. He then moved to a chest and grabbed a button up shirt. He put it on and started to button it up leaving two on top unbuttoned.

Borgo tapped on their shoulders and motioned them to follow. "Let's get some food and discuss this, I am hungry and my thoughts need fuel" The dwarf grunted as he led them out his smithy. He walked out and locked the door behind him, before heading towards an Inn properly named 'Hungry Man's Bed'. The two followed inside and were greeted by the scent of delicious food. The Inn was beautifully decorated inside, it resembled a noble's house. Slow gentle tunes were being played by an ensemble of harps and lutes. A petite tall woman approached them dressed in a traditional Valar dress.

"Please leave all weapons with the gentle man over there" She spoke softly and turned to face the man clad in plate mail standing next to a door. The group made their way to the man and began to take their weapons out, giving it to the man one at a time. Marian handed the guard his weapons first. He only carried his rapier and a dagger so he did not mind giving the guard his equipment.

Borgo was next, he had an ax strapped to his waist so he handed the man that. "I can not take off my arms and these are the most dangerous weapons I have" He said with a laugh.

Akaria took her two daggers from her side and put them on the table next to the guard. The young girl then proceeded to take small throwing knives from her hair, followed by two hidden daggers on each boot. Akaria then sat her pouch down and placed about five throwing darts on the table. The room was now looking at her with full attention she just shrugged and began to walk towards her group,

"Are you sure you did not forget some more m-?" a random man said as she passed by him.

Like a flash of lighting Akaria turned her hands a few inches from the man's face as if presenting him a gift. From her bracelets extended thin needles about four inches long and hardly visible to the eye.

"Almost forgot thank you" she said to the man before moving her wrist back causing the needles to vanish. She walked to the guard and smiled as she placed the two bracelets on the table. The room did not dare look at them after the display Akaria had made. Marian placed a hand on her shoulder

"Are you certain that it is not you I should be concerned about?" he said in a low tone.

"I am just hungry" She said as she shrugged his hands away from her shoulder. They made their way to a table and sat. It did not take long before another woman similarly dressed to the one that greeted them approached their table.

" How can I serve you fine gentlemen and young lady?" the Women said with a smile across her lips.

"I am a woman not a young lady and I will take sand wine and a welldone vallerios rib thank you" Akaria said as disrespectful as she could sound. The others were even taken back by her outburst

"Forgive us, she has dwarven blood in her veins. A lot older than she appears" Borgo winks at Akaria, who does not pay him any attention. "My sweet and beautiful maiden. I would like a heavy ale, something from Kor Vos. My pretty friend here" He nudges Marian "He likes whatever the noble ladies are drinking these days" Borgo finishes with a chuckle.

Marian did not pay any mind to the words his old friend said, he was known to tease. The old dwarves' mouth got him in situations with their blades. The group did not have to wait for too long before waiters came to deliver them their food and drink. Akaria wasted no time before digging into her food and taking swigs of her drinks between a few bites. Borgo took gulps of his ale which seemed to be in a larger than average pint. Marian sipped his sweet smelling wine, he did not admit it but Borgo was right he liked sweet wines.

Some time passed before any words were shared between them. Akaria finished her food and drank the last of her ale before breaking the silence.

"So look here Borgo. This Almurf area, how far of a track is it to this town and is it filled with deep pockets?" She said as she covered her mouth keeping from burping,

He laughed out loud and held his stomach, "Almurf is filled with treasuries of gold, buildings that store nothing but gold and silver. The streets are decorated in profit and the people living there are all noble in wallet size. The rare spices, gems and treasures are endless." Borgo spoke with a mighty tone.

Akaria's mouth was almost drooling at the thought of a place like this. This was her kind of haven. For the first time since they had met Akaria was speechless, she had heard stories of Almurf but the way that her old friend painted it, stunned her in her seat.

"Tell her about the price if you were to get on the wrong side of the city." Marian said as he chuckled. The room went silent as the dwarf looked out the window to keep the subject at bay and away from his mind.

Borgo said nothing, he just got up and placed the gold on the table. Akaria did not seem to understand what happened. Marian hit his fist against the table and got up cursing under his breath. He got up and tossed a few coins on the table to tip the waitress. They both got up and followed Borgo the dwarf kept his distance from the group. Borgo took a turn into an alley, he slammed his fist into the wall causing a small indentation on the sand stone wall. The other two watched as the dwarf put his head against the wall. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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