Chapter 17: Kill the Hybrids

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3rd Person POV

Unknown Location

"So let me get this straight," James said slowly as he, Fury, and Odachi faced each other at a wooden table outside the cottage. "You've been stuck in this world for years, and the Precursors are the ones who created you in the first place using DNA from Otachi?"

Odachi shook his head. "Not exactly. Several months before Otachi was sent to Earth, the Precursors decided to make a Kaiju that could disguise itself as a human. They had all the necessary equipment to make me... all they needed was some human DNA to make it work... and a human body.

"Making the body able to change into a Kaiju and vice versa was the easy part. The harder part was getting the human body in the first place, and they only had secondhand information through the Hivemind. So, to get the body, they opened a Breach and took one. From what I know, they killed the boy and used his body as a... cast of sorts to make me."

James's fist clenched, but he nodded. "Sounds like the Precursors to do something like that," he growled. "But my question is: how do you know about it?"

"As a Kaiju, I have access to the Hivemind," Odachi explained. "Before I was sent out, I used it to see through the memories of the Kaiju that had been there during the operation." His fist clenched, and he stared down at the table, his eyes flashing rapidly between blue and yellow. "They used Otachi to incubate my second... no... my Kaiju half, which came from her, and from there, all it took was a year or two for me to grow to full form."

"When I was ready, they sent me through the Breach to infiltrate the humans... but it didn't happen like that. I'm not sure whether it was due to my human/Kaiju nature or not, but the moment I stepped through the Breach, I was sent here.

"I didn't know where I was, only that I couldn't sense the Hivemind or the other Kaiju anymore. So, I decided to use the skills I was designed with. I adapted to my surroundings, and, after learning as much as I could about this world, I made myself a home. But it was lonely, to be honest. I didn't have anyone... and then I met her.

"Knowing her, it was probably an accident, but she stumbled across me one day... and one thing led to another. We became close friends, and no matter how much she messed up... I couldn't blame her." Odachi smiled sadly, staring up at the sky. "She was clumsy, but that... that was the best thing about her. We were friends for a long time... and then everything changed. One day I was in the Capital, getting a gift for her, when I overheard a conversation. Normally, I wouldn't have eavesdropped—"

James snorted, and Odachi flashed him a glare before continuing.

"—but I heard her name mentioned. As it turned out, the two involved in the conversation were Syura's personal bodyguards."

"Syura?" Fury asked in confusion.

"The Minister's son," Odachi clarified, much to their shock.

"Hold on, the fat dude has a son?!" Fury exclaimed in disbelief.

"No way," James objected. "There's no way that thing could have a kid."

"Personally, I wish he didn't," Odachi growled. "Syura has a habit of taking women and using them as toys just like his father. He'd heard of my friend from some of the locals, and, well... he wanted her. When I heard what he planned to do to her through the guards... I couldn't handle it. I killed the guards and went to my home to warn her... but Syura had caught on. He sent something; it looked like a man, but it wasn't. It had this weird mask and strange hair... It caught me off guard, and I—"

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