Part 4

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Part 4a
The girls made their way up to Sasha's room and knocked on the door.
"Go Away" said Sasha 
"We just wanna talk to you"said Meghan 
"Tom left his phone here while they were at the book signing, kelsey texted him, they were going to meet up tonite" said Karen .Just then Sasha opened her door with her eyeliner running down her face.
"Then why did he say all that lovey dovey crap to me when he was going to see his ex girlfriend.I'm no ones One Night Stand" said Sasha
"And you heard what the guys said, she always ends up hurting him, check his Facebook and see what his relationship status is"said Gracie 
"Maybe he sent you something" said Marlen Sasha went on her Facebook and she found friend requests from Taylor  and Shaelynn  but she found a relationship request from Tom 
tom parker listed you as his girlfriend,accept or decline
Sasha quickly clicked accept and her tears dried up
There was another knocking at the door and it turned out to be the boys.
"Can we come in"said Max
 Sasha opened the door and all five boys walked in
"So Sasha did you get my request?" said Tom
.Sasha walked up to him and gave him a passionate kiss on the mouth. just as the happy moment was going on there was a loud thud. Nathan was on the floor unconscious and everyone rushed over to his side.
"Nathan wake up, wake up WAKE UP"!!!!!!!!!!!! said Meghan
"Go call 911" said Siva
"Is he breathing" said Marlen
"No but he has a pulse and his heart is beating normally" said Max
The ambulance came and as everyone was walking out the door, Karen got a text
"he's not the only one getting hurt, there is gonna be more tell I'm with him all for my own" signed anonymous
They rushed the stretcher carrying Nathan into the corridor of the emergency room. All five boys and Meghan were crying. Shaelynn and Taylor came a short time after. The doctor came out and said
"Nathan J"He had a high amount of roofalin and animal tranquilizing solution in his system. His body had became dehydrated and his blood pressure dropped dangerously low. That is why his body collapsed. We were able to pump his stomach clear of any drugs. He's in recovery and you can see him,three at a time"
Shaelynn and Taylor walked in first.Nathan was watching television. He was connected to a heart monitor and an IV. the two girls sat down on both sides of his bed.
"Someone drugged you and your body collapsed from a reaction to the drugs"said Shaelynn 
"You were also dehydrated and your blood pressure dropped, side effects of the drugs. The doctors pumped your stomach out and they are releasing you tomorrow" said Taylor 
As the three were talking, Meghan,Tom and Siva walked in. Taylor and Shaelynn then hugged him and left. Meghan  had tears rolling down her face. She walked up to Nathan's bed and gave him a huge hug.
"I though we lost you"said Tom
"We won't work at a four man group. We need our baby sloth"said Siva
Meghan kept her arms wrapped around Nathan and 'said
"i'll never let you go"
Nathan had his arms around her, wiped her tears and gave her a kiss on the head.
"Your mine"said Nathan in a very scratchy voice
Just then Jay,Max,Sasha ,Karen ,Gracie  and Marlen walked in with balloon and a giant sid the sloth stuffed animal with a nathan t-shirt on.
"Hey baby how you feeling. You know you had me worried sick that Jaythan wasn't gonna exist anymore"said Jay
"Better"said Nathan with a smile on his face
"Your still ugly"said Max in a sarcastic voice
"We bought you a vase with flowers but i dropped it"said Marlen
"Almost fell again"said Gracie pointing to her stitched up knee
"Now we wouldn't knee anymore blood coming out of you"said Karen
"So what was wrong"said Sasha
As Nathan told them what was wrong with him, everyone looked at Tom.
"She probably did this to get to you"said Siva
"I saw her the other day and she seemed fine"said Tom
"You need to cut it loose with her, look what she did, she hurt our sloth. We don't need to end up here again Tom. Next time it could be worse and we could be in the f*******g morgue"said Max
"I'm not getting close with her(pulls Sasha to his side) i have a girlfriend now and Kelsey won't be ruining anything"said Tom
As Tom was talking Marlen got a text saying
RIP A DIRTY SLUT signed anonymus 
Marlen showed Tom and he went bug eyed and said......

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